Wednesday March 26, 2025

The Local Government Elections 1973-1981: Dungannon

Map by Conal Kelly

The Elections

1981 Results 1977 Results 1973 Results
Votes by Party:
UUP: 7,227 (31.0%), 8 Councillors
SDLP: 4,786 (20.5%), 3 Councillors
DUP: 4,135 (17.7%), 3 Councillors
IIP: 1,062 (4.6%)
Ind U: 558 (2.4%)
UUUP: 205 (0.9%)
Independent: 5,335 (22.9%), 5 Councillors
Votes by Party:
UUP: 8,437 (38.1%), 8 Councillors
SDLP: 5,422 (24.5%), 5 Councillors
DUP/UUUC: 1,343 (6.1%), 2 Councillors
Alliance: 644 (2.9%)
Rep Cl: 617 (2.8%), 1 Councillor
UUUP/UUUC: 401 (1.8%)
Independent: 5,277 (23.8%), 4 Councillors
Votes by Party:
Unionist: 11,422 (50.2%), 11 Councillors
Alliance: 1,348 (5.9%)
NILP: 225 (1.0%)
SDLP: 4,913 (21.6%), 5 Councillors
Rep Cl: 179 (0.8%)
Unity: 2,297 (10.1%), 2 councillors
Non Party: 249 (1.1%)
Rep.: 1,171 (5.2%), 2 Councillors
Ind Un: 162 (0.7%)
Independent: 798 (3.5%)
Electorate: 29,137; votes cast: 23,850; spoilt votes: 542 (2.2%); valid votes: 23,308 (97.8%) Electorate: 28,526; votes cast: 23,057; spoilt votes: 916 (4.0%); valid votes: 22,141 (96.0%) Electorate: 28,333; votes cast: 23,107; spoilt votes: 343 (1.5%); valid votes: 22.764 98.5(%)

Dungannon A

1981 results (spreadsheet)

First Count:
S. Cassidy (Ind) 1,057
A. McGonnell (SDLP) 889
J.F. Monaghan (SDLP) 856
N. Mulligan (UUP) 797
S.J. Brush (UUP) 633

W.J. McIlwrath (DUP) 583

F. Burrows (DUP) 570
W. Mulligan (UUP) 549
Votes by Party:
UUP: 1,979 (33.3%), 2 seats
SDLP: 1,745 (29.4%), 1 seat
DUP: 1,153 (19.4%), 1 seat
Independent: 1,057 (17.8%), 1 seat

Electorate: 6,624; seats: 5; votes cast: 6,026; spoilt votes: 92 (1,5%); valid votes: 5,934 (98.5%); quota: 990

1977 results (spreadsheet)

First Count:
J. Higgins (SDLP) 921
Hamilton-Stubber (UUP) 706

B. McKenna (Ind) 692
E.J. Connelly (SDLP) 661
M.O. Patterson (UUP) 558

W.G. Mulligan (UUP) 537
W.J. McIlwrath (DUP/UUUC) 511
I. McCormick (UUUP/UUUC) 401
J. Johnston (Ind) 245
Votes by Party:
UUP: 1,801 (34.4%), 2 seats
SDLP: 1,582 (30.2%), 2 seats
Independent: 937 (17.9%)
DUP/UUUC: 511 (9.8%), 1 seat
UUUP/UUUC: 401 (7.7%)

Electorate: 6,555; seats: 5; votes cast: 5,469; spoilt votes: 237 (4.3%); valid votes: 5,232 (95.7%); quota: 873

1973 Results (spreadsheet)

First Count:
Mervyn Patterson (Unionist) 1,129
J. H. Hamilton-Stubber (Unionist) 1,041
T. Jack Mulligan (Unionist) 772

Joseph Higgins (SDLP) 690

Vincent Trainor (Unity) 628
Joseph Farrell (SDLP) 415
Bernadette Hughes (Unity) 340
William McDonald (Unity) 274
Norman Kyle (Alliance) 105
Arthur Noble (Alliance) 98
P.R. Mallon (Alliance) 80
Votes by Party:
Unionist: 2,942 (52.8%), 3 seats
Unity: 1,242 (22.3%), 1 seat
SDLP: 1,105 (19.8%), 1 seat
Alliance: 283 (5.1%)

Electorate: 6,772; seats: 5; votes cast: 5,661; spoilt votes: 89 (1.6%); valid votes: 5,572 (98.4%); quota: 929

Dungannon B

1981 Results (spreadsheet)

First Count:
J. Canning (Ind) 1,744
O. Nugent (Ind) 1,140
P.E. McClinchly (SDLP) 1,138
T.J. Kempton (UUP) 918
J.F. Corr (Ind) 539

A. White (DUP) 497

Votes by Party:
Independent: 3,423 (57.3%), 3 seats
SDLP: 1,138 (19.0%), 1 seat
UUP: 918 (15.4%), 1 seat
DUP: 497 (8.3%)

Electorate: 7,753; seats: 5; votes cast: 6,186; spoilt votes: 210 (3.4%); valid votes: 5,976 (96.6%); quota: 997

1977 results (spreadsheet)

First Count:
J. Canning (Ind) 1,494
T.J. Kempton (UUP) 1,314

O. Nugent (SDLP) 817
J.F. Dorr (Ind) 550
P.E. McGlinchey (SDLP) 536

A.G. Donaghy (Ind) 422
E. Lyttle (Rep Cl) 394
B. McLernon (SDLP) 238
F.J. Falls (Alliance) 116
J. McQuaid (Rep Cl) 115
Votes by Party:
Independent: 2,466 (41.1%), 2 seats
SDLP: 1,591 (26.5%), 2 seats
UUP: 1,314 (21.9%), 1 seat
Republican Clubs: 509 (8.5%)
Alliance: 116 (1.9%)

Electorate: 7,493; seats: 5; votes cast: 6,229; spoilt votes: 233 (3.7%); valid votes: 5,996 (96.3%); quota: 1,000

1973 results (spreadsheet)

First Count:
Thomas Kempton (Unionist) 1,550
James Canning (SDLP) 849
Owen Nugent (SDLP) 625

James McQuaid (Off Rep) 456

Brendan Kennedy (SDLP) 290
Al Molloy (Unity) 257
Eugene Lyttle (Rep) 248
M. Frank Marshall (Rep) 235
Hugh McGrath (Rep) 232
J.S. McGarvey (SDLP) 217
Arthur O'Neill (Ind ) 206
Hugh Cullen (Alliance) 176
Anne Plunkett O'Donnell (Unity) 152
P. O'Neill (Ind Un) 162
Votes by Party:
SDLP: 1,981 (35.0%), 2 seats
Unionist: 1,550 (27.4%), 1 seat
Republican: 715 (12.6%), 2 seats
Official Republican: 456 (8.1%), 1 seats
Unity: 409 (7.2%)
Alliance: 176 (3.1%)
Independent: 206 (3.6%)
Independent Unity: 162 (2.9%)

Electorate: 7,329; seats: 5; votes cast: 5,764; spoilt votes: 109 (1.9%); valid votes: 5,655 (98.1%); quota: 943


Dungannon C

1981 results (spreadsheet)

First Count:
P.Daly (SDLP) 1.324
D.C.Irwin (UUP) 981
J. Ewing (DUP) 778

J. Taggart (UUP) 647
N. Lockhart (DUP) 583
D.J. Brady (UUP) 571
W.J. Dilworth (Ind U) 558
J. McNeill (UUUP) 205
W. Lucas (Ind) 104
Votes by Party:
UUP: 2,199 (38.2%), 3 seats
DUP: 1,361 (23.7%), 1 seat
SDLP: 1,324 (23.0%), 1 seat
Ind U: 558 (9.7%)
UUUP: 205 (3.6%)
Independent: 104 (1.8%)

Electorate: 7,091; seats: 5; votes cast: 5,876; spoilt votes: 125 (2.1%); valid votes: 5,751 (97.9%); quota: 959

1977 results (spreadsheet)

First Count:
W.J. Dilworth (UUP) 1,182
D.C.G. Irwin (UUP) 1,140
P. Daly (SDLP) 980
D.J. Brady (UUP) 795
W.M. Buchanan (UUP) 690
Mrs M. McKinney (SDLP) 295
A. Byrne (Ind) 271
Votes by Party:
UUP: 3,807 (71.1%), 4 seats
SDLP: 1,275 (23.8%), 1 seat
Independent: 271 (5.1%)

Electorate: 7,067; seats: 5; votes cast: 5,630; spoilt votes: 277 (4.9%); valid votes: 5,353 (95.1%); quota: 893

1973 results (spreadsheet)

First Count:
Derek Irwin (Unionist) 1,291
Wilfred Dilworth (Unionist) 1,095
D. James Brady (Unionist) 844
W. Montgomery Buchanan (Unionist) 841

R.F. Hobson (Alliance) 347
Jim Boyd (Alliance) 107
Patrick Daly (SDLP) 774
Matt Hegarty (SDLP) 214
John McAnespie (Unity) 223
Anthony Byrne (Ind) 337
Votes by Party:
Unionist: 4,071 (67.0%), 4 seats
SDLP: 988 (16.3%), 1 seat
Alliance: 454 (7.4%)
Independent: 337 (5.5%)
Unity: 223 (3.7%)

Electorate: 7,218; seats: 5; votes cast: 6,145; spoilt votes: 72 (1.2%); valid votes: 6,073 (98.8%); quota: 1,013


Dungannon D

1981 results (spreadsheet)

First Count:
M.G. Morrow (DUP) 1,124
K. Maginnis (UUP) 1,085
P. O'Donnell (IIP) 1,062
W.R. Brown (UUP) 1,046

M McLoughlin (Ind) 751
Mrs P. Devlin (SDLP) 579
Votes by Party:
OU :2,131 (37.7%), 2 seats
DUP: 1,124 (19.9%), 1 seat
IIP: 1,062 (18.8%), 1 seat
Independent: 751 (13.3%), 1 seat
SDLP: 579 (10.3%)

Electorate: 7,669; seats: 5; votes cast: 5,762; spoilt votes: 115 (2.0%); valid votes: 5,647 (98.0%); quota: 942

1977 results (spreadsheet)

First Count:
M.G. Morrow (DUP/UUUC) 832
W.R. Brown (UUP) 915
A.J. Wilson (UUP) 600
P. Acheson (Alliance) 177
H. Cullen (Alliance) 80
M.P.J. McLoughlin (SDLP) 838
S.F. Kerr (SDLP) 136
P.J. McGurk (Rep Cl) 108
J. Hassard (Ind) 1,246
J. Donaghy (Ind) 468
M. Hughes (Ind) 160
Votes by Party:
Independent: 1,874 (33.7%), 2 seats
UUP: 1,515 (27.2%), 1 seat
SDLP: 974 (17.5%), 1 seat
DUP/UUUC: 832 (15.0%), 1 seat
Alliance: 257 (4.6%)
Republican Clubs: 108 (1.9%)

Electorate: 7,411; seats: 5; votes cast: 5,729; spoilt votes: 169 (2.9%); valid votes: 5,560 (97.1%); quota: 927

1973 results (spreadsheet)

First Count:
W. Ralph Brown (Unionist) 1,143
A. James Wilson (Unionist) 871
S. Joel N. Patton (Unionist) 845
Michael McLoughlin (SDLP) 654
Mrs Bridget McAleer (Unity) 293

Malachy Hughes (Ind) 255
Miss Elizabeth Beatty (Alliance) 231
Ernest Bullock (Alliance) 204
Patrick Fox (SDLP) 185
Patrick McGurk (Rep Cl) 179
John Donaghy (Non Party) 158
Joseph Arthurs (Unity) 130
Noel Abernethy (NILP) 118
Mrs Patricia D. Stevenson (NILP) 107
Patrick G. McQuade (Non Party) 91
Votes by Party:
Unionist: 2,859 (52.3%), 3 seats
SDLP: 839 (15.4%),1 seat
Alliance: 435 (8.0%)
Unity: 423 (7.7%), 1 seat
Independent: 255 (4.7%)
Non Party: 249 (4.6%)
NILP: 225 (4.1%)
Republican Clubs: 179 (3.3%)

Electorate: 7,014; seats: 5; votes cast: 5,537; spoilt votes: 73 (1.3%); valid votes: 5,464 (98.7%); quota: 911


Local council election results from 1973 to 1983: Antrim | Ards | Armagh | Ballymena | Ballymoney | Banbridge | Belfast | Carrickfergus | Castlereagh | Coleraine | Cookstown | Craigavon | Derry | Down | Dungannon | Fermanagh | Larne | Limavady | Lisburn | Magherafelt | Moyle | Newry and Mourne | Newtownabbey | North Down | Omagh | Strabane

Local council election results from 1985 to 1989: Antrim | Ards | Armagh | Ballymena | Ballymoney | Banbridge | Belfast | Carrickfergus | Castlereagh | Coleraine | Cookstown | Craigavon | Derry | Down | Dungannon | Fermanagh | Larne | Limavady | Lisburn | Magherafelt | Moyle | Newry and Mourne | Newtownabbey | North Down | Omagh | Strabane

Local council election results from 1993 to 2011:
Antrim | Ards | Armagh | Ballymena | Ballymoney | Banbridge | Belfast | Carrickfergus | Castlereagh | Coleraine | Cookstown | Craigavon | Derry | Down | Dungannon | Fermanagh | Larne | Limavady | Lisburn | Magherafelt | Moyle | Newry and Mourne | Newtownabbey | North Down | Omagh | Strabane

Results from 1983 to 1995 for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | Upper Bann

Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

Your comments, please! Send an email to me at

This page has been developed with the support of a project grant from the New Initiatives Fund of the Electoral Commission. However, any views expressed on this page or, in particular, other pages of this website are those of the author and not necessarily shared by The Electoral Commission.
Ivo Damkat, October 14, 2003; updated by Nicholas Whyte, 23 August 2004

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Disclaimer:� Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated on Wednesday, 12-Jan-2005 12:12