Monday March 24, 2025


Module: Political Attitudes

This page lists the questions asked on Politics, and for which years. Clicking on the year printed after every question will bring you to the results for that year. Publications and further information on Politics can be found on the Political Attitudes Resources and Brexit Resources pages.

Unfortunately, the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey did not run in 2011 as we were unable to confirm the full package of funding required in time to allow fieldwork to take place. If you are interested in attitudes to community relations and political issues since 1989, time-series data are available on Surveys Online.

Questions on Politics have been grouped into the following topics:

Interest in politics/party affiliation

POLITICS: How much interest do you generally have in what is going on in politics? 1998 2005 2007 2009 (Asked in the Leisure Time and Sport module in 2009)

NIPARTY: Which Northern Ireland political party do you support? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

POLPARTY: Which of these political parties do you feel closest to? 2007 2008

POLPART2: Which of these political parties do you feel closest to? 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

RELMIX: What is the religious mix of this area? 2000

RELAREA: Would you describe your area as mainly Catholic, mainly Protestant, or mixed? 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 (Asked in the Community Safety module)


VOTED: Did you vote in the 2001 general election? 2001 2002

VOTENI: Which party did you vote for in the general election? 2001 2003

GEDECIDE: How did you decide who to vote for? 2001

NIAVOTE: Who would you vote for in an Assembly election? 2001

PREF1998: Who was your first preference in the 1998 Assembly election? 2001

NIA03A: Which party would you vote for as your first preference in the next Northern Ireland Assembly elections? 2003

NIA03B: Which party did you vote for as your first preference in the recent Northern Ireland Assembly elections? 2003

VOTELGE: Did you vote in the last general election? 2008 2009

VOTEDNIA: Did you vote in the last Northern Ireland Assembly election (May 2007)? 2010

NEXTNIA: Are you likely to vote in next NI Assembly Election (May 2011)? 2010

YNOTVOTE: Why are you not going to vote in the next NI Assembly Election? 2010

VOTEGE19: How did you vote in the general election in December 2019? 2020 2021

VOTEA22: How did you vote in the Assembly Election in May 2022? 2022

Questions on Democratic Participation were also asked in 2005.


UNINATID: Do you think of yourself as a unionist, a nationalist or neither? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

UNINATST: Are you a very strong (unionist/nationalist)? 1998 2004 2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

UNINAT5: Thinking back to around five years ago, how would you have thought of yourself? 2020 2021 2022

IDBRIT - IDNONE: How do you think of yourself?
British, English, European, Irish, Northern Irish, Scottish, Ulster, Welsh, Other, None 2001

IDENTITY: National identity 2001 2003

IDENT1: How would you describe yourself? 1998 1999 2001

IDENT2: What is the second most important way you would describe yourself? 1998 2001

IDENT3: What is the third most important way you would describe yourself? 1998 2001

NIMORNAT: In terms of culture and everyday life, is N Ireland a more nationalist place than ten years ago? 2003

NIMORUN: In terms of culture and everyday life, is N Ireland a more unionist place than ten years ago? 2003

PROUDBR: How proud are you of being British? 2003

PROUDIR: How proud are you of being Irish? 2003

IRBRIT: Do you see yourself as Irish or British? (Asked in the Identity section in 2007) 2007 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Other questions on identity were included in the Identity module in 2007.

Northern Ireland Assembly/Executive

ASSEMBL1: What is the most important thing for the assembly to bring about? 1998

ASSEMBL2: What is the second most important thing for the assembly to bring about? 1998

ASSMDAY: Most important day-to-day issue for the Assembly? 1999 2000

ASSMDAY2: Most important policy issue for the Assembly? 2007

ASSMDAY3: Most important day-to-day issue for the Assembly? 2013 2014

ASSMPOL: Most important political issue for the Assembly? 1999 2000

ASSMPOL2: Most important constitutional issue for the Assembly? 2007

ASSMPOL3: Most important political issue for the Assembly? 1999 2000 2013 2014

DAYORPOL: Day-today issues more important than political issues for Assembly? 1999 2000

DAYPOL2: Political issues more important than constitutional issues for Assembly? 2007

DAYPOL3: Day-today issues more important than political issues for Assembly? 2013 2014

ASSEFF: Will day-to-day services be more efficient under control of the Assembly? 1999

ASSEXP: Will day-to-day services be more expensive under control of the Assembly? 1999

PPLKNOW: Do most people understand how Assembly and other bodies work? 1999

YOUKNOW: Do you understand how Assembly and other bodies work? 1999

OPENOUGH: Was setting up of the Assembly and other bodies open? 1999 2007

ASSMBDO1: Should Assembly be responsible for policing in Northern Ireland? 1999 2000

ASSMBDO2: Should Assembly have the power to raise or lower income tax? 1999 2000

ASSMBDO3: Should Assembly provide extra subsidies for farmers? 1999

ASSMBDO4: Should Assembly promote Irish by introducing bi-lingual road signs? 1999

ASSMBDO5: Should Assembly better integrate the economies North and South? 1999 2000

ASSMBDO6: Should Assembly develop closer links with the Scottish Parliament? 1999

ASSMBDO7: Should Assembly develop closer links with the Welsh Assembly? 1999

ASSMBDO8: Should Assembly legalise abortion? 1999

ASSMBDO9: Should Assembly support the single European currency? 1999

ASSMB3YR: Will Assembly be in place in 3 years time? 1999 2000 2001

MYFIRSTM: Best choice for First Minister? 1999

MYDEPM: Best choice for Deputy First Minister? 1999

MINDUP: Would you trust a DUP minister in the Executive? 2000 2007 2008

MINSF: Would you trust a Sinn Fein minister in the Executive? 2000 2007 2008

MINSDLP: Would you trust an SDLP minister in the Executive? 2000 2007 2008

MINDUUP: Would you trust a UUP minister in the Executive? 2000 2007 2008

NIAVOTE: Who would you vote for in an Assembly election? 2001

PREF1998: Who was your first preference in the 1998 Assembly election? 2001

NIVOICE: Does the Assembly give N Ireland a stronger voice in the UK? 2001

PUBVOICE: Is the Assembly is giving ordinary people more say in how N Ireland is governed? 2001 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014

NIAINTNI: How much do you trust the Assembly to work in Northern Ireland’s best interests? 2001 2003 2007 2015

NIAVALUE: Is the Assembly is good value for money for people in Northern Ireland? 2001 2015

AACHIEVE: How much has the N Ireland Assembly achieved? 2002 2003 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015

AERUNNI: How good a job did the Assembly and Executive do in day to day running of N Ireland? 2002 2003

SUSPNDYR: Would you be pleased if the Assembly was suspended for a number of years? 2002

SFNIEXEC: Should Sinn Fein be included in any N Ireland Executive? 2002

SFNIENOW: Should Sinn Fein be included in any N Ireland Executive now? 2002

SHAREPWR: Should any N Ireland government ensure that Protestants and Catholics share power? 2002 2003

REPDEC: Should there be an assembly before republican decommissioning? 2001

LOYDEC: Should there be an assembly before loyalist decommissioning? 2001

NIAABOL: Would you be pleased if the N Ireland Assembly were to be abolished? 2003 2005

SATMLAS: Are you satisfied with the way Northern Ireland MLAs are doing their job? 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014

NIARUN1: Does current Assembly system mean nothing gets done? 2010

NIARUN2: Is current Assembly system fairer because power is shared out? 2010

NIARUN3: Is current Assembly system mean there is no opposition and there is no criticism of government decisions? 2010

NIARUN4: Is current Assembly system better, that is all parties are in government and no party dominates? 2010

NIARUN5: Would it be better if the party with most seats went into government? 2010

MLADECL1: Does having MLAs declaring if they are unionist or nationalist mean we are stuck in sectarian camps? 2010

MLADECL2: Is having MLAs declaring if they are unionist or nationalist a good system as we can see which side they are on? 2010

MLADECL3: Is having MLAs declaring if they are unionist or nationalist a good system because we can see if big decisions are getting cross-community support? 2010

NIGOVDO1: What is the most important thing for the government in Northern Ireland to be doing? 2010

NIGOVDO2: What is the second most important thing for the government in Northern Ireland to be doing? 2010

CORNER: Is it the job of our politicians to fight the corner for the community that they come from? 2010

COMPREC: Should our politicians be working with others in different communities so that there is compromise and reconciliation? 2010

DIVNATUN: Is the most important thing to bear in mind throughout all the issues facing Northern Ireland the divide between nationalists and unionists? 2010

DIVRCHPR: Is the most important thing to bear in mind throughout all the issues facing Northern Ireland the divide between the rich and the poor? 2010

MLAPAY: What should happen to MLAs' pay when Assembly is suspended? 2018

NIGOVDEC: How should government decisions for Northern Ireland be made? 2019

GOVRIGHT: Progress should be made on a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland, to expand the protection of rights and reflect NI's particular circumstances 2021

GOVTROUB: There should be no more criminal investigations, prosecutions or civil action against any Troubles-related deaths and serious crimes that occurred before 1998 2021

GOVEXEC: The NI Executive must always include the largest nationalist party and the largest unionist party 2021

GOVVOTE: Key votes in the Assembly should be passed on the basis of a weighted majority, e.g. 60% of all MLAs regardless of their unionist/nationalist/other affiliation 2021

GOVPETIT: 30 MLAs from 2 or more parties should be able to use a 'petition of concern' to block legislation that has been passed by a majority in the Assembly 2021

GOVCIVIC: Representatives of business, trade unions and voluntary sectors should be appointed to a Civic Forum for consultation by the NI Executive on social, economic and cultural issues 2021

GOVINCR: The devolved powers of the NI Assembly should be increased, e.g. to allow Northern Ireland to set its own trade and immigration policies 2021

Constitutional preference

NIRELAND: What do you think the long-term policy for Northern Ireland should be? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

NIRELND2: What do you think the long-term policy for Northern Ireland should be? (new response options) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

FUTURE1: How would you feel if the majority of people in Northern Ireland ever voted to become part of a united Ireland? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2019

FUTURE2:How would you feel if the majority of people in Northern Ireland never voted to become part of united Ireland? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2019

UNTDIREL: Do you think it likely that there will be a united Ireland in the next 20 years? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2012 2013 2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

UKIN20YR: Do you think it is likely that the United Kingdom will still exist in 20 years' time? 2020 2021 2022 2023

REFUNIFY: Would you vote to unify with the Republic of Ireland? 2002 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

REF6MTHS: Will there be a referendum about unification within next 6 months? 2002

FUTURENI: View on future of Northern Ireland. 2005 2006

SCOTREF: Did the result of the Scottish Referendum make you think differently about the future for Northern Ireland? 2014

SCOTREF1: Did the result of the Scottish Referendum make you more worried? 2014

SCOTREF2: Did the result of the Scottish Referendum make you less worried? 2014

SCOTREF3: Did the result of the Scottish Referendum make you more optimistic? 2014

SCOTREF4: Did the result of the Scottish Referendum make you less optimistic? 2014

SCOTREF5: Did the result of the Scottish Referendum make you feel something else? 2014

SCOTIND: If Scotland was to become independent, would you feel more in favour of a united Ireland? 2019

UNIRLIKL: Does the UK leaving the European Union make a United Ireland more likely? 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

UNIRFAV: Does the UK leaving the European Union make you feel more in favour of a United Ireland? 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022

BRXDRIFT: Will Brexit mean that Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland will drift further apart? 2017

BORDPOLL: How would you vote in a referendum on whether Northern Ireland should leave the UK and unite with the Republic of Ireland? 2017

JAUTHLKLY: Has suspension of the Assembly made joint UK/Irish government authority over N Ireland more likely? 2018

FEELJAUTH: How would you feel if UK and Irish governments agreed to have joint authority over N Ireland? 2018

UIHCARE: Would differences in the healthcare system affect how you would vote in a referendum on a united Ireland? 2019

UIABORTNA: Would differences in abortion legislation affect how you would vote in a referendum on a united Ireland? (asked until 22 October) 2019

UIABORTNB: Would differences in abortion legislation affect how you would vote in a referendum on a united Ireland? (asked from 23 October onwards) 2019

UIABORTN: Would differences in abortion legislation affect how you would vote in a referendum on a united Ireland? (Derived from UIABORTNA and UIABORTNB) 2019

UISSMARRA: Would differences in same-sex marriage legislation affect how you would vote in a referendum on a united Ireland? (asked until 22 October) 2019

UISSMARRB: Would differences in same-sex marriage legislation affect how you would vote in a referendum on a united Ireland? (asked from 23 October onwards) 2019

UISSMARR: Would differences in same-sex marriage legislation affect how you would vote in a referendum on a united Ireland? (Derived from UISSMARRA and UISSMARRB) 2019

UIEU: Would differences in EU membership affect how you would vote in a referendum on a united Ireland? 2019

UIECON: Would differences in the economy affect how you would vote in a referendum on a united Ireland? 2019

AGNIA: Would the NI Assembly having powers devolved form the Irish parliament affect how you would vote in a referendum on a united Ireland? 2019

AGBRITID: Would an agreement to have representation in the Irish Parliament for those with a British/unionist identity affect how you would vote in a referendum on a united Ireland? 2019


NHSRLGPJ: Does the NHS in Northern Ireland treat Catholic and Protestant patients equally? 1998

NIHRLGPJ: Does the NIHE treat Catholics and Protestants equally? 1998

POLRLGPJ: Do the police treat Catholics and Protestants equally? 1998

POLFAIR: Do the police treat Catholics and Protestants equally? 1999 2000 2001

NTRRLGPJ: Do the courts treat Catholics and Protestants accused of non-terrorist offences equally? 1998

TERRLGPJ: Do the courts treat Catholics and Protestants accused of terrorist offences equally? 1998

CHNPEACE: Do you think the chances of peace in Northern Ireland are better now than five years ago? 1998 1999 2000

HEARDEQ: Have you heard of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland? 1999 2000

EQGOAHD: Should Equality Commission go ahead even though power has not been devolved? 1999

HEARDHR: Have you heard of the Human Rights Commission? 1999 2000

HRGOAHD: Should Human Rights Commission go ahead even though power has not been devolved? 1999

Peace process

AVDAREAS: Is it easier now to go into different areas? 1998

IRGOV: Has the Irish government been helpful in the search for peace? 1998

BRGOV: Has the British government been helpful in the search for peace? 1998

USGOV: Has the American government been helpful in the search for peace? 1998

PARAGRP: Have some paramilitary groups been helpful in the search for peace? 1998

PUBOPIN: Has public opinion in general been helpful in the search for peace? 1998

PEACEPPL : Do you think there are any particular people that stand out as being helpful in the search for peace over the last year? 1998

HELPPOL: Who do you think stands out as being helpful in the search for peace over the last year? 1998

PTYHPEAC: Has the party you support done a lot to help the chances of peace? 1999

Good Friday Agreement

GOODFRI: Has the Good Friday Agreement benefited unionists or nationalists more? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005

BENFCHNG: Have political changes since 1998 benefited Catholics or Protestants more? 2008

VOTESAME: Would you still vote same way as in Good Friday Agreement Referendum? 1999

HOWVOTE: How did you vote (last) May (1998)? 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006

VOTEGFA: How would you vote if Good Friday Referendum was held again? 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005

VOTESTA: How would you vote in 2007 if a referendum on the St Andrew's Agreement were held? 2006

WHYNO: Why would you vote 'No' today? 2000

IMPLMNT1: I am angry at the politicians for blocking progress on the Good Friday Agreement? 1999

IMPLMNT2: I am angry at the paramilitaries for blocking progress on the Good Friday Agreement? 1999

IMPLMNT3: I don't blame anyone for the lack of progress on the Good Friday Agreement? 1999

IMPLMNT4: Sympathetic to the difficulties in trying to implement the Good Friday Agreement? 1999

GFAPROP1: Opinion on the guarantee that N Ireland will be in the UK while a majority of people in N Ireland wish it 2000

GFAPROP2: Opinion on the creation of North-South bodies 2000

GFAPROP3: Opinion on the setting up of a Northern Ireland Assembly 2000

GFAPROP4: Opinion on the removal of the Republic of Ireland's constitutional claim to N Ireland 2000

GFAPROP5: Opinion on the creation of a commission into the future of the RUC 2000

GFAPROP6: Opinion on the decommissioning of paramilitary weapons 2000

GFAPROP7: Opinion on the early release of prisoners 2000

GFAPROP8: Opinion on the requirement that the Executive is power-sharing 2000

NOGFAVIO: If the Agreement is brought to an end, will the level of violence increase? 2001

GFAVIO: If the Agreement remains in place, will the level of violence increase? 2001

NOGFANI: If the Agreement is brought to an end, will future prosperity increase? 2001

GFANI: If the Agreement remains in place, will future prosperity increase? 2001

VIEWGFA: Is the Agreement basically right or wrong? 2003 2005

VIEWGFA2: What is your view on the Good Friday or Belfast Agreement? 2019

VIEWGFA3: What is your view on the Good Friday or Belfast Agreement? 2020 2021 2022 2023

GFAFORNI: Was the Good Friday/Belfast Agreement a good thing for N Ireland? 2007

Paramilitaries and decommissioning

LOYVIOL: Do you have sympathy with the reasons why some Loyalists groups have used violence? 1998 2007 2022

REPVIOL: Do you have sympathy with the reasons why some Republican groups have used violence? 1998 2007 2022

REPVIOLA: Was violence by Republican groups intended to support Nationalist and Republican communities? 2022

LOYVIOLA: Was violence by Loyalist groups intended to support Loyalist and Unionist communities? 2022

DECOMMIS: View on the need for decommissioning of paramilitary weapons. 1999

IRADECOM: Has the IRA done enough towards decommissioning? 2000

UVFDECOM: Has the UVF done enough towards decommissioning? 2000

UDAUFFDC: Have the UDA and the UFF done enough towards decommissioning? 2000

NOGFAVIO: If the Agreement is brought to an end, will the level of violence increase? 2001

GFAVIO: If the Agreement remains in place, will the level of violence increase? 2001

REPDEC: Should there be an assembly before republican decommissioning? 2001

LOYDEC: Should there be an assembly before loyalist decommissioning? 2001

Life-right scale

WEALTH1: Do ordinary working people get their fair share of the nation's wealth? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

RICHLAW: Is there one law for the rich and one for the poor? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

TRADVALS: Is there a need for strong trade unions to protect employees' working conditions and wages? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

PRENTBST: Is private enterprise the best way to solve Northern Ireland's economic problems? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

PUBOWNST: Should major public services and industries be in state ownership? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

GOVJOB: Is it the government's responsibility to provide a job for everyone who wants one? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

INCDIFF: Should the government reduce differences in income? 1999 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2021 2023 (Asked in the Income and Poverty section in 2021)

LEFTRGHT: In political matters, how would you place your views on a scale of left to right? 2008

GVINCTAX: Should government increase taxes and spend more on health, education and social benefits? 2023

PUBOWNST: Should major public services and industries be in state ownership? 2023

GVBINCM: Should the government should provide everyone with a guaranteed basic income? 2023

BENHELP: Do most people on social security benefits need and deserve such help? 2023

OBEYLAW: Should the law always be obeyed, even when a particular law is felt to be wrong? 2023

EOWOMEN: Have attempts to give equal opportunities to women gone far enough? 2023

SENTLEN: Are criminal sentences in Northern Ireland generally too lenient? 2023

SEXBCERT: Should it be possible for someone to change the sex recorded on their birth certificate? 2023

YPRESP: Should young people today have more respect for conventional values and authority? 2023

Other related questions were included in the Income and Poverty section.

Political efficacy and trust

GOVNOSAY: Do people have no say in what the government does? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

GOVCOMP: Can politics and government seem so complicated that a person cannot understand what is going on? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

LOSETCH: Do those we elect lose touch with the people pretty quickly? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003

PTYNTMT: Do things go on much the same whatever party is in power? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

VOTEINTR: Are parties only interested in people's votes, not in their opinions? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003

VOTEONLY: Is voting the only way people can have any say about how the government runs things? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

LEADCOMP: Should party leaders stick to their principles? 2001

DFWNNIA: What difference does it make who does best in Assembly elections? 2001

DFWNGNI: What difference does it make who wins a general election? 2001

GOVTWORK: What do you think about the present system of governing in the UK? 2001 2003

IMPGNAS: Has the Assembly improved the way the UK is governed? 2001

DEVUK: Has devolution strengthened the UK as a whole? 2001 2003

NIMPENG: Should N Ireland MPs be allowed to vote on laws affecting only England? 2001

GOVINTNI: How much do you trust the UK government to work in Northern Ireland's best long-term interest? 2001 2003 2015

NINUMREP: Does N Ireland have too many elected representatives? 2003

LESSMEPS: Should there be fewer MEPs? 2003

LESSMPS: Should there be fewer MPs? 2003

LESSMLAS: Should there be fewer MLAs? 2003

LESSCOUN: Should there be fewer local councillors? 2003

REP2FORA: Should MLAs be able to be local councillors? 2003

LCOUNEFF: How effective are councils in delivering services? 2003

NUMCOUNS: Are there too many local councils? 2003

KNOWCFOR: Are you aware of the work of the Civic Forum? 2003

CFOREFF: How effective has the Civic Forum been? 2003

INFNIRUN: Who has most influence over the way Northern Ireland is run? 2001

INFNI2: Who has most influence over the way Northern Ireland is run? (new response options) 2007

OUGHTINF: Who do you think ought to have most influence over the way Northern Ireland is run? 2001 2003

OUGHTIN2: Who do you think ought to have most influence over the way Northern Ireland is run? (new response options) 2007

VIEWNI: How should N Ireland be governed? 2001 2003

LOCGOVEF: Chances of getting local government to make some improvement. 2001

NIA03A: Which party would you vote for as your first preference in the next Northern Ireland Assembly elections? 2003

NIA03B: Which party did you vote for as your first preference in the recent Northern Ireland Assembly elections? 2003

BESTNIA: How much difference does it make who does best in elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly? 2003

BESTUKHC: How much difference does it make who wins in general elections to the UK House of Commons? 2003

DRRUNNI: How good a job does the present government under Direct Rule do in day to day running of N Ireland? 2003

NIAABOL: Would you be pleased if the N Ireland Assembly were to be abolished? 2003

MLAWKTOG: Do MLAs from different parties work together to help solve N Ireland's problems? 2001 2015

ROIINNI: To what extent should the Republic of Ireland be involved in Northern Ireland's affairs? 2003

UKINWRLD: How much influence does the UK have in the world? 2003

POLTRUST: How much do you trust politicians generally? 2007 2008 2009

TRUSTPOL: Which Northern Ireland politicians would you generally trust to act in the best interests of all the people in Northern Ireland? 1998

TRUSTUKG: How much do you trust the UK government at Westminster? 2022

TRUSTIG: How much do you trust the Irish Government? 2022

TRUSTEU: How much do you trust the European Union (EU)? 2022

TRUSTNIEX: How much do you trust the Northern Ireland Executive? 2022

TRUSTNICS: How much do you trust the Northern Ireland Civil Service? 2022

TRUSTDUP: How much do you trust the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)? 2022

TRUSTSF: How much do you trust Sinn Fein? 2022

TRUSTAP: How much do you trust the Alliance Party? 2022

Other related questions were included in the Democratic Participation module in 2005.

Women in politics

WLOSEVOT: Are there not more women in politics in Northern Ireland because women lose votes? 1998

WNOOPP: Are there not more women in politics in Northern Ireland because women aren't given opportunities by political parties? 1998

MBETPOL: Are there not more women in politics in Northern Ireland because men are better politicians than women?1998

Other related questions were included in the Women in Politics module in 2002.


RMARCHFR: Is the right to march an important freedom? 1998 1999 2000

AREAMAR: Should no marches be allowed through areas of another tradition unless the residents approve? 1998 1999 2000

PARCOMM: Is the Parades Commission impartial? 1998 1999 2000


POLFAIR: Do the police treat Catholics and Protestants equally? 1999 2000 2001

ENCRLPOL: Would you encourage a relative to become a police officer? 1999 2000 2001 2002

REFORMOK: Has police reform gone too far? 2001 2003

Cross border bodies

CROSSBD1: Do you support cross-border co-operation in tourism? 1999 2000

CROSSBD2: Do you support cross-border co-operation in transport? 1999 2000

CROSSBD3: Do you support cross-border co-operation in agriculture? 1999 2000

CROSSBD4: Do you support cross-border co-operation in health? 1999 2000

CROSSBD5: Do you support cross-border co-operation in security? 1999 2000

CROSSBD6: Do you support cross-border co-operation in NI's political future? 1999 2000


POWERNI1: Who has the most power over everyday life in Northern Ireland? 1999

POWERNI2: Who should have the most power over everyday life in Northern Ireland? 1999

POWERNIA: Who has the most power over everyday life in Northern Ireland? 2000

POWERNIB: Who should have the most power over everyday life in Northern Ireland? 2000

DEV1: Will devolution bring economic prosperity to Northern Ireland? 1999 2000

DEV2: Will local politicians who become ministers be able to work with each other? 1999 2000

DEV3: Will devolution help secure peace in Northern Ireland? 1999 2000

DEV4: Will devolution lead to a fall in living standards in Northern Ireland? 1999 2000

DEV5: Will devolution lead to the break-up of the UK? 1999 2000

DEV6: Will devolution bring political stability to Northern Ireland? 2000

DEVEDUC: Has education got better under the Assembly? 2000 2001 2003

DEVHEAL: Has health got better under the Assembly? 2000 2001 2003

DEVTRANS: Has transport got better under the Assembly? 2000

DEVEMP: Has employment got better under the Assembly? 2000

DEVECON: Has the economy got better under the Assembly? 2000 2001 2003

DEVENV: Has the environment got better under the Assembly? 2000

DREDUC: Did education get better under Direct Rule? 2003

DRHEAL: Did health get better under Direct Rule? 2003

DRECON: Did the economy get better under Direct Rule? 2003

DEVECON2: Over the last 10 years in N Ireland, has the economy got better or worse? 2007 2008

DEVHEAL2: Over the last 10 years in N Ireland, has health got better or worse? 2007

DEVHEAL3: Over the last 10 years in N Ireland, has health care provision got better or worse? 2008

DEVEDUC2: Over the last 10 years in N Ireland, has education got better or worse? 2007 2008

DEVPOLLF: Over the last 10 years in N Ireland, has political life got better or worse? 2007


WHATFLAG: What flag should be flown on public buildings? 2000 2004 2006

REPMURAL: Have you been intimidated by republican murals, kerb painting or flags? 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

LOYMURAL: Have you felt intimidated by loyalist murals, kerb painting or flags?2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

PFLAG1: Should the police remove all paramilitary flags that are being flown throughout N Ireland? 2003

PFLAG2: Is the flying of paramilitary flags an important expression of culture in some areas? 2003

PFLAG3: Should there be special laws banning the flying of all paramilitary flags throughout N Ireland? 2003

PFLAG4: Should the flying of paramilitary flags be allowed in some neighbourhoods? 2003

PFLAG5: Should paramilitary flags be allowed at certain times of year? 2003

PFLAG6: Would laws to stop the flying of paramilitary flags be unenforcable? 2003

FLAGUJ: When you see the Union Jack, does it make you feel proud or hostile? 2001 2002 2003

FLAGTRI: When you see the Irish tricolour, does it make you feel proud or hostile? 2001 2002 2003

Other questions on flags are asked within the Community Relations module

Public spending

TAX1: Pay more income tax to increase spending on the health service? 1999

TAX2: Pay more income tax to increase spending on primary schools? 1999

TAX3: Pay more income tax to increase spending on secondary schools? 1999

TAX4: Pay more income tax to increase spending on employment opportunities? 1999

TAX5: Pay more income tax to increase spending on public transport? 1999

TAX6: Pay more income tax to increase spending on policing? 1999

NIPRIOF1: What should N Ireland's highest priority be? 2001 2003 2008

NIPRIOF2: What should N Ireland's next highest priority be? 2001 2003 2008

Truth Commission, memorials and victims

HRDTCOMM: Have you heard of any other Truth Commissions anywhere else in the world? 2004

TCWHERE: In what countries have you heard about Truth Commissions? 2004

IMPNITC: How important is it that Northern Ireland should have a Truth Commission? 2004

TCOMM1: Would having a Truth Commission help clear the air about the past conflict? 2004

TCOMM2: Would you get the truth from a Truth Commission? 2004

TCOMM3: Would a Truth Commission help give a clean start to N Ireland's political future? 2004

TCOMM4: Are there more important things to spend public money on than a Truth Commission? 2004

TCOMM5: Would a Truth Commission help make N Ireland a more peaceful and less divided society in years to come? 2004

TCOMM6: Are there better ways to deal with the past than with a Truth Commission? 2004

TCOMM7: Would a Truth Commission be just an excuse to attack the government? 2004

TCAIM1: If there was to be a Truth Commission, what should be its most important aim? 2004

TCAIM2: And what should be a Truth Commission's next most important aim? 2004

TCRUNBG: Should the British Government be trusted to run a Truth Commission? 2004

TCRUNNIA: Should the N Ireland Assembly be trusted to run a Truth Commission? 2004

TCRUNIG: Should the Irish Government be trusted to run a Truth Commission? 2004

TCRUNVG: Should victims' groups be trusted to run a Truth Commission? 2004

TCRUNUN: Should international organisations like the United Nations be trusted to run a Truth Commission? 2004

TCRUNLO: Should loyalist organisations be trusted to run a Truth Commission? 2004

TCRUNRO: Should republican organisations be trusted to run a Truth Commission? 2004

TCRUNJUD: Should judges be trusted to run a Truth Commission? 2004

TCRUNCH: Should the churches be trusted to run a Truth Commission? 2004

TCRUNCG: Should community groups be trusted to run a Truth Commission? 2004

TCRUNOP: Should ordinary people be trusted to run a Truth Commission? 2004

TCRUNNON: Should none of these be trusted to run a Truth Commission? 2004

B4TCRO: Should republican organisations be called before a Truth Commission? 2004

B4TCLO: Should loyalist organisations be called before a Truth Commission? 2004

B4TCBG: Should the British Government be called before a Truth Commission? 2004

B4TCIG: Should the Irish government be called before a Truth Commission? 2004

B4TCARMY: Should the army be called before a Truth Commission? 2004

B4TCPSNI: Should the police be called before a Truth Commission? 2004

B4TCPOL: Should politicians from Northern Ireland be called before a Truth Commission? 2004

B4TCJUDG: Should judges be called before a Truth Commission? 2004

B4TCJOUR: Should journalists be called before a Truth Commission? 2004

B4TCCH: Should the churches be called before a Truth Commission? 2004

B4TCALL: Should all of these groups be called before the Truth Commission? 2004

TCAMNSTY: Should there be an amnesty for anyone who gives evidence to a Truth Commission? 2004

TCQINJ: Should people injured in the conflict be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission? 2004

TCQREL: Should relatives of people killed or injured in the conflict be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission? 2004

TCQEXP: Should ex prisoners be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission? 2004

TCQPPO: Should police or prison officers be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission? 2004

TCQARMY: Should army personnel be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission? 2004

TCQLO: Should representatives of Loyalist organisations be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission? 2004

TCQRO: Should representatives of Republican organisations be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission? 2004

TCQHRO: Should Human Rights organisations be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission? 2004

TCQVG: Should victims' groups be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission? 2004

TCQANY: Should anyone with unanswered questions about the conflict be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission? 2004

TCQALL: Should all of these groups be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission? 2004

TCHOPE1: Do you hope a Truth Commission would get apologies from those who did wrong? 2004

TCHOPE2: Do you hope a Truth Commission would clean up any institutions shown to be corrupt? 2004

TCHOPE3: Do you hope a Truth Commission would get criminal convictions for those who did wrong? 2004

TCHOPE4: Do you hope a Truth Commission would State institutions more accountable? 2004

TCHOPE5: Do you hope a Truth Commission would uncover the truth? 2004

TCHOPE6: Do you hope a Truth Commission would get healing for victims? 2004

TCHOPE7: Do you hope a Truth Commission would promote peace and reconciliation? 2004

TCHOPEAL: Do you have all of these hopes about a Truth Commission? 2004

TCHOPENO: Do you have no hopes about a Truth Commission? 2004

TCFEAR1: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would allow the guilty to go free? 2004

TCFEAR2: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would be one-sided? 2004

TCFEAR3: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would cause more damage than good? 2004

TCFEAR4: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would undermine faith in our existing institutions? 2004

TCFEAR5: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would create greater tension? 2004

TCFEAR6: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would start people fighting again? 2004

TCFEAR7: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would be a waste of money? 2004

TCFEARAL: Do you have all of these fears about a Truth Commission? 2004

TCFEARNO: Do you have no fears about a Truth Commission? 2004

TCPUBLIC: How necessary is it that the Truth Commission should be held in public? 2004

TCTRAVEL: How necessary is it that members of the Truth Commission should travel around and talk to people in the community? 2004

TCDECIDE: How necessary is it that ordinary people should get to decide who runs the Truth Commission? 2004

TCAPPEAR: How necessary is it for the Truth Commission to have powers like a court so that people would have to appear before it? 2004

TCIND: How necessary is it that the Truth Commission should be an outside body independent from anyone involved in the conflict? 2004

MOREPUBI: How important are more Public Inquiries? 2004

PUBAPOL: How important are public apologies from those who did wrong? 2004

MOREPOLI: How important are more Police Investigations and prosecutions? 2004

MEMVICT: Should there be a memorial to the victims of the troubles? 2000

WHOMEM: Should a memorial for victims be for all groups? 2000

WHONOT: What groups should not be included? 2000

HOWMEM: Should there be a physical memorial or special day of commemoration? 2000

STORIES: How important is a process for people to tell their stories? 2004

MEMVICT2: How important are memorials or centres of remembrance? 2004

SUPPVICT: How important is support for victims? 2004

MORECOMP: How important is more compensation? 2004

TERMPAST: How important are initiatives within communities to help people come to terms with the past? 2004

POLTEAM: Should there be a special team within the police to investigate all unsolved killings during the conflict? 2004

RESPCONF: Who do you think was primarily responsible for the conflict? 2004

VTROUBLE: Overall do you consider yourself to have been a victim of the troubles? 2004

FAMINJ: Were any of your family or close relatives killed or injured because of the violence? 2004

ELSEINJ: Did you know anyone (not family or relatives) who was killed or injured in the violence? 2004

VVIOLENT: Were you a victim of any conflict-related violent incidents? 2004

VALLKILL: Should all people who were killed or injured as a result of the conflict be seen as victims? 2004

VABEREAV: Should all people who were bereaved as a result of the conflict should be treated equally? 2004


UNIRLIKL: Does the UK leaving the European Union make a United Ireland more likely? 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

UNIRFAV: Does the UK leaving the European Union make you feel more in favour of a United Ireland? 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

NIBREXIT: Will Northern Ireland be better off outside the EU? 2016

SLFBREXIT: Will your situation be better off outside the EU? 2016

EUPSPORT: Have you applied for an Irish or other EU passport so that you will continue to have most of the rights of EU citizens? 2016

CROSSBDR: How often do you cross the border between Northern Ireland and the South of Ireland? 2016

BRDRPROB: Will the UK leaving the European Union means that you may have problems with crossing the border in years to come? 2016

BREXVOTE: How did you vote in the BREXIT referendum when the UK voted to leave the European Union? 2016

BRXVTENW: If the BREXIT referendum was held again tomorrow how would you vote? 2016

BRXDRIFT: Will Brexit mean that Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland will drift further apart? 2017

NIFINBRX: Will Northern Ireland be financially better off when the UK leaves the EU? 2017 2018

UFINBRX: Will you be personally financially worse off when the UK leaves the EU? 2018

NIROIALL: Are you in favour of Northern Ireland entering a political and economic alliance with the Republic of Ireland if it would help jobs and the economy? 2017

REMLEAVE: Do you think of yourself as a Remainer or a Leaver? 2019

REMLEAID: Do you think of yourself as a Remainer or a Leaver? 2020 2021 2022 2023

REMLEACL: Do you think of yourself as closer to Remainers or Leavers? 2019

REML2: Remain or leave? (Derived from REMLEAVE and REMLEACL) 2019

REMLEAST: Do you call yourself a very strong Remainer or Leaver? 2019 2020 2021 2022

EUREL: How close a relationship should the UK have with the EU in future? 2019 2020 2021 2022

HPROTCOL: Have you heard of Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland? 2020 2021 2022

VPROTCOL: Opinion of Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. 2020 2021 2022

THINKEUR: Do you think of yourself as European? 2020 2021 2022 2023

NIVALUK: Do you value being part of the United Kingdom with Great Britain? 2020

NIVALECO: Do you value the financial support given to Northern Ireland by the UK Government and by being part of the UK economy? 2020

NIVALEU: Do you value not being in the European Union? 2020

NIVALDEV: Do you value having devolved powers with a Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive? 2020

NIVALNHS: Do you value the National Health Service, with healthcare free at the point of delivery? 2020

NIVALED: Do you value the post-primary education system in Northern Ireland, with academic selection at 11 years old? 2020

NIVALBBC: Do you value having full access to the services provided by the BBC? 2020

(Other relevant questions were asked in the Europe module in 2002).


Maintained by Paula Devine

Disclaimer:© ARK 2003 Last Updated on Monday, 14-Oct-2024 14:50