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Wednesday March 19, 2025
also results
of all Upper Bann elections 1993-2010
and full counts from 1998 and 2007. Spreadsheet
for 2003 here.
Surplus Trimble |
Exclude French |
Exclude Anderson |
Exclude McQuaid & Jones |
David Trimble | UUP | 9158 | -2946 | 6212 | - | 6212 | - | 6212 | - | 6212 |
David Simpson | DUP | 5933 | 99.52 | 6032.52 | 1.64 | 6034.16 | 69.16 | 6103.32 | 200 | 6303.32 |
Stephen Moutray | DUP | 4697 | 30.08 | 4727.08 | 7 | 4734.08 | 18.64 | 4752.72 | 189.88 | 4942.6 |
Samuel Gardiner | UUP | 2359 | 1060.48 | 3419.48 | 16.24 | 3435.72 | 44.72 | 3480.44 | 250.24 | 3730.68 |
Dolores Kelly | SDLP | 3661 | 50.56 | 3711.56 | 74.52 | 3786.08 | 1 | 3787.08 | 186.32 | 3973.4 |
John O'Dowd | SF | 5524 | 6.4 | 5530.4 | 27 | 5557.4 | 2 | 5559.4 | 19 | 5578.4 |
Dara O'Hagan | SF | 3970 | 13.44 | 3983.44 | 21 | 4004.44 | 0 | 4004.44 | 21.64 | 4026.08 |
Kieran Corr | SDLP | 3157 | 38.72 | 3195.72 | 55.92 | 3251.64 | 9 | 3260.64 | 151.32 | 3411.96 |
George Savage | UUP | 1269 | 1423.36 | 2692.36 | 4.92 | 2697.28 | 29.2 | 2726.48 | 265.12 | 2991.6 |
Denis Watson | DUP | 1770 | 62.08 | 1832.08 | 2 | 1834.08 | 18.64 | 1852.72 | 260.44 | 2113.16 |
David Jones | Ind |
585 | 26.56 | 611.56 | 1 | 612.56 | 403.56 | 1016.12 | -1016.12 | 0 |
Frank McQuaid | A | 571 | 62.08 | 633.08 | 37.24 | 670.32 | 0.32 | 670.64 | -670.64 | 0 |
Sidney Anderson | Ind | 581 | 26.24 | 607.24 | 0.64 | 607.88 | -607.88 | 0 | - | - |
Tom French | WP | 247 | 13.12 | 260.12 | -260.12 | 0 | - | - | - | - |
33.36 | 33.36 | 11 | 44.36 | 11.64 | 56 | 142.8 | 198.8 |
Of Trimble's 9158 votes, 4448 transferred to Savage and 3314
Gardiner, thus 7762 (84.8%) to the other UUP candidates; 311
went to
Simpson, 194 to Watson and 94 to Moutray, thus 599 (6.5%) to the
158 to Kelly and 121 to Corr, thus 279 (3.0%) to the SDLP; 194
to McQuaid (Alliance); 83 to Jone and 82 to Anderson, thus 165
to the independents; 42 to O'Hagan and 20 to O'Dowd, thus 62
(0.7%) to
Sinn Fein; and 41 (0.4%) to French (WP) with 56 (0.6%)
Exclude Watson |
Surplus Moutray |
Surplus Simpson |
Exclude Savage |
David Trimble | UUP | 6212 | - | 6212 | - | 6212 | - | 6212 | - | 6212 |
David Simpson | DUP | 6303.32 | - | 6303.32 | - | 6303.32 | -91.32 | 6212 | - | 6212 |
Stephen Moutray | DUP | 4942.6 | 1516 | 6458.6 | -246.6 | 6212 | - | 6212 | - | 6212 |
Samuel Gardiner | UUP | 3730.68 | 158.24 | 3888.92 | 101.79 | 3990.71 | 41.82 | 4032.53 | 2840.06 | 6872.59 |
Dolores Kelly | SDLP | 3973.4 | 2.96 | 3976.36 | 2.61 | 3978.97 | 2.46 | 3981.43 | 77.75 | 4059.18 |
John O'Dowd | SF | 5578.4 | 2.32 | 5580.72 | 0.87 | 5581.59 | 0 | 5581.59 | 3.14 | 5584.73 |
Dara O'Hagan | SF | 4026.08 | 1 | 4027.08 | 0 | 4027.08 | 0 | 4027.08 | 1.96 | 4029.04 |
Kieran Corr | SDLP | 3411.96 | 3.32 | 3415.28 | 2.61 | 3417.89 | 1.64 | 3419.53 | 42.66 | 3462.19 |
George Savage | UUP | 2991.6 | 250.24 | 3241.84 | 132.24 | 3374.08 | 45.1 | 3419.18 | -3419.18 | - |
Denis Watson | DUP | 2113.16 | -2113.16 | 0 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
198.8 | 179.08 | 377.88 | 6.48 | 384.36 | 0.3 | 384.66 | 453.61 | 838.27 |
Stage 7: For the 1516 votes transferred to Moutray from Watson, there are two mathematical possibilities. I think it is more likely that 152 went to Savage and 117 to Gardiner, thus 269 (17.7%) to the UUP; that 3 went to Kelly and also 3 to Corr, thus 6 (0.4%) to the SDLP; and that 1 went to 0'Dowd and none to O'Hagan, thus 1 (0.1%) to SF with 1240 (81.8%) non-transferable. However it might have been 456 to Savage and 351 to Gardiner, thus 807 (53.2%) to the UUP; 9 went to Kelly and also 9 to Corr, thus 18 (1.2%) to the SDLP; and 3 to 0'Dowd and none to O'Hagan, thus 3 (0.2%) to SF with only 688 (45.4%) non-transferable.
Stage 8: Of the 200 votes transferred simultaneously from McQuaid and Jones to Simpson, 55 went on to Savage and 51 to Gardner, thus 106 (53%) to the UUP; 3 went to Kelly and 2 to Corr, thus 5 (2.5%) to the SDLP; and none to SF with 89 (44.5%) non-transferable.
Gardiner |
Exclude Corr
David Trimble | UUP | 6212 | - | 6212 | - | 6212 |
David Simpson | DUP | 6212 | - | 6212 | - | 6212 |
Stephen Moutray | DUP | 6212 | - | 6212 | - | 6212 |
Samuel Gardiner | UUP | 6872.59 | -660.59 | 6212 | - | 6212 |
Dolores Kelly | SDLP | 4059.18 | 271.36 | 4330.54 | 2648 | 6978.54 |
John O'Dowd | SF | 5584.73 | 1.6 | 5586.33 | 326.27 | 5912.6 |
Dara O'Hagan | SF | 4029.04 | 1.92 | 4030.96 | 270.16 | 4301.12 |
Kieran Corr | SDLP | 3462.19 | 206.72 | 3668.91 | -3668.91 | 0 |
838.27 | 178.99 | 1017.26 | 424.48 | 1441.74 |
Stage 10: The batch of votes transferred from Savage to Gardiner which put Gardiner over the quota were those which had originated with David Trimble on the first count and included the 4448 transferred to Gardiner on stage 2. The precise number cannot be known but it cannot have increased very much in the interim, and must have been around 4500. Of these, 858 went to Kelly and 646 to Corr, thus 1494 (33% or so) to the SDLP; and 6 to O'Hagan and 5 to O'Dowd, thus 11 (around 0.3%) to SF, with roughly 3000 (about 67%) non-transferable.
See also: Jim Riley's analysis of votes and seats in the 1998 Assembly election | The constituencies | Single Transferable Vote | The political parties | Useful books and links
Full 2003 results for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | West Tyrone Upper Bann
Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey
Your comments, please! Send an email to me at nicholas.whyte@gmail.com..
Compiled by Nicholas Whyte, Becky Vanasek and Simon Smyth, 9 April 2004.
Disclaimer:� Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last
Updated on
Sunday, 21-Mar-2010