East Antrim

Details of each count in 2007 election

Map by Conal Kelly

See also results of all East Antrim elections 1993-2010 or compare with 1998 and 2003 counts. Spreadsheet for 2007 here.

Count 1
Wilson surplus Dawson surplus Hilditch surplus Exclude Anderson
Sammy Wilson DUP 6755 -2463 4292
George Dawson DUP 4167 610.56 4777.56 -485.56 4292
David Hilditch DUP 2732 1433.16 4165.16 421.68 4586.84 -294.84 4292
Sean Neeson Alliance  3114 57.60 3171.60 5.04 3176.64 16.90 3193.54 59.34 3252.88
Roy Beggs UUP 3076 88.56 3164.56 18.20 3182.76 93.34 3276.10 28.12 3304.22
Ken Robinson UUP 1881 74.52 1955.52 6.72 1962.24 59.80 2022.04 14.26 2036.30
Daniel O'Connor SDLP 1769 5.76 1774.76 0.28 1775.04 3.12 1778.16 28.08 1806.24
Mark Dunn UUP 1617 73.44 1690.44 8.12 1698.56 48.10 1746.66 44.48 1791.14
Stewart Dickson Alliance  1624 12.96 1636.96 1.40 1638.36 4.16 1642.52 41.00 1683.52
Oliver McMullan Sinn F�in 1168 0.36 1168.36 0.00 1168.36 0.00 1168.36 8.00 1176.36
Daniel Robinson UKUP 731 39.96 770.96 4.20 775.16 39.78 814.94 27.48 842.42
Mark Bailey Green Party 612 9.00 621.00 1.96 622.96 5.46 628.42 97.56 725.98
Tim Lewis Conservative Party 395 10.80 405.80 3.36 409.16 9.62 418.78 34.62 453.40
John Anderson Independent 398 10.44 408.44 1.12 409.56 7.28 416.84 -416.84
  Non-transferable 0 35.88 35.88 13.48 49.36 7.28 56.64 33.90 90.54

Stage 2: Of Wilson's 6755 votes, 3981 went to Hilditch and 1696 to Dawson, thus 5677 (84.0%) to the other DUP candidates; 246 to Beggs, 207 to Ken Robinson and 204 to Dunn, thus 657 (9.7%) to the UUP; 160 to Neeson and 36 to Dickson, thus 196 (2.9%) to Alliance; 111 (1.6%) to Tom Robinson (UKUP); 30 (0.4%) to Lewis (Conservative); 29 (0.4%) to Anderson (Independent); 25 0.4%) to Bailey (Green); 16 (0.2%) to O'Connor (SDLP); and 1 (0.01%) to McMullan (SF) with 13 (0.2%) non-transferable.

Stage 3: Of the 1696 votes transferred from Wilson to Dawson, 1506 (88.8%) went to their fellow DUP candidate, Hilditch; 65 went to Beggs, 29 to Dunn and 24 to Ken Robinson, thus 108 (7.0%) to the UUP; 18 to Neeson and 5 to Dickson, thus 23 (1.4%) to Alliance; 15 (0.9%) to Tom Robinson (UKUP); 12 (0.7%) to Lewis (Conservative); 7 (0.4%) to Bailey (Green); 4 (0.2%) to Anderson (Independent); 1 (0.1%) to O'Connor (SDLP); and none to McMullan (SF) with 10 (0.6%) non-transferable.

Stage 4:  Of the 1506 votes transferred from Wilson to Hilditch via Dawson, 359 went to Beggs, 230 to Ken Robinson and 185 to Dunn, thus 774 (51.4%) to the UUP; 153 (10.2%) to Tom Robinson (UKUP); 65 to Neeson and 16 to Dickson, thus 81 (5.4%) to Alliance; 37 (2.5%) to Lewis (Conservative); 28 (1.9%) to Anderson (Independent); 21 (1.4%) to Bailey (Green); 12 (0.8%) to O'Connor (SDLP); and non to McMullan (SF) with 400 (26.6%) non-transferable.

Count 5
Exclude Dickson Surplus Neeson Exclude Dunn Beggs surplus
Wilson DUP 4292
Dawson DUP 4292
Hilditch DUP 4292
Neeson Alliance  3756 1435 5191 -899 4292
Beggs UUP 3632.04 121.26 3753.3 286.23 4039.53 1075 5114.53 -822.53 4292
Robinson UUP 2350.92 96.1 2447.02 273.18 2720.2 691.49 3411.69 783.46 4195.15
O'Connor SDLP 2773.76 113.36 2887.12 265.35 3152.47 115.34 3267.81 30.1 3297.91
Dunn UUP 2061.48 41.86 2103.34 72.21 2175.55 -2175.55

Dickson Alliance  1983.74 -1983.74

Non-transferable 605.06 176.16 781.22 2.03 783.25 293.72 1076.97 8.97 1085.94

Count 7: of the 1435 votes transferred from Dickson to Neeson, 329 went to Beggs, 314 to Ken Robinson and 83 to Dunn, thus 726 (50.6%) to the UUP, and 305 (21.3%) to O'Connor (SDLP), with 404 (28.2%) non-transferable.

Count 9: of the 1075 votes transferred from Dunn to Beggs, 911 (84.7%) went to their fellow UUP candidate Ken Robinson and 35 (3.3%) to O'Connor (SDLP) with 129 (12.0%) non-transferable.

See also: Jim Riley's analysis of votes and seats in the 1998 Assembly election | The constituencies | Single Transferable Vote | The political parties | Useful books and links

Full 2007 results for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | West Tyrone | Upper Bann

Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

Your comments, please! Send an email to me at nicholas.whyte@gmail.com..

Nicholas Whyte, 14 March 2010.

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Disclaimer:� Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated onSunday, 14-Mar-2010 17:30

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Disclaimer:� Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated onSunday, 14-Mar-2010 17:30