Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2002

Module: Gender and Family Roles

This page lists the questions asked within the Gender and Family Roles module in 2002. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Gender and Family Roles can be found on the Gender and Family Roles Resources page. This module was asked as part of the International Social Survey Programme.

WWRELCHD: Can a working mother establish just as warm and secure a relationship with her children as a mother who does not work?

WWCHDSUF: Is a pre-school child likely to suffer if his or her mother works?

WWFAMSUF: Does family life suffer when the woman has a full-time job?

WANTHOME: Is a home and children what most women want?

HWIFEFFL: Is being a housewife just as fulfilling as working for pay?

FEMJOB: Is having a job the best way for a woman to be an independent person?

BOTHEARN: Should both the man and woman contribute to the household income?

SEXROLE: Is a man's job to earn money and a woman's job to look after the home and family?

MENHWORK: Should men do a larger share of household work than they do now?

MENCCARE: Should men do a larger share of childcare than they do now?

WWCHD1: Should women work full-time, part-time or not at all after marrying and before there are children?

WWCHD2: Should women work full-time, part-time or not at all when there is a child under school age?

WWCHD3: Should women work full-time, part-time or not at all after the youngest child starts school?

WWCHD4: Should women work full-time, part-time or not at all after the children leave home?

MARVIEW1: Are married people generally happier than unmarried people?

MARVIEW5: Is it better to have a bad marriage than no marriage at all?

MARVIEW6: Should people who want children get married?

MARVIE10: Can one parent bring up a child as well as two parents together?

MARVIE11: Is it all right for a couple to live together without getting married?

MARVIE12: Is it a good idea for couples intending to get married to live together first?

MARVIE13: Is divorce the best solution when a couple can't work out their marriage problems?

CHDVIEW2: Is watching children grow up life's greatest joy?

CHDVIEW6: Do people who have never had children lead empty lives?

MATLEAVE: Should working women receive paid maternity leave when they have a baby?

CHLDCRBN: Should families receive financial benefits for child care when both parents work?

MARCOHAB: Are you married or living as married?

CPLINCOM: How do you and your spouse/partner organise the income that one or both of you receive?

HHJOB1: In your household who does the laundry?

HHJOB2: In your household who makes small repairs around the house?

HHJOB3: In your household who looks after sick family members?

HHJOB4: In your household who shops for groceries?

HHJOB6: In your household who does the household cleaning?

HHJOB7: In your household who prepares the meals?

RHLDWORK: How many hours a week do you personally spend on household work?

SHLDWORK: How many hours a week does your spouse/partner spend on household work?

SHAREWRK: Do you and your spouse/partner share household work?

DSGRWORK: How often do you and your spouse/partner disagree about the sharing of household work?

BRINGCHD: Who usually makes/made the decisions about how to bring up your children?

SAYWKEND: When you and your spouse/partner make decisions about choosing weekend activities, who has the final say?

SAYBUY: When you and your spouse/partner make decisions about buying major things for the home, who has the final say?

HIINCOME: Considering all sources of income between you and your partner, who has the higher income?

RUNOUTTM: Are there so many things to do at home that you often run out of time?

HOMSTRSS: Is your life at home rarely stressful?

EXTRAHRS: Are there so many things to do at work that you run out of time?

JOBSTRSS: Is your job rarely stressful?

TRDCHORE: How often have you come home from work too tired to do the chores?

DIFFRESP: How often has it been difficult to fulfil family responsibilities because of your job?

TRDHWORK: How often have you arrived at work too tired because of household work?

CONCFAM: How often have you found it difficult to concentrate at work because of family responsibilities?

RUHAPPY2: How happy are you?

SATISJOB: How satisfied are you with your (main) job?

SATISFAM: How satisfied are you with your family life?

MTHRWWRK: Did your mother ever work for pay for as long as one year after you were born and before you were 14?

EVERCHLD: Have you ever had children?

RMARWRK1: Did you work outside the home after marrying/living as married and before you had children?

RMARWRK2: Did you work outside the home when a child ws under school age?

RMARWRK3: Did you work outside the home after the youngest child started school?

RMARWRK4: Did you work outside the home after the children left home?

SMARWRK1: Did your spouse/partner work outside the home after marrying/living as married and before you had children?

SMARWRK2: Did your spouse/partner work outside the home when a child was under school age?

SMARWRK3: Did your spouse/partner work outside the home after the youngest child started school?

SMARWRK4: Did your spouse/partner work outside the home after the children left home?

WWRKNCHD: Should women work outside the home when a couple has not yet had a child?

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