Thursday March 13, 2025

Year: 2001
Module:Political Attitudes
There has been a lot of debate in recent years about policing in Northern Ireland. Thinking about the fairness of the police, do you think that the police treat Catholics better than Protestants, Protestants better than Catholics or are both treated equally?



Catholics treated much better4
Catholics treated a bit better4
Both treated equally63
Protestants treated a bit better10
Protestants treated much better7
(Don't know)12


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.

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Results for men and women



Catholics treated much better 4 4
Catholics treated a bit better 3 4
Both treated equally 63 63
Protestants treated a bit better 12 9
Protestants treated much better 9 6
(Don't know) 9 14



Results for people of different ages



Catholics treated much better 5 4 4 3 4 2
Catholics treated a bit better 5 5 3 3 4 4
Both treated equally 54 61 58 70 65 69
Protestants treated a bit better 9 12 15 7 11 8
Protestants treated much better 13 7 9 7 6 5
(Don't know) 15 12 12 11 10 13



Results for people of different religions



 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Catholics treated much better 0 7 4
Catholics treated a bit better 1 6 4
Both treated equally 55 71 60
Protestants treated a bit better 19 4 7
Protestants treated much better 16 0 5
(Don't know) 8 12 21


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