Thursday March 20, 2025

South Down

Details of each count in 2007 election

Map by Conal Kelly

See also results of all South Down elections 1993-2010 and full counts from 1998 and 2003. Spreadsheet for 2007 here.

    Count 1 Exclude Curran Exclude Bowles Exclude Wharton Exclude Griffin and Cunningham
Caitriona Ruane SF 6334 2 6336 1 6337 0 6337 91 6428
Willie Clarke SF 5138 7 5145 7 5152 2 5154 105 5259
Margaret Ritchie SDLP 5838 32 5870 17 5887 5 5892 134 6026
P.J. Bradley SDLP 5652 10 5662 20 5682 2 5684 88 5772
Jim Wells DUP 5542 4 5546 59 5605 158 5763 29 5792
John McCallister UUP 4447 1 4448 105 4553 84 4637 182 4819
Michael Carr SDLP 2972 4 2976 10 2986 3 2989 73 3062
William Burns DUP 2611 2 2613 54 2667 54 2721 20 2741
Eamonn McConvey SF 2662 16 2678 1 2679 0 2679 24 2703
Ciaran Mussen Green 1622 24 1646 29 1675 10 1685 323 2008
Henry Reilly UKIP 1229 0 1229 10 1239 87 1326 28 1354
David Griffin Alliance 691 9 700 43 743 12 755 -755
Martin Cunningham Ind 434 7 441 7 448 0 448 -448
Frederick Wharton UKUP 424 0 424 19 443 -443

Peter Bowles Conservative 391 0 391 -391

Malachi Curran Labour 123 -123

  Non-transferable 5 5 9 14 26 40 106 146


    Count 5 Exclude Reilly Exclude Mussen Exclude McConvey Surplus Clarke
Ruane SF 6428 22 6450 226 6676
Clarke SF 5259 14 5273 139 5412 1970 7382 -794 6588
Ritchie SDLP 6026 29 6055 374 6429 516 6945
Bradley SDLP 5772 57 5829 361 6190 96 6286 364.32 6650.32
Wells DUP 5792 396 6188 52 6240 8 6248 2.97 6250.97
McCallister UUP 4819 411 5230 140 5370 7 5377 7.92 5384.92
Carr SDLP 3062 31 3093 261 3354 68 3422 408.87 3830.87
Burns DUP 2741 299 3040 21 3061 1 3062 2.97 3064.97
McConvey SF 2703 0 2703 75 2778 -2778

Mussen Green 2008 35 2043 -2043

Reilly UKIP 1354 -1354

Non-transferable 146 60 206 394 600 112 712 6.95 718.95

Count 9: Of the 1970 votes transferred from McConvey to Clarke (both SF), 413 transferred on to Carr and 368 to Bradley, thus 781 (39.6%) to the SDLP; 8 (0.4%) to McCallister (UUP); and 3 to Wells and also 3 to Burns, thus 6 (0.3%) to the DUP, with 1175 (59.6%) non-transferable.

    Count 9 Exclude Burns Surplus Wells
Ruane SF 6676
Clarke SF 6588
Ritchie SDLP 6945
Bradley SDLP 6650.32
Wells DUP 6250.97 2212.00 8462.97 -1874.97 6588.00
McCallister UUP 5384.92 661.99 6046.91 1674.00 7720.91
Carr SDLP 3830.87 23.00 3853.87 29.00 3882.87
Burns DUP 3064.97 -3064.97

Non-transferable 718.95 167.98 886.93 171.97 1058.90

Count 11: Of the 2212 votes transferred from Burns to Wells (both DUP), 1674 (75.7%) transferred on to McCallister (UUP) and 29 (1.3%) to Carr (SDLP) with 509 (23.0%) non-transferable.

See also: Jim Riley's analysis of votes and seats in the 1998 Assembly election | The constituencies | Single Transferable Vote | The political parties | Useful books and links

Full 2007 results for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | West Tyrone | Upper Bann

Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

Your comments, please! Send an email to me at

Nicholas Whyte, 21 March 2010.

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Disclaimer:� Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated on Sunday, 21-Mar-2010 10:37