ARK Research Seminar Videos

Below is a listing of all the ARK research seminars that have been recorded for online viewing since 2004. Included are any documentation and press releases associated with each seminar where applicable.

All work that refers to an ARK Research Update should acknowledge it using the appropriate bibliographic citation. For example:

Lloyd, Katrina and Devine, Paula, 2006, To stay or not to stay: that is the question, ARK Research Update 45, Belfast: ARK < >

There are over 100 ARK Research Seminar Videos with associated documents. You can the search facility below with keywords or names to help find the ARK Research Seminars you are interested in.

Total number of items - 141

28th Jan 2014
Sexual risks experienced by 16-year olds. Using research evidence to influence policy and practice.
Dirk Schubotz and Meabh Bermingham.

ARK Seminar 2014

This seminar shows how data from ARK's Young Life and Times (YLT) survey on sexual grooming and exploitation of young people informed a participatory Knowledge Exchange project with the aim of influencing policy and practice in this field. The seminar will be presented by Dirk Schubotz (ARK), along with a participant of the project.

This Seminar was presented at NICVA in Belfast on 28th February 2014.

19th Jun 2013
What next? Public attitudes to the long term future for Northern Ireland
Duncan Morrow (UU) and Rick Wilford (QUB)

ARK Seminars: 2013/14

Launch of the 2012 Northern Ireland Life and Times survey data on Political attitudes

This seminar will mark the launch of the 2012 Northern Ireland Life and Times survey data on Political attitudes. In particular the seminar will examine public attitudes towards the long term future for Northern Ireland and how these attitudes have changed over time. The 2012 survey results will be analysed and presented by Dr Morrow. Professor Wilford will respond and discuss the findings in the light of the current political situation.

04th Jun 2013
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Public awareness and attitudes
Karola Dillenburger, Julie-Ann Jordan and Lyn McKerr

Autism Awareness and Attitudes:
Launch of 2012 Life and Times results

Karola Dillenburger, Julie-Ann Jordan and Lynne McKerr (School of Education, Queens University Belfast) will use 2012 NILT data to explore knowledge and public attitudes to the social, employment, educational and housing issues facing people with autism, as well as highlighting personal experiences.

This Seminar was presented at Queen's University Belfast on 4th June 2013.

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23rd May 2013
2012 YLT Survey - Preview of Results Seminar
Dirk Schubotz and Paula Devine (QUB), and Gillian Robinson (UU)
followed by a response from John O'Dowd, MLA (Minister for Education)

The 2012 YLT Survey Results Preview

This Seminar was presented on 23th May 2013 at Queen's University Belfast

Every year, ARK offers policy makers, researchers and anyone concerned with young people's issues the opportunity to get an overview of the key results of the most recent YLT survey, before the full survey results are being released to the general public.

The event will be held as part of Community Relations Week, and we will consequently focus on YLT survey findings related to community relations, CRED as well as shared education.

23rd Apr 2013
Taking Boys Seriously: A 5 year longitudinal study of adolescent male school-life experiences.
Ken Harland and Sam McCready (University of Ulster) and Michael McKenna (YouthAction)

ARK Seminars 2013/2014

In this seminar, Ken Harland and Sam McCready (University of Ulster) and Michael McKenna (YouthAction) will discuss how results of a longitudinal study of boys aged 11-16 in Northern Ireland can help us understand and appreciate reasons why certain boys may not achieve more successful educational outcomes.

Seminar was presented on 23th April 2013 at NICVA, Duncairn Gardens, Belfast

12th Mar 2013
The Role of Heritage in Post-conflict Reconstruction
Marie Louise Stig Sørensen (University of Cambridge)

Joint ARK and INCORE Seminar

Marie Louise Stig Sørensen (University of Cambridge) will outline the role of heritage in post-conflict reconstruction efforts, and identify the challenges encountered when attempting to translate research into policy statements and recommendations.

This Seminar was presented on 12th March 2013 at NICVA, Duncairn Gardens, Belfast.

12th Feb 2013
The Here and There of Things. The Critical making of an Irish/English Diasporic identity
John Given (

ARK Seminar Series 2013/14

In this seminar, John Given ( will explore one Irish family's experience of emigration using biographical narrative. Through a digital collage of family photographs, music, video and poetry, the project creates a unique storytrack through which memories of their own family's story are evoked.

This Seminar was presented on 12th February 2013 at NICVA, Duncairn Gardens, Belfast

29th Jan 2013
Cultures of worklessness: popular myth or miserable reality?
Professor Tracy Shildrick (Teeside University)

ARK Seminars Series 2013/14

In this seminar, Professor Tracy Shildrick (Teeside University) will examine the idea that intergenerational 'cultures of worklessness' exist in some families, influencing patterns of worklessness in the UK.

This Seminar was presented at NICVA, Duncairn Gardens, Belfast on 29th January 2013.

13th Nov 2012
Public attitudes to Peace Walls
Jonny Byrne, Cathy Gormley-Heenan and Gillian Robinson

ARK Seminar Series 2012/13

This seminar by Dr. Jonny Byrne, Dr Cathy Gormley-Heenan and Professor Gillian Robinson presents findings from new research examining the publics attitudes and awareness of peace walls.

This Seminar was presented at NICVA, Duncairn Gardens, Belfast on 13th November 2012.

30th May 2012
Loneliness in Northern Ireland Adolescents (Launched at YLT 2011 preview seminar)
Siobhan Murphy and Mark Shevlin

2011 YLT Survey - Preview of Results Seminar

Every year, ARK offers policy makers, researchers and anyone concerned with young people's issues the opportunity to get an overview of the key results of the most recent YLT survey, before the full survey results are being released to the general public.

This Seminar was held at Queens University (Room OG074, Lanyon Building) on 15th May 2012, 12.30-14.15.

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