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Year: 2023
Module: Politics
Variable: VIEWGFA3

There are a number of different opinions on the Good Friday or Belfast Agreement which was signed in 1998. Which one of these statements is closest to your view?

The Agreement remains the best basis for governing Northern Ireland as it is 20
The Agreement remains the best basis for governing Northern Ireland, but needs to undergo some changes to work better 45
The Agreement is no longer a good basis for governing Northern Ireland and should be substantially changed 11
The Agreement has never been a good basis for governing Northern Ireland and should be removed 6
Other answer1
Don't know17


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Results for men and women

The Agreement remains the best basis for governing Northern Ireland as it is 22 17
The Agreement remains the best basis for governing Northern Ireland, but needs to undergo some changes to work better 49 41
The Agreement is no longer a good basis for governing Northern Ireland and should be substantially changed 12 11
The Agreement has never been a good basis for governing Northern Ireland and should be removed 8 5
Other answer 1 1
Don't know 8 26



Results for people of different ages

The Agreement remains the best basis for governing Northern Ireland as it is 23 12 19 18 23 23
The Agreement remains the best basis for governing Northern Ireland, but needs to undergo some changes to work better 37 41 42 44 47 54
The Agreement is no longer a good basis for governing Northern Ireland and should be substantially changed 11 16 8 12 11 10
The Agreement has never been a good basis for governing Northern Ireland and should be removed 0 4 7 9 10 7
Other answer 0 2 0 2 1 0
Don't know 30 25 24 15 8 6



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
The Agreement remains the best basis for governing Northern Ireland as it iss 33 11 15
The Agreement remains the best basis for governing Northern Ireland, but needs to undergo some changes to work better 44 42 52
The Agreement is no longer a good basis for governing Northern Ireland and should be substantially changed 5 12 19
The Agreement has never been a good basis for governing Northern Ireland and should be removed 0 15 3
Other answer 1 1 1
Don't know 16 19 11



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