Year: 2002
Module:Gender and Family Roles

If response to MARCOHAB is 'Yes' ...
How often do you and your spouse/partner disagree about the sharing of household work?




Several times a week 4
Several times a month 8
Several times a year 11
Less often/rarely 28
Never 44
Can't choose 3
Missing 3


Go to results for
men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women



  Male Female
Several times a week 2 5
Several times a month 8 9
Several times a year 10 11
Less often/rarely 30 26
Never 43 44
Can't choose 3 3
Missing 3 2



Results for people of different ages



  18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
Several times a week * 7 2 * * *
Several times a month * 14 5 * * *
Several times a year * 16 9 * * *
Less often/rarely * 29 29 * * *
Never * 28 50 * * *
Can't choose * 3 3 * * *
Missing * 3 2 * * *

* indicates that the number of respondents is too small
to allow the percentage to be calculated


Results for people of different religions



  Catholic Protestant No religion
Several times a week 5 3 *
Several times a month 9 8 *
Several times a year 12 9 *
Less often/rarely 26 29 *
Never 40 48 *
Can't choose 5 1 *
Missing 3 2 *

* indicates that the number of respondents is too small
to allow the percentage to be calculated

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