Module: Democratic Participation

This page lists the questions asked within the Democratic Participation module, and for which years. Clicking on the year printed after every question will bring you to the results for that year. Publications and further information on Democratic Participation can be found on the Democratic Participation Resources page.

LVOTENIA: How likely would you be to vote in an immediate Northern Ireland Assembly election? 2005

LVOTEGE: How likely would you be to vote in an immediate general election? 2005

POLACT1: Have you presented your views to a local councillor or MP? 2005

POLACT2: Have you written a letter to an editor? 2005

POLACT3: Have you urged someone outside your family to vote? 2005

POLACT4: Have you urged someone to get in touch with a local councillor or MP? 2005

POLACT5: Have you made a speech before an organised group? 2005

POLACT6: Have you been an officer of an organisation or club? 2005

POLACT7: Have you stood for public office? 2005

POLACT8: Have you taken an active part in a political campaign? 2005

POLACT9: Have you helped on fund raising drives? 2005

POLACT10: Have you voted in the last general election? 2005

POLACT11: Have you flown on business overseas? 2005

POLACT12: Have you flown on a business trip within the UK? 2005

MPCOUNC: Did you present your views to a local council, MP or both? 2005

POLACT14: Have you voted in the last local council election? 2005

POLACT15: Have you donated money or paid a membership fee to a charity or campaigning organisation? 2005

POLACT16: Have you signed a petition? 2005

POLACT17: Have you discussed politics or political news with someone else? 2005

POLACT18: Have you contacted your local council? 2005

POLACT19: Have you done voluntary work? 2005

POLACT20: Have you boycotted certain products for political, ethnical or environmental reasons? 2005

POLACT21: Have you helped organise a charity event? 2005

POLACT22: Have you taken part in a sponsored event? 2005

POLACT23: Have you taken part in a demonstration, picket or march? 2005

POLACT24: Have you been to any political meeting? 2005

POLACT25: Have you donated money or paid a membership fee to a political party? 2005

POLACT26: Have you taken part in a strike? 2005

POLACT27: Have you served as a school or hospital governor? 2005

POLACT28: Have you taken an active part in a party's campaign at a general election? 2005

POLACT29: Have you taken an active part in a party's campaign at a local election? 2005

POLACT30: Have you served as a local magistrate? 2005

POLITICS: How much interest do you generally have in what is going on in politics? 1998 2005

KNOWPOL: How much do you know about politics? 2005

KNOWEU2: How much do you know about the European Union? 2005

KNOWCOUN: How much do you know about your local council? 2005

KNOWWEST: How much do you know about the Westminster Parliament? 2005

KNOWMPS: How much do you know about the role of MPs? 2005

KNOWNIA: How much do you know about the N Ireland Assembly? 2005

KNOWMLAS: How much do you know about the role of MLAs? 2005

NAMEMP: What is the name of your local Member of Parliament for this constituency since the May 2005 election? 2005

POLQUIZ1: Are MEPs directly elected by voters? 2005

POLQUIZ2: Are all members of the Cabinet MPs? 2005

POLQUIZ3: Is registering to vote optional? 2005

POLQUIZ4: Does the European Union consist of 12 member states? 2005

POLQUIZ5: Has the House of Commons more power than the House of Lords? 2005

POLQUIZ6: Must there be a general election every 4 years? 2005

POLQUIZ7: Can you only vote in a local election if you pay rates? 2005

POLQUIZ8: Do local councils have the power to set the school leaving age in their own area? 2005

POLITICS: How much interest do you generally have in what is going on in politics? 1998 2005

SATPARL: Are you satisfied with the way that Parliament works? 2005

SATMPS: Are you satisfied with the way MPs in general are doing their job? 2005

SATNIMPS: Are you satisfied with the way Northern Ireland MPs are doing their job? 2005

SATURMP: Are you satisfied with the way your MP is doing his/her job? 2005

ACTWASTE: Is being active in politics a waste of time? 2005

SATISVOT: Do you feel a sense of satisfaction when you vote? 2005

DUTYVOTE: Is it your duty to vote? 2005

SAYNIRUN: Do you want to have a say in how Northern Ireland is run? 2005

PEOPCHNG: When people like get involved in politics, can they really can change the way that N Ireland is run? 2005

IMPLIVE1: Does the Civil Service have most impact on people's everyday lives? 2005

IMPLIVE2: Does business have most impact on people's everyday lives? 2005

IMPLIVE3: Does the Cabinet have most impact on people's everyday lives? 2005

IMPLIVE4: Does the European Union have most impact on people's everyday lives? 2005

IMPLIVE5: Do Local Councils have most impact on people's everyday lives? 2005

IMPLIVE6: Does the media have most impact on people's everyday lives?2005

IMPLIVE7: Does the Prime Minister have most impact on people's everyday lives? 2005

IMPLIVE8: Does the Westminster Parliament have most impact on people's everyday lives? 2005

IMPLIVE9: Does the Northern Ireland Assembly have most impact on people's everyday lives? 2005

IMPLIV10: Do none of the listed groups have most impact on people's everyday lives? 2005

CONTMP: How easy is it to contact your MP? 2005

POLTRUST: How much do you trust politicians generally? 2005

NIVOTOFT: Are people in N Ireland more likely to vote in elections than a few years ago? 2005

UVOTOFT: Are you more likely to vote in elections than a few years ago? 2005

YNOTVOTE: Why are you less likely to vote now than you were a few years ago? 2005

REGVOTE: Are you registered to vote at the moment? 2005

WHYNIA1: Sympathy for: There's no point in voting for a suspended Assembly. 2005

WHYNIA2: Sympathy for: I would have voted if there was a strong non-sectarian party. 2005

WHYNIA3: Sympathy for: If they were going to make a difference to me in my everyday life then maybe I would consider voting. 2005

WHYNIA4: Sympathy for: There are more important things going on in my life than voting in this election. 2005

WHYNIA5: Sympathy for: I would have voted if I could have voted from home, using the internet or the telephone. 2005

WHYNIA6: Sympathy for: Even if you think your candidate is useless you can't vote for the other side. 2005

WHYNIA7: Sympathy for: I used to care but I don't care any more. 2005

VOTED05: Did you vote in the last elections in May 2005? 2005


Maintained by Paula Devine

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