Thursday March 13, 2025

Year: 2001
Module:Political Attitudes
And thinking about devolution as a whole - that is the creation of local assemblies in Wales and Northern Ireland and the new parliament in Scotland. Do you think that devolution has strengthened the UK as a whole, has it weakened it, or has it made no difference?



Made no difference50
(Don't know)13


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.

Go to technical notes



Results for men and women



Strengthened 24 20
Weakened 21 14
Made no difference 45 53
(Don't know) 11 14



Results for people of different ages



Strengthened 14 21 20 27 24 19
Weakened 10 15 15 20 18 20
Made no difference 57 51 55 45 47 46
(Don't know) 19 14 10 9 12 16



Results for people of different religions



 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Strengthened 27 17 18
Weakened 8 25 12
Made no difference 53 47 54
(Don't know) 12 12 16


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