Thursday March 27, 2025

North Belfast

Details of each count in 1998 election

map 1 map 2
Maps by Conal Kelly and Nicholas Whyte

See also results of all North Belfast elections 1993-2010 and full counts from 2003 and 2007. Spreadsheet for 1998 here.

Stage 1 Surplus Dodds Surplus Maginnis Exclude Emerson, McAughtry, Doran, Blair, Quinn
Nigel Dodds DUP 7476 -1600 5876
Alban Maginness SDLP 6196
6196 -320.00 5876
Gerry Kelly SF 5610 0.42 5610.42 30.65 5641.07 68.7 5709.77
Billy Hutchinson PUP 3751 81.48 3832.48 2.70 3835.18 106.45 3941.63
Fred Cobain UUP 2415 59.22 2474.22 0.60 2474.82 33.73 2508.55
Fraser Agnew Ind U 2976 95.34 3071.34 0.30 3071.64 30.62 3102.26
Martin Morgan SDLP 2465 0.42 2465.42 248.05 2713.47 183.35 2896.82
Martina McIlkenny SF 3165
3165.00 6.95 3171.95 25.55 3197.50
Eric Smyth DUP 1288 1094.10 2382.10 0.05 2382.15 28.15 2410.30
David Browne UUP 2064 47.88 2111.88 0.55 2112.43 42.15 2154.58
Glyn Roberts Alliance 1267 5.88 1272.88 7.95 1280.83 163.27 1444.10
John White UDP 911 32.34 943.34 0.10 943.44 13.31 956.75
Stephen Cooper UKUP 748 128.94 876.94
876.94 22.68 899.62
Peter Emerson Green 257 2.94 259.94 1.85 261.79 -261.79
Sam McAughtry Lab 255 1.89 256.89 4.75 261.64 -261.64
Steven Doran WP 155 0.84 155.84 1.80 157.64 -157.64
Kevin Blair NLP 76 2.10 78.10 0.45 78.55 -78.55
Dolores Quinn Ind N 50 0.42 50.42 1.00 51.42 -51.42


45.79 45.79 12.25 58.04 93.08 151.12

Stage 2: Of Dodds' 7476 votes, 5210 (69.69%) transferred to Smyth (DUP); 614 (8.21%) to Cooper (UKUP); 282 to Cobain and 228 to Browne, thus 510 (6.82%) to the UUP candidates; 454 (6.07%) to Agnew (Ind U); 388 (5.19%) to Hutchinson (PUP); 154 (2.06%) to White (UDP); 28 (0.37%) to Roberts (Alliance); 14 (0.19%) to Emerson (Green); 10 (0.13%) to Blair (NLP); 9 (0.12%) to McAughtry (Labour); 4 (0.05%) to Doran (WP); 2 to Kelly and none to McIlkenny, thus 2 (0.03%) to the SF candidates; 2 also to Morgan (SDLP); and 2 also to Quinn (Ind Nat) with 75 (1.00%) non-transferable.

Stage 3: Of Maginnis' 6196 votes, 4961 (80.07%) transferred to Morgan (SDLP); 613 to Kelly and 139 to McIlkenny, thus 752 (12.14%) to SF; 159 to Roberts (Alliance); 95 (1.53%) to McAughtry (Labour); 54 (0.87%) to Hutchinson (PUP); 37 (0.60%) to Emerson (Green); 36 (0.58%) to Doran (WP); 12 to Cobain and 11 to Browne, thus 23 (0.37%) to the UUP; 20 (0.32%) to Quinn (Ind Nat); 9 (0.15%) to Blair (NLP); 6 (0.10%) to Agnew (Ind U); 2 (0.03%) to White (UDP); and 1 (0.02%) to Smyth (DUP) with 41 (0.66%) non-transferable.

Stage 4 Exclude Cooper Exclude White Exclude Roberts
Nigel Dodds DUP 5876
Alban Maginness SDLP 5876
Gerry Kelly SF 5709.77
5709.77 9.65 5719.42
Billy Hutchinson PUP 3941.63 71.19 4012.82 386.92 4399.74 239.26 4639.00
Fred Cobain UUP 2508.55 73.97 2582.52 108.83 2691.35 171.25 2862.60
Fraser Agnew Ind U 3102.26 186.25 3288.51 82.04 3370.55 158.46 3529.01
Martin Morgan SDLP 2896.82 1.21 2898.03 2.05 2900.08 416.40 3316.48
Martina McIlkenny SF 3197.50
3197.50 11.45 3208.95
Eric Smyth DUP 2410.30 442.20 2852.50 200.50 3053 28.89 3081.89
David Browne UUP 2154.58 42.46 2197.04 85.73 2282.77 268.82 2551.59
Glyn Roberts APNI 1444.10 12.26 1456.36 17.00 1473.36 -1473.36
John White UDP 956.75 17.68 974.43 -974.43

Stephen Cooper UKUP 899.62 -899.62

151.12 52.40 203.52 91.36 294.88 169.18 464.06

Stage 7 Exclude Browne Exclude Smyth Exclude McIlkenny
Nigel Dodds DUP 5876
Alban Maginness SDLP 5876
Gerry Kelly SF 5719.42 5.10 5724.52 6.21 5730.73 3062.00 8792.73
Billy Hutchinson PUP 4639.00 289.33 4928.33 537.10 5465.43 12.45 5477.88
Fred Cobain UUP 2862.60 1671.44 4534.04 576.89 5110.93 0.05 5110.98
Fraser Agnew Ind U 3529.01 318.07 3847.08 1117.13 4964.21 1.10 4965.31
Martin Morgan SDLP 3316.48 23.45 3339.93 12.26 3352.19 87.6 3439.79
Martina McIlkenny SF 3208.95 1.00 3209.95 0.21 3210.16 -3210.16
Eric Smyth DUP 3081.89 103.33 3185.22 -3185.22

David Browne UUP 2551.59 -2551.59

464.06 139.87 603.93 935.42 1539.35 46.96 1586.31

Stage 10 Surplus Kelly
Nigel Dodds DUP 5876
Alban Maginness SDLP 5876
Gerry Kelly SF 8792.73 -2916.73 5876
Billy Hutchinson PUP 5477.88 39.00 5516.88
Fred Cobain UUP 5110.98 3.00 5113.98
Fraser Agnew Ind U 4965.31 6.00 4971.31
Martin Morgan SDLP 3439.79 1242.00 4681.79

1586.31 1626.73 3213.04

Stage 11: Of the 3062 votes transferred to Kelly from McIlkenny, 1242 (40.56%) went to Morgan (SDLP), 39 (1.27%) to Hutchinson (PUP), 6 (1.96%) to Agnew (Ind U) and 3 (0.98%) to Cobain (UUP) with 1772 (57.87%) non-transferable.

Full 1998 results for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | West Tyrone | Upper Bann

Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

Your comments, please! Send an email to me at

Nicholas Whyte, 15 October 2000; modified 16 February 2002.

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Disclaimer:� Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated onSaturday, 20-Mar-2010 20:03