Wednesday March 19, 2025

North Down

Details of each count in 2003 election

Map by Conal Kelly

See also results of all North Down elections 1993-2010 and full counts from 1998 and 2007. Spreadsheet for 2003 here.

Exclude Carter
Exclude Sheridan
Exclude George
Exclude Rose
Leslie Cree UUP 3900 8 3908 11 3919 1 3920 30 3950
Eileen Bell Alliance 1951 6 1957 5 1962 8 1970 13 1983
Alan McFarland UUP 3421 8 3429 8 3437 2 3439 28 3467
Robert McCartney UKUP 3374 13 3387 98 3485 3 3488 25 3513
Peter Weir DUP 3675 6 3681 23 3704 0 3704 57 3761
Alex Easton DUP 3570 9 3579 10 3589 0 3589 22 3611
Diana Peacocke UUP 2566 2 2568 19 2587 2 2589 34 2623
Liam Logan SDLP 1519 3 1522 1 1523 209 1732 2 1734
Brian Wilson Ind 1350 5 1355 2 1357 2 1359 12 1371
Jane Morrice NIWC 1181 7 1188 4 1192 9 1201 18 1219
Alan Chambers Ind 1077 22 1099 3 1102 0 1102 17 1119
John Barry Green 730 3 733 1 734 14 748 14 762
Stephen Farry Alliance 704 4 708 3 711 11 722 6 728
Julian Robertson Cons 491 1 492 5 497 0 497 4 501
Alan Field Ind 428 2 430 2 432 0 432 16 448
David Rose PUP 316 1 317 10 327 0 327 -327 0
Maria George SF 264 1 265 0 265 -265 0 - -
Thomas Dalzell Sheridan UKUP 209 1 210 -210 0 - - - -
Chris Carter Ind 109 -109 0 - - - - - -

7 7 5 12 4 16 29 45

Exclude Field
Exclude Robertson
Exclude Farry
Exclude Barry
Leslie Cree UUP 3950 39 3989 30 4019 13 4032 41 4073
Eileen Bell Alliance 1983 9 1992 16 2003 587 2595 225 2820
Alan McFarland UUP 3467 47 3514 43 3557 13 3570 36 3606
Robert McCartney UKUP 3513 77 3590 49 3639 9 3648 27 3675
Peter Weir DUP 3761 41 3802 20 3822 4 3826 13 3839
Alex Easton DUP 3611 39 3650 13 3663 4 3667 22 3689
Diana Peacocke UUP 2623 13 2636 41 2677 11 2688 41 2729
Liam Logan SDLP 1734 4 1738 3 1741 44 1785 66 1851
Brian Wilson Ind 1371 44 1415 14 1429 8 1437 52 1489
Jane Morrice NIWC 1219 23 1242 17 1259 28 1287 191 1478
Alan Chambers Ind 1119 66 1185 21 1206 8 1214 28 1242
John Barry Green 762 6 768 18 786 14 800 -800 0
Stephen Farry Alliance 728 12 740 11 751 -751 0 - -
Julian Robertson Cons 501 7 508 -508 0 - - - -
Alan Field Ind 448 -448 0 - - - - - -

45 21 66 212 278 8 286 58 344

Exclude Chambers
Exclude Morrice
Exclude Wilson
Exclude Logan
Surplus Bell
Leslie Cree UUP 4073 232 4305 97 4402 80 4482 - 4482 - 4482
Eileen Bell Alliance 2820 126 2946 656 3602 535 4137 1100 5237 -831 4406
Alan McFarland UUP 3606 124 3730 103 3833 250 4083 209 4292 210 4502
Robert McCartney UKUP 3675 172 3847 65 3912 134 4046 26 4072 30 4102
Peter Weir DUP 3839 67 3906 16 3922 96 4018 8 4026 5 4031
Alex Easton DUP 3689 81 3770 13 3783 38 3821 6 3827 12 3839
Diana Peacocke UUP 2729 66 2795 139 2934 131 3065 193 3258 160 3418
Liam Logan SDLP 1851 19 1870 207 2077 81 2158 -2158 0 - -
Brian Wilson Ind 1489 109 1598 120 1718 -1718 0 - - - -
Jane Morrice NIWC 1478 109 1587 -1587 0 - - - - - -
Alan Chambers Ind 1242 -1242 - - - - - - - - -

344 137 481 171 652 373 1025 616 1641 414 2055

Most unusually for an STV election in Northern Ireland, there were no votes transferred at less than full value at any stage, so I have not included the standard two decimal places in the tables above. On the 14th and last stage, of the 1100 votes transferred from Logan (SDLP) to Bell (Alliance), 210 went on to McFarland and 160 to Peacocke, thus 370 (33.6%) to the UUP; 30 (2.7%) went to McCartney (UKUP); 12 went to Easton and 5 to Weir, thus 17 (1.5%) to the DUP; and 683 (62.1%) were non-transferable.

See also: Jim Riley's analysis of votes and seats in the 1998 Assembly election | The constituencies | Single Transferable Vote | The political parties | Useful books and links

Full 2003 results for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | West Tyrone | Upper Bann

Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

Your comments, please! Send an email to me at

Compiled by Nicholas Whyte, Becky Vanasek and Simon Smyth, 10 April 2004.

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Disclaimer:� Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated on Tuesday, 18-May-2010 21:47