Wednesday March 26, 2025


Details of each count in 1998 election

Map by Conal Kelly

See also results of all Foyle elections 1993-2010 and full counts from 2003 and 2007. Spreadsheet for 1998 here.

Stage 1 Surplus Hume Exclude Adams, Gurney, MacKenzie, Brennan Exclude Cavanagh
John Hume SDLP 12581 -5610 6971
Mitchel McLaughlin SF 5341 526.50 5867.50 109.50 5977.00 30.90 6007.90
Mark Durkan SDLP 4423 1980.00 6403.00 120.40 6523.40 289.50 6812.90
John Tierney SDLP 3778 1517.40 5295.40 54.25 5349.65 107.55 5457.20
Mary Nelis SF 3464 128.25 3592.25 50.95 3643.20 16.15 3659.35
William Hay DUP 6112 16.20 6128.20 112.25 6240.45 53.35 6293.80
Jack Allen UUP 4669 45.90 4714.90 205.15 4920.05 433.65 5353.70
Annie Courtney SDLP 2560 882.00 3442.00 75.55 3517.55 243.40 3760.95
Gearoid O Heara SF 2531 77.40 2608.40 29.70 2638.10 16.80 2654.90
Lynn Fleming SF 1360 100.80 1460.80 57.75 1518.55 12.25 1530.80
Colm Cavanagh APNI 1058 142.65 1200.65 146.70 1347.35 -1347.35
Ken Adams Labour 345 58.95 403.95 -403.95

Brian Gurney PUP 287 18.00 305.00 -305.00

Peter MacKenzie Green 253 41.85 294.85 -294.85

Donn Brennan NLP 32 4.50 36.50 -36.50


69.60 69.60 78.10 147.70 143.80 291.50

Stage 2: Of Hume's 12581 votes, 4400 went to Durkan, 3372 to Tierney and 1960 to Courtney, thus 9732 (77.35%) to the other SDLP candidates; 1170 went to McLaughlin, 285 to Nelis, 224 to Fleming and 172 to O hEara, thus 1851 (14.71%) to the SF candidates; 317 (2.52%) to Cavanagh (Alliance); 131 (1.04%) to Adams (Labour); 102 (0.81%) to Allen (UUP); 93 (0.74%) to MacKenzie (Green); 40 (0.32%) to Gurney (PUP); 36 (0.29%) to Hay (DUP) with 269 (2.14%) non-transferable.

Stage 4 Exclude Fleming Exclude O hEara Exclude Courtney
John Hume SDLP 6971
Mitchel McLaughlin SF 6007.90 1035.00 7042.90
Mark Durkan SDLP 6812.90 60.75 6873.65 106.25 6979.90
John Tierney SDLP 5457.20 37.40 5494.60 106.00 5600.60 2212.00 7812.60
Mary Nelis SF 3659.35 178.95 3838.30 2371.90 6210.20 383.65 6593.85
William Hay DUP 6293.80 2.00 6295.80 1.00 6296.80 18.45 6315.25
Jack Allen UUP 5353.70 0.90 5354.60 1.00 5355.60 145.65 5501.25
Annie Courtney SDLP 3760.95 52.35 3813.30 29.75 3843.05 -3843.05
Gearoid O Heara SF 2654.90 78.65 2733.55 -2733.55

Lynn Fleming SF 1530.80 -1530.80

291.50 84.80 376.30 117.65 493.95 1083.3 1577.25

Stage 7 Surplus Tierney
John Hume SDLP 6971
Mitchel McLaughlin SF 7042.90
Mark Durkan SDLP 6979.90
John Tierney SDLP 7812.60 -841.60 6971
Mary Nelis SF 6593.85 578.00 7171.85
William Hay DUP 6315.25 7.00 6322.25
Jack Allen UUP 5501.25 197.00 5698.25

1577.25 59.60 1636.85

Of the 2212 votes transferred to Tierney from Courtney, 578 (26.13%) went to Nelis, 197 (8.91%) to Allen, and 7 (0.32%) to Hay with 1430 (64.65%) non-transferable.

Jack Allen of the UUP had the fourth highest number of first preferences here, but was overtaken by the second and third SDLP runners, and by Sinn F�in's Mary Nelis. The final result was one of the least surprising in Northern Ireland, as the SDLP consolidated in one of their best constituencies.

Full 1998 results for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | West Tyrone | Upper Bann

Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

Your comments, please! Send an email to me at

Nicholas Whyte, 15 October 2000; modified 16 February 2002.

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Disclaimer:� Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated onSunday, 14-Mar-2010 17:50