Thursday March 20, 2025


Details of each count in 2003 election

Map by Conal Kelly

See also results of all Foyle elections 1993-2010 and full counts from 1998 and 2003. Spreadsheet for 2007 here.

    Count 1 Surplus Hay Exclude Corry, Boyle and Frazer Surplus Durkan Exclude O'Hara
William Hay DUP 6960 -1097 5863
Mark Durkan SDLP 6401
6401 -538 5863
Martina Anderson SF 5414 1.28 5415.28 33.32 5448.60 13.36 5461.96 149.08 5611.04
Raymond McCartney SF 4321 4.48 4325.48 16.00 4341.48 17.44 4358.92 206.16 4565.08
Pat Ramsey SDLP 3242 37.44 3279.44 76.60 3356.04 102.40 3458.44 158.80 3617.24
Mary Bradley SDLP 2891 9.92 2900.92 83.16 2984.08 117.60 3101.68 121.40 3223.08
Helen Quigley SDLP 2648 12.80 2660.80 91.32 2752.12 211.20 2963.32 191.04 3154.36
Lynn Fleming SF 2914 0.96 2914.96 23.16 2938.12 13.20 2951.32 85.08 3036.40
Peter Munce UUP 1755 936.32 2691.32 162.04 2853.36 8.16 2861.52 1.16 2862.68
Eamonn McCann SEA 2045 8.32 2053.32 114.48 2167.80 19.60 2187.40 587.64 2775.04
Peggy O'Hara RSF 1789 0.48 1789.48 19.00 1808.48 3.20 1811.68 -1811.68
Adele Corry Green 359 6.56 365.56 -365.56

Yvonne Boyle Alliance   224 7.52 231.52 -231.52

William Frazer Independent 73 26.72 99.72 -99.72

  Non-transferable 44.20 44.20 77.72 121.92 31.84 153.76 311.32 465.08

Count 2: Of Hay's 6960 votes, 5852 (84.1%) went to Munce (UUP); 234 to Ramsey, 80 to Quigley and 62 to Bradley, thus 376 (5.4%) to the SDLP; 167 (2.4%) to Frazer (Ind); 52 (0.7%) to McCann (SEA); 47 (0/7%) to Boyle (Alliance); 28 to McCartney, 8 to Anderson and 6 to Fleming, thus 42 (0.6%) to SF; 41 (0.6%) to Corry (Green); and 3 (0.04%) to O'Hara (RSF) with 380 (5.5%) non-transferable.

Count 4: Of Durkan's 6401 votes, 2640 transferred to Quigley, 1470 to Bradley and 1280 to Ramsey, thus 5390 (84.2%) remaining with the SDLP; 218 went to McCartney, 167 to Anderson and 165 to Fleming, thus 550 (8.6%) to SF; 245 (3.8%) went to McCann (SEA); 102 (1.6%) to Munce (UUP); and 40 (0.6%) to O'Hara (RSF) with 74 (1.2%) non-transferable.
    Count 5 Exclude McCann Exclude Munce Exclude Fleming Surplus McCartney Surplus Anderson
Hay DUP 5863
5863   5863
Durkan SDLP 5863
5863   5863
Anderson SF 5611.04 361.00 5972.04
5972.04 -109.04 5863
McCartney SF 4565.08 306.28 4871.36 12.04 4883.40 2392.00 7275.40 -1412.40 5863   5863
Ramsey SDLP 3617.24 401.60 4018.84 807.44 4826.28 223.36 5049.64 318.00 5367.64 28.35 5395.99
Bradley SDLP 3223.08 359.80 3582.88 338.04 3920.92 167.72 4088.64 287.00 4375.64 42.93 4418.57
Quigley SDLP 3154.36 365.84 3520.20 428.88 3949.08 123.52 4072.60 205.00 4277.60 36.45 4314.05
Fleming SF 3036.40 194.80 3231.20 9.04 3240.24 -3240.24

Munce UUP 2862.68 57.88 2920.56 -2920.56

McCann SEA 2775.04 -2775.04

Non-transferable 465.08 727.84 1192.92 1325.12 2518.04 333.64 2851.68 602.40 3454.08 1.31 3455.39

Count 9: Of the 2392 votes transferred from Fleming to McCartney, 318 transferred on to Ramsey, 287 to Bradley and 205 to Quigley, thus 810 (33.9%) to the SDLP with 1582 (66.1%) non-transferable.

Count 10: Of the 361 votes transferred from McCann to Anderson, 53 transferred on to Bradley, 45 to Quigley and 35 to Ramsey, thus 133 (36.8%) to the SDLP, with 228 (63.2%) non-transferable.

See also: Jim Riley's analysis of votes and seats in the 1998 Assembly election | The constituencies | Single Transferable Vote | The political parties | Useful books and links

Full 2007 results for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | West Tyrone | Upper Bann

Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

Your comments, please! Send an email to me at

Nicholas Whyte, 14 March 2010.

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Disclaimer:� Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated on Sunday, 14-Mar-2010 17:39