Map by Conal Kelly
See also results of all East Londonderry elections 1993-2001 and full counts from 2003 and 2007. Spreadsheet for 1998 here.
Stage 1 | Exclude Gilmour, Nicholl, McCann | Surplus Campbell | Exclude McElhinney | ||||
Gregory Campbell | DUP | 6099 | |
6099 | -446 | 5653 | |
5653 |
David McClarty | UUP | 5108 | 216 | 5324 | 23.80 | 5347.8 | 4.00 | 5351.80 |
Arthur Doherty | SDLP | 4606 | 13 | 4619 | 0.77 | 4619.77 | 154.00 | 4773.77 |
John Dallat | SDLP | 4760 | 22 | 4782 | 1.33 | 4783.33 | 75.00 | 4858.33 |
Pauline Armitage | UUP | 3315 | 117 | 3432 | 20.79 | 3452.79 | |
3452.79 |
Boyd Douglas | Ind U | 3811 | 81 | 3892 | 45.22 | 3937.22 | 1.00 | 3938.22 |
George Robinson | DUP | 3280 | 110 | 3390 | 319.06 | 3709.06 | 0.14 | 3709.20 |
Malachy O'Kane | SF | 2521 | 4 | 2525 | 0.07 | 2525.07 | 1076.00 | 3601.07 |
Barbara Dempsey | APNI | 2395 | 81 | 2476 | 1.96 | 2477.96 | 3.00 | 2480.96 |
Robert McPherson | UUP | 1531 | 77 | 1608 | 7.42 | 1615.42 | |
1615.42 |
John McElhinney | SF | 1339 | 8 | 1347 | 0.14 | 1347.14 | -1347.14 | |
David Gilmour | PUP | 582 | -582 | |
David Nicholl | UDP | 171 | -171 | |
Maura McCann | NLP | 46 | -46 | |
non-transferable | |
70 | 70 | 25.44 | 95.44 | 34.00 | 129.44 |
Stage 3: Of Campbell's 6099 votes, 4558 (74.73%) went to Robinson (DUP); 340 to McClarty, 297 to Armitage and 106 to McPherson, thus 743 (12.18%) to the UUP candidates; 646 (10.59%) to Douglas (Ind U); 19 to Dallat and 11 to Doherty, thus 30 (0.49%) to the SDLP candidates; 28 (0.46%) to Dempsey (Alliance); 2 to McElhinney and 1 to O'Kane, thus 3 (0.05%) to the SF candidates; with 91 (1.49%) non-transferable.
Stage 4 | Exclude McPherson | Exclude Dempsey | Surplus McClarty | ||||
Gregory Campbell | DUP | 5653 | |
5653 | |
5653 | |
5653 |
David McClarty | UUP | 5351.80 | 917.00 | 6268.80 | |
6268.80 | -615.80 | 5653 |
Arthur Doherty | SDLP | 4773.77 | 7.07 | 4780.84 | 397.70 | 5178.54 | 9.23 | 5187.77 |
John Dallat | SDLP | 4858.33 | 11.21 | 4869.54 | 839.00 | 5708.54 | |
5708.54 |
Pauline Armitage | UUP | 3452.79 | 412.91 | 3865.70 | 837.42 | 4703.12 | 523.98 | 5227.10 |
Boyd Douglas | Ind U | 3938.22 | 109.84 | 4048.06 | 104.00 | 4152.06 | 49.70 | 4201.76 |
George Robinson | DUP | 3709.20 | 65.50 | 3774.7 | 30.49 | 3805.19 | 29.11 | 3834.30 |
Malachy O'Kane | SF | 3601.07 | 3.00 | 3604.07 | 17.00 | 3621.07 | 0.71 | 3621.78 |
Barbara Dempsey | APNI | 2480.96 | 39.07 | 2520.03 | -2520.03 | |
Robert McPherson | UUP | 1615.42 | -1615.42 | |
non-transferable | |
129.44 | 49.82 | 179.26 | 294.42 | 473.68 | 3.07 | 476.75 |
Stage 7: Of the 917 votes transferred to McClarty from McPherson, 738 (80.48%) went to Armitage (UUP); 70 (7.63%) to Douglas (Ind U); 41 (4.47%) to Robinson (DUP); 13 to Doherty and none to Dallat, thus 13 (1.42%) to the SDLP; and 1 (0.11%) to O'Kane (SF) with 54 (5.89%) non-transferable.
Stage 7 | Exclude O'Kane | Surplus Doherty | ||||
Gregory Campbell | DUP | 5653 | |
5653 | |
5653 | |
David McClarty | UUP | 5653 | |
5653 | |
5653 | |
Arthur Doherty | SDLP | 5187.77 | 2567.00 | 7754.77 | -2101.77 | 5653 | |
John Dallat | SDLP | 5708.54 | |
5708.54 | |
5708.54 | |
Pauline Armitage | UUP | 5227.10 | 2.00 | 5229.10 | 150.00 | 5379.10 | |
Boyd Douglas | Ind U | 4201.76 | 15.78 | 4217.54 | 42.00 | 4259.54 | |
George Robinson | DUP | 3834.30 | 8.00 | 3842.30 | 25.00 | 3867.3 | |
Malachy O'Kane | SF | 3621.78 | -3621.78 | |
non-transferable | |
476.75 | 1029.00 | 1505.75 | 1884.77 | 3390.52 | |
Of the 2567 votes transferred to Doherty from O'Kane, it is mathematically possible that 217, 434, 868, or even 1085 transferred further. Given that most of these votes had SF first preferences, and are now transferring to three Unionist candidates, the lowest figure seems the most likely. In that case 150 votes (5.84%) transferred to Armitage (UUP), 42 (1.64%) to Douglas (Ind U) and 25 (0.97%) to Robinson (DUP) with 2350 (91.55%) non-transferable.
Boyd Douglas, an independent Unionist opposed to the Agreement, performed well enough to take one of the Unionist seats with transfers from other Unionists. Good vote management by the SDLP ensured that they stayed ahead of SF to win the other two. The order of the candidates did not change much during the count and the DUP were the runners-up.
Full 1998 results for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | West Tyrone | Upper Bann
Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey
Your comments, please! Send an email to me at nicholas.whyte@gmail.com..
Nicholas Whyte, 15 October 2000; modified 16 February 2002.
Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated onSunday,
14-Mar-2010 17:51