Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2012
Module: Political Attitudes
Variable: FUTURE2


If response to NIRELAND2 is not 'To remain part of the United Kingdom' ...
If the majority of people in Northern Ireland never voted to become part of a United Ireland do you think you ...
Would find this almost impossible to accept 4
Would not like it, but could live with it if you had to 26
Would happily accept the wishes of the majority 58
Don't know 13


Go to results for men and women, people of different religions, and people of different ages.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

  Male Female
Would find this almost impossible to accept 4 3
Would not like it, but could live with it if you had to 29 23
Would happily accept the wishes of the majority 59 56
Don't know 8 17



Results for people of different ages

  18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
Would find this almost impossible to accept 4 4 5 3 1 3
Would not like it, but could live with it if you had to 34 18 16 38 19 29
Would happily accept the wishes of the majority 45 60 61 55 68 57
Don't know 17 18 18 4 11 11



Results for people of different religions

  Catholic Protestant No religion
Would find this almost impossible to accept 3 7 3
Would not like it, but could live with it if you had to 30 18 16
Would happily accept the wishes of the majority 58 58 60
Don't know 9 17 21



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