Tuesday March 11, 2025

North Antrim

Details of each count in 1998 election

Map by Conal Kelly

See also results of all North Antrim elections 1993-2010 and full counts from 2003 and 2007. Spreadsheet for 1998 here.

Stage 1 Surplus Paisley Sr Surplus Paisley Jr Exclude McCaughan, Wright, Palmer
Ian Paisley Sr. DUP 10590 -3490 7100
Ian Paisley Jr. DUP 4459 3092.10 7551.10 -451.10 7100
Sean Farren SDLP 6433 0.99 6433.99 0.24 6434.23 45.00 6479.23
Robert Coulter UUP 5407 33.99 5440.99 10.28 5451.27 50.55 5501.82
James Leslie UUP 3458 22.11 3480.11 6.84 3486.95 22.60 3509.55
Gardiner Kane DUP 3638 138.93 3776.93 276.80 4053.73 53.50 4107.23
James McCarry SF 2024
2024.00 0.24 2024.24 20.04 2044.28
William Wright Ind U 3297 118.80 3415.80 45.20 3461.00 54.22 3515.22
Jayne Dunlop APNI 2282 3.63 2285.63 1.56 2287.19 44.73 2331.92
Joe Cahill SF 2021
2021.00 0.04 2021.04 4.00 2025.04
Patricia Campbell UUP 2199 8.58 2207.58 3.20 2210.78 15.78 2226.56
Malachy McCamphill SDLP 1982 0.99 1982.99 0.28 1983.27 19.04 2002.31
Richard Rodgers PUP 641 7.59 648.59 4.56 653.15 13.34 666.49
Oliver McMullan Ind N 478 0.33 478.33 0.16 478.49 24.00 502.49
Maurice McAllister UDP 400 14.85 414.85 5.00 419.85 2.23 422.08
Chris McCaughan Ind 194 1.32 195.32 0.52 195.84 -195.84
John Wright NLP 156 15.51 171.51 7.52 179.03 -179.03
Thomas Palmer Ind 38 1.98 39.98 4.08 44.06 -44.06


28.30 28.30 84.58 112.88 49.90 162.78

Stage 2: 10490 of Paisley Sr's 10590 votes transferred, at a value of 0.33: 9370 to Paisley Jr (enough to elect him) and 421 to Kane, thus 9791 (92.46%) to the other DUP candidates; 360 (3.40%) to Wright (Ind U); 103 to Coulter, 67 to Leslie and 26 to Campbell, thus 196 (1.85% to the UUP candidates); 47 (0.44%) to Wright (NLP); 45 (0.42%) to McAllister (UDP); 23 (0.22%) to Rodgers (PUP); 11 (0.10%) to Dunlop (Alliance); 6 (0.06%) to Palmer (Ind); 3 to each of McCamphill and Farren, thus 6 (0.06%) to the SDLP candidates; 4 (0.04%) to McCaughan (Ind); 1 (0.01%) to McMullan (Ind); and none to either SF candidate; with 100 (0.94%) non-transferable.

Stage 3: Of the 9370 votes transferred to Paisley Jr from his father, 9163 had further preferences and were transferred at a value of 0.04: 6920 (73.85%) to Kane (DUP); 1130 (12.06%) to Wright (Ind U); 257 to Coulter, 171 to Leslie and 80 to Campbell (5.42% to the UUP); 188 (2.01%) to Wright (NLP); 125 (1.33%) to McAllister (UDP); 114 (1.22%) to Rodgers (PUP); 102 (1.09%) to Palmer (Ind); 39 (0.42%) to Dunlop (Alliance); 13 (0.14%) to McCaughan (Ind); 7 to McCamphill and 6 to Farren (0.14% to the SDLP candidates); 6 to McCarry and 1 to Cahill (0.07% to the SF candidates); and 4 (0.04%) to McMullan (Ind); with 207 (2.21%) non-transferable.

Stage 4: Of the 418.93 votes in total transferred from McCaughan, Wright and Palmer, 21.23% went to the UUP candidates, 15.29% to the SDLP candidates, 12.94% to Wright (Ind U), 12.77% to Kane (DUP), 10.68% to Dunlop (Alliance), 5.74% to the SF candidates, 5.73% to McMullan, 3.18% to Rodgers (PUP) and 0.53% to McAllister (UDP); with 11.91% non-transferable.

Stage 4 Exclude Rodgers, McMullan, McAllister Exclude McCamphill Surplus Farren
Ian Paisley Sr. DUP 7100
Ian Paisley Jr. DUP 7100
Sean Farren SDLP 6479.23 183.04 6662.27 1638.00 8300.27 -1200.27 7100
Robert Coulter UUP 5501.82 134.42 5636.24 8.00 5644.24 16.15 5660.39
James Leslie UUP 3509.55 192.62 3702.17 11.33 3713.50 19.55 3733.05
Gardiner Kane DUP 4107.23 135.05 4242.28 5.41 4247.69 1.70 4249.39
James McCarry SF 2044.28 156.00 2200.28 179.00 2379.28 436.05 2815.33
William Wright Ind U 3515.22 215.02 3730.24 1.04 3731.28 2.55 3733.83
Jayne Dunlop APNI 2331.92 124.11 2456.03 67.00 2523.03 347.65 2870.68
Joe Cahill SF 2025.04 54.00 2079.04 78.00 2157.04 331.50 2488.54
Patricia Campbell UUP 2226.56 124.39 2350.95 11.00 2361.95 39.95 2401.9
Malachy McCamphill SDLP 2002.31 73.00 2075.31 -2075.31

Richard Rodgers PUP 666.49 -666.49

Oliver McMullan Ind N 502.49 -502.49

Maurice McAllister UDP 422.08 -422.08

162.78 199.41 362.19 76.53 438.72 5.17 443.89

Stage 5: Of the 1591.06 votes in total transferred from Rodgers, McMullan and McAllister, 28.37% went to the UUP candidates, 16.09% to the SDLP candidates, 13.51% to Wright (Ind U), 13.20% to the SF candidates, 8.49% to Kane (DUP), and 7.80% to Dunlop (Alliance) with 12.53% non-transferable.

Stage 6: Of McCamphill's 2075.31 votes, 78.93% went to Farren (SDLP), 12.38% to the SF candidates, 3.23% to Dunlop (Alliance), 1.46% to the UUP candidates, 0.26% to Kane (DUP), and 0.05% to Wright (Ind U) with 3.69% non-transferable. This was sufficient to elect Farren.

Stage 7: Of the 1638 votes transferred to Farren from McCamphill, 513 went to McCarry and 390 to Cahill, thus 903 (55.13%) to SF; 409 (24.97%) to Dunlop (Alliance); 47 to Campbell, 23 to Leslie and 19 to Coulter, thus 89 (5.43%) to the UUP; 3 (0.18%) to Wright (Ind U); and 2 (0.12%) to Kane (DUP); with 232 (14.16%) non-transferable.

Stage 7 Exclude Campbell Exclude Cahill Exclude Dunlop
Ian Paisley Sr. DUP 7100
Ian Paisley Jr. DUP 7100
Sean Farren SDLP 7100
Robert Coulter UUP 5660.39 1100.19 6760.58 37.40 6797.98 1035.00 7832.98
James Leslie UUP 3733.05 732.57 4465.62 8.25 4473.87 861.87 5335.74
Gardiner Kane DUP 4249.39 35.73 4285.12 5.04 4290.16 37.75 4327.91
James McCarry SF 2815.33 21.95 2837.28 2055.60 4892.88 242.80 5135.68
William Wright Ind U 3733.83 57.42 3791.25 1.70 3792.95 162.65 3955.60
Jayne Dunlop APNI 2870.68 160.92 3031.60 115.10 3146.70 -3146.70
Joe Cahill SF 2488.54 7.70 2496.24 -2496.24

Patricia Campbell UUP 2401.90 -2401.90

443.89 285.42 729.31 273.15 1002.46 806.63 1809.09

Stage 8: Of Campbell's 2401.90 votes, 76.30% went to her fellow UUP candidates, 6.70% to Dunlop (Alliance), 2.39% to Wright (Ind U), 1.49% to Kane (DUP), and 1.23% to the SF candidates with 11.88% non-transferable. (There were no SDLP candidates left to transfer to.)

Stage 9: Of Cahill's 2496.24 votes, 82.35% went to McCarry (SF), 4.61% to Dunlop (Alliance), 1.83% to the UUP, 0.20% to Kane (DUP) and 0.07% to Wright (Ind U) with 10.94% non-transferable.

Stage 10: Of Dunlop's 3146.70 votes, 60.28% went to the UUP (sufficient to elect Coulter), 7.72% to McCarry (SF), 5.17% to Wright (Ind U), and 1.20% to Kane (DUP) with 25.63% non-transferable.

Stage 10 Surplus Coulter Exclude Wright
Ian Paisley Sr. Quota 7100
Ian Paisley Jr. DUP 7100
Sean Farren SDLP 7100
Robert Coulter UUP 7832.98 -732.98 7100
James Leslie UUP 5335.74 655.35 5991.09 1589.00 7580.09
Gardiner Kane DUP 4327.91 16.15 4344.06 1474.04 5818.10
James McCarry SF 5135.68 8.50 5144.18 9.80 5153.98
William Wright Ind U 3955.60 46.75 4002.35 -4002.35

1809.09 6.23 1815.32 929.51 2744.83

Stage 11: Of the 1035 votes transferred to Coulter from Dunlop, 771 (74.49%) transferred to Leslie (UUP); 55 (5.31%) to Wright (Ind U); 19 (1.84%) to Kane (DUP); and 10 (0.97%) to McCarry(SF) with 180 (17.39%) non-transferable.

Stage 12: Of Wright's 4002.35 votes, 39.70% went to Leslie (UUP), ensuring he passed the quota; 36.83% went to Kane (DUP), taking him ahead of McCarry again and ensuring his election; 0.24% went to McCarry (SF) and 23.22% were not transferable.

Not a very surprising result, though a good one for the DUP. Fewer than 350 votes separated Kane and Wright on the penultimate count, and Kane's votes would have elected Wright as certainly as Wright's did Kane. The final margin of 664.12 between Kane and McCarry does not include Leslie's surplus of 480.09 votes, which would have widened the gap.

Full 1998 results for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | West Tyrone | Upper Bann

Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

Your comments, please! Send an email to me at nicholas.whyte@gmail.com..

Nicholas Whyte, 15 October 2000; modified 16 February 2002.

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Disclaimer:� Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated onSaturday, 20-Mar-2010 20:05