
Details of each count in 1998 election

Map by Conal Kelly

See also results of all Strangford elections 1993-2010 and full counts from 2003 and 2007.
Spreadsheet for 1998 here.

Stage 1 Surplus Robinson Surplus Taylor Exclude Mullins
Iris Robinson DUP 9479 -3347 6132
John Taylor UUP 9203
9203 -3071 6132
Thomas Benson UUP 1623 15.75 1638.75 583.44 2222.19
Kieran McCarthy APNI 2947 6.65 2953.65 89.76 3043.41
Jim Shannon DUP 1415 2267.30 3682.30 59.73 3742.03 1.00 3743.03
Cedric Wilson UKUP 3078 272.65 3350.65 152.13 3502.78 3.66 3506.44
Danny McCarthy SDLP 1982 3.85 1985.85 15.51 2001.36
John Beattie Ind U 2247 33.95 2280.95 401.94 2682.89 2.33 2685.22
Peter Osborne APNI 2269 7.00 2276.00 115.50 2391.50 3.00 2394.50
David McNarry UUP 1073 30.80 1103.80 843.81 1947.61 1.33 1948.94
Brian Hanvey SDLP 1883 1.40 1884.40 7.26 1891.66 1.00 1892.66
Ricky Johnston PUP 1342 20.30 1362.30 66.33 1428.63 1.00 1429.63
Tommy Jeffers DUP 1007 537.95 1544.95 19.80 1564.75
Tom Hamilton UUP 615 13.30 628.30 465.96 1094.26 1.33 1095.59
Wilbert Magill Ind U 951 24.15 975.15 85.80 1060.95
Paddy McGreevy SF 614
614.00 0.33 614.33
Blakely McNally UDP 322 26.25 348.25 43.56 391.81
Thomas Beattie Cons 263 7.70 270.70 21.45 292.15
Nancy Orr Ind Comm 201 9.10 210.10 13.53 223.63
Andrew Frew Green 200 3.15 203.15 0.99 204.14 13.00 217.14
Jonathan Stewart Labour 181 5.95 186.95 8.91 195.86 1.00 196.86
Sarah Mullins NLP 27
27.00 1.65 28.65 -28.65


59.80 59.80 73.61 133.41

Stage 2: Of Robinson's 9479 votes, 6478 went to Shannon and 1537 to Jeffers, thus 8015 (84.56%) to the other DUP candidates; 779 (8.22%) to Wilson (UKUP); 88 to McNarry, 45 to Benson and 38 to Hamilton, thus 171 (1.80%) to the UUP candidates; 97 (1.02%) to John Beattie (Ind U); 75 (0.79%) to McNally (UDP); 69 (0.73%) to Magill (Ind U); 58 (0.61%) to Johnston (PUP); 20 to Osborne and 19 to Kieran McCarthy, thus 39 (0.41%) to the Alliance candidates; 26 to Orr (Ind Comm); 22 to Thomas Beattie (Cons); 17 to Stewart (Labour); 11 to Danny McCarthy and 4 to Hanvey, thus 15 (0.16%) to the SDLP candidates; 9 to Frew (Green); and none to either McGreevy (SF) or Mullins (MLP) with 87 (0.92%) non-transferable.

Stage 3: Of Taylor's 9203 votes, 2557 went to McNarry, 1768 to Benson and 1412 to Hamilton, thus 5737 (62.34%) to the UUP candidates; 1218 (13.23%) to John Beattie (Ind U); 350 to Osborne and 272 to Kieran McCarthy, thus 622 (6.76%) to the Alliance candidates; 461 (5.01%) to Wilson (UKUP); 260 (2.83%) to Magill (Ind U); 181 to Shannon and 60 to Jeffers, thus 241 (2.62%) to the DUP candidates; 201 (2.18%) to Johnston (PUP); 132 (1.43%) to McNally (UDP); 47 to Danny McCarthy and 22 to Hanvey, thus 69 (0.75%) to the SDLP candidates; 65 (0.71%) to Thomas Beattie (Cons); 41 (0.45%) to Orr (Ind Comm); 27 (0.29%) to Stewart (Labour); 5 (0.05%) to Mullins (NLP); 3 (0.03%) to Frew (Green); and 1 (0.01%) to McGreevy (SF) with 120 (1.30%) non-transferable.

Stage 4 Exclude Stewart Exclude Frew Exclude Orr
Iris Robinson DUP 6132
John Taylor UUP 6132
Thomas Benson UUP 2222.19 9.33 2231.52 9.00 2240.52 16.68 2257.20
Kieran McCarthy APNI 3043.41 33.00 3076.41 55.35 3131.76 28.00 3159.76
Jim Shannon DUP 3743.03 7.05 3750.08 5.00 3755.08 22.79 3777.87
Cedric Wilson UKUP 3506.44 6.68 3513.12 8.35 3521.47 19.02 3540.49
Danny McCarthy SDLP 2001.36 3.00 2004.36 10.00 2014.36 6.33 2020.69
John Beattie Ind U 2685.22 1.33 2686.55 12.34 2698.89 7.70 2706.59
Peter Osborne APNI 2394.50 40.32 2434.82 31.00 2465.82 15.00 2480.82
David McNarry UUP 1948.94 13.36 1962.30 7.00 1969.30 8.98 1978.28
Brian Hanvey SDLP 1892.66 6.33 1898.99 15.35 1914.34 2.00 1916.34
Ricky Johnston PUP 1429.63 17.01 1446.64 12.00 1458.64 9.99 1468.63
Tommy Jeffers DUP 1564.75 3.75 1568.50 2.35 1570.85 9.41 1580.26
Tom Hamilton UUP 1095.59 5.65 1101.24 8.00 1109.24 10.67 1119.91
Wilbert Magill Ind U 1060.95 7.68 1068.63 7.35 1075.98 49.35 1125.33
Paddy McGreevy SF 614.33 1.33 615.66 3.00 618.66 1.33 619.99
Blakely McNally UDP 391.81 1.33 393.14 1.00 394.14 6.05 400.19
Thomas Beattie Cons 292.15 6.00 298.15 4.00 302.15 10.33 312.48
Nancy Orr Ind Comm 223.63 12.33 235.96 19.35 255.31 -255.31
Andrew Frew Green 217.14 16.00 233.14 -233.14

Jonathan Stewart Labour 196.86 -196.86

133.41 5.38 138.79 22.7 161.49 31.68 193.17

Stage 7 Exclude Thomas Beattie Exclude McGreevy, McNally Exclude Magill
Iris Robinson DUP 6132
John Taylor UUP 6132
Thomas Benson UUP 2257.20 40.64 2297.84 21.92 2319.76 225.90 2545.66
Kieran McCarthy APNI 3159.76 24.33 3184.09 75.70 3259.79 47.30 3307.09
Jim Shannon DUP 3777.87 17.75 3795.62 31.59 3827.21 144.02 3971.23
Cedric Wilson UKUP 3540.49 32.65 3573.14 20.41 3593.55 105.69 3699.24
Danny McCarthy SDLP 2020.69 6.68 2027.37 336.69 2364.06 12.65 2376.71
John Beattie Ind U 2706.59 47.38 2753.97 29.67 2783.64 96.68 2880.32
Peter Osborne APNI 2480.82 14.98 2495.80 18.01 2513.81 42.30 2556.11
David McNarry UUP 1978.28 16.65 1994.93 47.63 2042.56 95.67 2138.23
Brian Hanvey SDLP 1916.34 4.00 1920.34 171.66 2092.00 5.35 2097.35
Ricky Johnston PUP 1468.63 8.70 1477.33 116.09 1593.42 69.02 1662.44
Tommy Jeffers DUP 1580.26 13.36 1593.62 30.44 1624.06 53.22 1677.28
Tom Hamilton UUP 1119.91 27.01 1146.92 37.86 1184.78 131.85 1316.63
Wilbert Magill Ind U 1125.33 21.67 1147.00 20.36 1167.36 -1167.36
Paddy McGreevy SF 619.99
619.99 -619.99

Blakely McNally UDP 400.19 10.33 410.52 -410.52

Thomas Beattie Cons 312.48 -312.48

193.17 26.35 219.52 72.48 292 137.71 429.71

Stage 10 Exclude Hamilton Exclude Jeffers Exclude Johnston
Iris Robinson DUP 6132
John Taylor UUP 6132
Thomas Benson UUP 2545.66 464.34 3010.00 62.33 3072.33 180.63 3252.96
Kieran McCarthy APNI 3307.09 46.84 3353.93 12.78 3366.71 179.59 3546.30
Jim Shannon DUP 3971.23 24.64 3995.87 1145.18 5141.05 126.05 5267.10
Cedric Wilson UKUP 3699.24 40.99 3740.23 130.89 3871.12 107.77 3978.89
Danny McCarthy SDLP 2376.71 8.32 2385.03 8.38 2393.41 37.01 2430.42
John Beattie Ind U 2880.32 200.96 3081.28 90.63 3171.91 250.64 3422.55
Peter Osborne APNI 2556.11 48.09 2604.20 11.49 2615.69 167.55 2783.24
David McNarry UUP 2138.23 293.22 2431.45 45.85 2477.30 294.24 2771.54
Brian Hanvey SDLP 2097.35 10.64 2107.99 0.35 2108.34 16.35 2124.69
Ricky Johnston PUP 1662.44 52.90 1715.34 63.53 1778.87 -1778.87
Tommy Jeffers DUP 1677.28 36.40 1713.68 -1713.68

Tom Hamilton UUP 1316.63 -1316.63

429.71 89.29 519.00 142.27 661.27 419.04 1080.31

Stage 13 Exclude Hanvey Exclude McNarry Exclude Osborne
Iris Robinson DUP 6132
John Taylor UUP 6132
Thomas Benson UUP 3252.96 5.03 3257.99 1341.05 4599.04 120.37 4719.41
Kieran McCarthy APNI 3546.30 114.99 3661.29 135.56 3796.85 2298.30 6095.15
Jim Shannon DUP 5267.10 4.35 5271.45 132.52 5403.97 31.44 5435.41
Cedric Wilson UKUP 3978.89 2.70 3981.59 160.33 4141.92 36.69 4178.61
Danny McCarthy SDLP 2430.42 1851.67 4282.09 32.92 4315.01 124.27 4439.28
John Beattie Ind U 3422.55 15.65 3438.20 527.20 3965.4 121.86 4087.26
Peter Osborne APNI 2783.24 67.64 2850.88 131.98 2982.86 -2982.86
David McNarry UUP 2771.54 10.67 2782.21 -2782.21

Brian Hanvey SDLP 2124.69 -2124.69

1080.31 51.99 1132.3 320.65 1452.95 249.93 1702.88

Stage 16 Exclude John Beattie Surplus Benson
Iris Robinson DUP 6132
John Taylor UUP 6132
Thomas Benson UUP 4719.41 1608 6327.41 -195.41 6132
Kieran McCarthy APNI 6095.15 107 6202.15
Jim Shannon DUP 5435.41 427.38 5862.79 69.75 5932.54
Cedric Wilson UKUP 4178.61 541.43 4720.04 84 4804.04
Danny McCarthy SDLP 4439.28 170.69 4609.97 35 4644.97
John Beattie Ind U 4087.26 -4087.26

1702.88 1232.76 2935.64 6.66 2942.3

Stage 18: Of the 1608 votes transferred to Benson from John Beattie, 336 (20.90%) went to Wilson (UKUP), 279 (17.35%) to Shannon (DUP) and 140 (8.71%) to Danny McCarthy (SDLP) with 853 (53.04%) non-transferable.

The SDLP polled very well in first preferences but attracted practically no transfers; Danny McCarthy was the runner-up. Both DUP and UUP piled most of their first preferences onto their two lead candidates, but the transferred surplus votes pulled in later runners. This was always the second most likely seat for the UKUP to win.

Full 1998 results for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | West Tyrone | Upper Bann

Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

Your comments, please! Send an email to me at

Nicholas Whyte, 15 October 2000; modified 16 February 2002.

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Disclaimer:© Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated onSunday, 21-Mar-2010 10:47