Wednesday March 26, 2025

The Local Government Elections 1973-1981: Banbridge

Map by Conal Kelly

The Elections

1981 Results 1977 Results 1973 Results
Votes by Party:
UUP: 6,241 (42.1%), 8 Councillors
DUP: 3,929 (26.5), 4 Councillors
SDLP: 2,217 (14.9%), 2 Councillors
Alliance: 677 (4.6%)
Ind U: 538 (3.6%)
Ind SDLP: 85 (0.6%)
Independent: 1,145 (7.7%), 1 Councillor

Votes by Party:
UUP: 5,850 (47.0%), 8 Councillors
DUP/UUUC: 2,155 (17.3%), 2 Councillors
SDLP: 1,864 (15.0%), 3 Councillors
Alliance: 774 (6.2%)
Ind U: 584 (4.7%), 1 Councillor
UUUP/UUUC: 465 (3.7%)
Independent: 742 (6.0%), 1 Councillor

Votes by Party:
Unionist: 8,311(56.2%), 10 Councillors
UUP: 1,311(8.9%), 1 Councillor
SDLP: 1,183 (8.0%), 1 Councillor
Alliance: 850 (5.7%)
Non Party - TCA: 216 (1.5%)
NILP: 170 (1.1%)
Non Party - DCC: 97 (0.7%)
Independent: 2659 (18%), 3 Councillors
Electorate: 21,074; votes cast: 15,263; spoilt votes: 431 (2.8%); valid votes: 14,832 (97.2%) Electorate: 20,340; votes cast: 12,941; spoilt votes: 507 (3.9%); valid votes: 12,434 Electorate: 20,989; votes cast: 14,973; spoilt votes: 176 (1.2%); valid votes: 14,797 (98.8%)

Banbridge A

1981 results

First Count:
J. Walsh (SDLP) 1,092
W.H. Davidson (UUP) 939
W. McFadden (DUP) 907

N.G.D. Ferguson (UUP) 684
S.J. Cowan (UUP) 682
L. McCartam (Ind) 865

K. McElroy (Alliance) 573
H. Anderson (Ind U) 538
G. Bennett (DUP) 499

Mrs I.E. Todd (DUP) 422
R.T. Armstrong (UUP) 278
Mrs M. McDowell (DUP) 161
H. Plunkett (UUP) 151
Mrs M. McStraw (Ind SDLP) 85
Votes by Party:
UUP: 2,734 (34.7%), 3 seats
DUP: 1,989 (25.3%), 2 seats
SDLP: 1,092 (13.9%), 1 seat
Independent: 865 (11.0%), 1 seat
Alliance: 573 (7.3%)
Ind U: 538 (6.8%)
Ind SDL: 85 (1.1%)
Electorate: 11,561; seats: 7; votes cast: 8,135; spoilt votes: 259 (3.2%); valid votes: 7,876 (96.8%); quota: 985

1977 results

First Count:
J. Walsh (SDLP) 758
W.H. Davidson (UUP) 697
J. McElroy (DUP/UUUC) 633

L. McCartan (Ind) 527

S.J. Cowan (UUP) 498
N.G.D. Ferguson (UUP) 497

F.Baxter (DUP/UUUC) 476
H. Anderson (Ind U) 419

J. McWirter (Alliance) 381
W.D. McCullagh (UUP) 350
J.J. Porter (UUUP/UUUC) 219
D.J. Lennon (Ind) 215
J. Anderson (UUP) 213
P. Finnegan (Alliance) 174
J. Crozier (Inu) 165

Votes by Party:
UUP: 2,255 (36.2%), 3 seats
DUP/UUUC: 1,109 (17.8%), 1 seat
SDLP: 758 (12.2%), 1 seat
Independent: 742 (11.9%), 1 seat
Ind U: 584 (9.4%), 1 seat
Alliance: 555 (8.9%)
UUUP/UUUC: 219 (3.5%)
Electorate: 10,589; seats: 7; votes cast: 6,484; spoilt votes: 262 (4.0%); valid votes: 6,222 (96.%); quota: 778

1973 Results

First Count:
Davidson (Unionist) 1,125

Crozier (UUP) 1,063
Cowan (Unionist) 776
McCullough (Unionist) 714
Lennon (Ind) 680
McCarton (Ind) 673
Anderson (Ind) 283
Cowdy (Alliance) 257
Jardine (UUP) 248
Finnegan (Alliance) 220
Toman (Ind) 197
Hearthwood (NILP) 170
Wilson (Unionist) 154
Quail (Non Party - TCA) 143
Reaey (Ind) 141
Rea (Alliance) 107
Cross (Non Party - SDC) 97
Hozack (Non Party - TCA) 73
Votes by Party:
Unionist: 2,769 (38.9%), 3 seats
Independent: 1,974 (27.7%), 3 seats
UUP: 1,311 (18.4%), 1 seat
Alliance: 584 (8.2%)
Non Party - Tenants & Community Association: 216 (3%)
NILP: 170 (2.4%)
Non Party - Sports & Development Council Cross: 97 (1.4%)
Electorate: 10,205; seats: 7; votes cast: 7,212; spoilt votes: 91 (1.3%); valid votes: 7,121 (98.7%); quota: 891

Banbridge B

1981 Results

First Count:
P. McAvoy (SDLP) 1,125
E.B. Biggerstaff (DUP) 750
R. McCullough (UUP) 709
M.S. Bailey (UUP) 589
G.D. Gamble(UUP) 525
H.J. Neslip (UUP) 493
D. Merron (DUP) 472

R.S. Mill (UUP) 445

R.J. McIlroy (DUP) 445
E. Williamson (UUP) 380
R.J. Barr (UUP) 366
T. Howe (Ind) 280
R.J. McGregor (DUP) 273
E. Mulligan (Alliance) 104
Votes by Party:
UUP: 3,507 (50.4%), 5 seats
DUP: 1,940 (27.9%), 2 seats
SDLP: 1,125 (16.2%), 1 seat
Independent: 280 (4.0%)
Alliance: 104 (1.5%)
Electorate: 9,513; seats: 8; votes cast: 7,128; spoilt votes: 172 (2.4%); valid votes: 6,956 (97.6%); quota: 773

1977 results

First Count:
M.S. Bailey (UUP) 805
R. McCullough (UUP) 678

P. McAvoy (SDLP) 678
W.D. Herron (DUP/UUUC) 628
H.J. Heslip (UUP) 472

G.D. Gamble (UUP) 457
R.S. Hill (UUP) 429

M.J. O'Hare (SDLP) 428
E.B. Biggerstaff (DUP/UUUC) 418

E. Williamson (UUP) 379
R.J. Barr (UUP) 375
J. McKinstry (UUUP/UUUC) 246
E.C. Gibney (Alliance) 219
Votes by Party:
UUP: 3,595 (57.9%), 5 seats
SDLP: 1,106 (17.8%), 1 seat
DUP/UUUC: 1,046 (16.8%), 2 seats
UUUP/UUUC: 246 ( 4.0%)
Alliance: 219 (3.5%)
Electorate: 9,751; seats: 8; votes cast: 6,457; spoilt votes: 245 (3.8%); valid votes: 6,212 (96.2%); quota: 691

1973 results

First Count:
Bailey (Unionist) 1,220
McCullough (Unionist) 866
Heslip (Unionist) 835
Gibson (Unionist) 817
McClughan (Unionist) 651
McEvoy (SDLP) 600

Williamson (Unionist) 596
O'Hare (SDLP) 583
Hill (Unionist) 557
McGrehan (Ind) 278
Higginson (Ind) 239
HIllen (Ind) 168
Gibney (Alliance) 142
Smyth (Alliance) 65
Mulligan (Alliance) 65
Votes by Party:
Unionist: 5,542 (72.2%), 7 seats
SDLP: 1,183 (15.4%), 1 seat
Independent: 685 (8.9%)
Alliance: 266 (3.5%)
Electorate: 10,784; seats: 8; votes cast: 7,761; spoilt votes: 85 ( 1.1%); valid votes: 7,676 (98.9%); quota: 853



Local council election results from 1973 to 1983: Antrim | Ards | Armagh | Ballymena | Ballymoney | Banbridge | Belfast | Carrickfergus | Castlereagh | Coleraine | Cookstown | Craigavon | Derry | Down | Dungannon | Fermanagh | Larne | Limavady | Lisburn | Magherafelt | Moyle | Newry and Mourne | Newtownabbey | North Down | Omagh | Strabane

Local council election results from 1985 to 1989: Antrim | Ards | Armagh | Ballymena | Ballymoney | Banbridge | Belfast | Carrickfergus | Castlereagh | Coleraine | Cookstown | Craigavon | Derry | Down | Dungannon | Fermanagh | Larne | Limavady | Lisburn | Magherafelt | Moyle | Newry and Mourne | Newtownabbey | North Down | Omagh | Strabane

Local council election results from 1993 to 2001:
Antrim | Ards | Armagh | Ballymena | Ballymoney | Banbridge | Belfast | Carrickfergus | Castlereagh | Coleraine | Cookstown | Craigavon | Derry | Down | Dungannon | Fermanagh | Larne | Limavady | Lisburn | Magherafelt | Moyle | Newry and Mourne | Newtownabbey | North Down | Omagh | Strabane

Results from 1983 to 1995 for each seat: East Belfast | North Belfast | South Belfast | West Belfast | East Antrim | North Antrim | South Antrim | North Down | South Down | Fermanagh and South Tyrone | Foyle | Lagan Valley | East Londonderry | Mid Ulster | Newry and Armagh | Strangford | Upper Bann

Other sites based at ARK: ORB (Online Research Bank) | CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) | Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

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This page has been developed with the support of a project grant from the New Initiatives Fund of the Electoral Commission. However, any views expressed on this page or, in particular, other pages of this website are those of the author and not necessarily shared by The Electoral Commission.
Ivo Damkat, October 29, 2003

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Disclaimer:© Nicholas Whyte 1998-2004 Last Updated on Wednesday, 12-Jan-2005 12:12