Wednesday March 26, 2025

South Antrim

Details of each count in 1998 election

Map by Conal Kelly

See also results of all South Antrim elections 1993-2010 and full counts from 2003 and 2007. Spreadsheet for 1998 here.

Stage 1 Exclude Frawley and Stidolph Exclude Cosgrave Exclude Wilkinson
Jim Wilson UUP 6691
Wilson Clyde DUP 6034 1.00 6035.00 25.00 6060.00 174.00 6234.00
Norman Boyd UKUP 4360 4.00 4364.00 40.00 4404.00 117.00 4521.00
Donovan McClelland SDLP 4309 18.00 4327.00 153.00 4480.00 50.00 4530.00
Duncan Shipley Dalton UUP 4147 3.00 4150.00 114.00 4264.00 307.00 4571.00
David Ford APNI 3778 32.00 3810.00 423.00 4233.00 223.00 4456.00
Tommy Burns SDLP 3474 26.00 3500.00 151.00 3651.00 50.00 3701.00
John Hunter UUP 2337 12.00 2349.00 50.00 2399.00 433.00 2832.00
Martin Meehan SF 3226 13.00 3239.00 34.00 3273.00 2.00 3275.00
Stuart Deignan DUP 2816 3.00 2819.00 17.00 2836.00 135.00 2971.00
Ken Wilkinson PUP 1546 13.00 1559.00 78.00 1637.00 -1637.00
Joan Cosgrove NIWC 1108 28.00 1136.00 -1136.00

Oliver Frawley LABNI 137 -137.00

George Stidolph NLP 28 -28.00


12.00 12.00 51.00 63.00 146.00 209.00

Stage 4 Surplus Wilson Exclude Deignan Surplus Clyde
Jim Wilson UUP 6691 -406.00 6285
Wilson Clyde DUP 6234.00 10.38 6244.38 2278.00 8522.38 -2237.38 6285
Norman Boyd UKUP 4521.00 13.68 4534.68 288.20 4822.88 1558.00 6380.88
Donovan McClelland SDLP 4530.00 2.88 4532.88 5.12 4538.00 2.00 4540
Duncan Shipley Dalton UUP 4571.00 129.36 4700.36 136.02 4836.38 176.00 5012.38
David Ford APNI 4456.00 27.6 4483.60 14.36 4497.96 9.00 4506.96
Tommy Burns SDLP 3701.00 1.80 3702.80 6.24 3709.04 5.00 3714.04
John Hunter UUP 2832.00 202.92 3034.92 155.34 3190.26 317.00 3507.26
Martin Meehan SF 3275.00 0.12 3275.12 3.00 3278.12
Stuart Deignan DUP 2971.00 6.30 2977.30 -2977.30

209.00 10.96 219.96 91.02 310.98 170.38 481.36

Stage 5: Of Wilson's 6691 votes, 3382 transferred to Hunter and 2156 to Shipley Dalton, thus 5538 (82.77%) to the other UUP candidates; 460 (6.87%) went to Ford (Alliance); 173 to Clyde and 105 to Deignan, thus 278 (4.15%) to the DUP candidates; 228 (3.41%) to Boyd (UKUP); 48 to McClelland and 30 to Burns, thus 78 (1.17%) to the SDLP candidates; and 2 (0.003%) to Meehan (SF) with 107 (1.60%) non-transferable.

Stage 7: Of the 2278 votes transferred from Deignan to Clyde, 1558 (68.39%) further transferred to Boyd (UKUP), enough to elect him; 317 to Hunter and 176 to Shipley Dalton, thus 493 (21.64%) to the UUP candidates; 9 (0.40%) to Ford (Alliance); and 5 to Burns and 2 to McClelland, thus 7 (0.31%) to the SDLP candidates with 211 (9.27%) non-transferable.

Stage 7 Exclude Meehan Exclude Hunter Surplus Shipley Dalton
Jim Wilson UUP 6285
Wilson Clyde DUP 6285
Norman Boyd UKUP 6380.88
Donovan McClelland SDLP 4540.00 1844.00 6384
Duncan Shipley Dalton UUP 5012.38 4.00 5016.38 1949.00 6965.38 -680.38 6285
David Ford APNI 4506.96 60.00 4566.96 507.36 5074.32 581.00 5655.32
Tommy Burns SDLP 3714.04 1033.00 4747.04 110.12 4857.16 91.00 4948.16
John Hunter UUP 3507.26 2.00 3509.26 -3509.26

Martin Meehan SF 3278.12 -3278.12

481.36 335.12 816.48 942.78 1759.26 8.38 1767.64

Stage 10: Of the 1949 votes transferred to Shipley Dalton from Hunter, 581 (29.81%) went to Ford (Alliance) and 91 (4.67%) to Burns (SDLP) with 1277 (65.52%) non-transferable.

The UKUP came from nowhere to take a seat, which otherwise would probably have gone to their allies the DUP, or else to the UUP.

Full 1998 results for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | West Tyrone | Upper Bann

Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

Your comments, please! Send an email to me at

Nicholas Whyte, 15 October 2000; modified 16 February 2002.

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Disclaimer:� Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated onSaturday, 20-Mar-2010 20:02