Year: 2002
Module:Gender and Family Roles

If response to MARCOHAB is 'Yes' ...

How do you and your spouse/partner organise the income that one or both of you receive? Please choose the option that comes closest.




I manage all the money and give my spouse/partner his/her share 11
My spouse manages all the money and gives me my share 9
We pool all the money and each take out what we need 56
We pool some of the money and keep the rest separate 10
We each keep our own money separate 8
Not married or living as married0


Go to results for
men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women



  Male Female
I manage all the money and give my spouse/partner his/her share 12 10
My spouse manages all the money and gives me my share 13 5
We pool all the money and each take out what we need 53 58
We pool some of the money and keep the rest separate 11 9
We each keep our own money separate 5 11
Not married or living as married 0 0
Missing 6 7



Results for people of different ages
* indicates that the number of people in this category is
too small to allow percentages to be calculated.



  18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
I manage all the money and give my spouse/partner his/her share 0 9 7 11 15 16
My spouse manages all the money and gives me my share 0 7 9 9 10 10
We pool all the money and each take out what we need * 64 60 55 56 43
We pool some of the money and keep the rest separate * 9 13 10 8 7
We each keep our own money separate * 4 9 9 4 12
Not married or living as married 0 0 0 0 1 0
Missing * 6 2 7 6 13



Results for people of different religions

* indicates that the number of people in this category is
too small to allow percentages to be calculated.



  Catholic Protestant No religion
I manage all the money and give my spouse/partner his/her share 10 12 *
My spouse manages all the money and gives me my share 8 9 *
We pool all the money and each take out what we need 59 56 *
We pool some of the money and keep the rest separate 9 9 *
We each keep our own money separate 6 9 *
Not married or living as married 0 0 0
Missing 9 5 *


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