ARK Research Seminar Videos

Below is a listing of all the ARK research seminars that have been recorded for online viewing since 2004. Included are any documentation and press releases associated with each seminar where applicable.

All work that refers to an ARK Research Update should acknowledge it using the appropriate bibliographic citation. For example:

Lloyd, Katrina and Devine, Paula, 2006, To stay or not to stay: that is the question, ARK Research Update 45, Belfast: ARK < >

There are over 100 ARK Research Seminar Videos with associated documents. You can the search facility below with keywords or names to help find the ARK Research Seminars you are interested in.

Total number of items - 141

11th May 2016
2015 KLT and YLT Survey Results Launch Preview: A range of key findings from the 2015 Surveys
Dr Dirk Schubotz (QUB)

ARK Seminar Series 2016/7

Dr Dirk Schubotz presents key finding from the YLT and KLT surveys.

KLT and YLT are annual surveys run by ARK that record the views of P7 children (KLT) and 16- year olds (YLT) living in Northern Ireland about issues that affect them.

The topics covered in the 2015 surveys include:

  • Community Relations (YLT)
  • Shared Education (Both)
  • Young Carers (YLT)
  • Child Sexual Exploitation (YLT)
  • Strategies for Staying Calm in School (KLT)
  • Sport and Physical Activities (Both)
  • Aspirations to study/work abroad or learn an additional language (YLT)

This event is predominantly for organisations, researchers and school staff who work with and on behalf of children and young people.

11th May 2016
2015 KLT and YLT Survey Results Launch: Pupils have their say
Nikki Ireland and Courtney Rodgers (British Council Project).

ARK Seminar Series 2016/7

NIkki Ireland and Courtney Rodgers, pupils involved with the surveys, give their views and perspectives.

KLT and YLT are annual surveys run by ARK that record the views of P7 children (KLT) and 16- year olds (YLT) living in Northern Ireland about issues that affect them.

The topics covered in the 2015 surveys include:

  • Community Relations (YLT)
  • Shared Education (Both)
  • Young Carers (YLT)
  • Child Sexual Exploitation (YLT)
  • Strategies for Staying Calm in School (KLT)
  • Sport and Physical Activities (Both)
  • Aspirations to study/work abroad or learn an additional language (YLT)

This event is predominantly for organisations, researchers and school staff who work with and on behalf of children and young people.

11th May 2016
2015 KLT and YLT Survey Results Launch Opening Address: Children and Young Peoples Strategy
June Wilkinson (OFMDFM, Head of Children and Young Peoples Unit)

ARK Seminar Series 2016/7

June Wilkinson from OFMDFM Children and Young People's Unit updates us on their Children and Young People's Strategy.

KLT and YLT are annual surveys run by ARK that record the views of P7 children (KLT) and 16- year olds (YLT) living in Northern Ireland about issues that affect them.

The topics covered in the 2015 surveys include:

  • Community Relations (YLT)
  • Shared Education (Both)
  • Young Carers (YLT)
  • Child Sexual Exploitation (YLT)
  • Strategies for Staying Calm in School (KLT)
  • Sport and Physical Activities (Both)
  • Aspirations to study/work abroad or learn an additional language (YLT)

This event is predominantly for organisations, researchers and school staff who work with and on behalf of children and young people.

16th Dec 2015
Mixed Messages:Community Relations in 2014
Duncan Morrow

ARK Seminar Series: 2015/16

In this seminar Duncan Morrow comments on the state of Community Relations in 2014 using evidence from the Northern Ireland Life and Times survey.

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26th Nov 2015
Attitudes towards minority ethnic people and migrant workers in 2014
Dr Philip McDermott (Ulster University)

ARK Seminar Series: 2015/16

The issue of race relations in Northern Ireland was explored again in the 2014 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (NILT). In this seminar Dr Philip McDermott, Ulster University, will explore three of the key themes emerging from this data.

First the seminar will consider what was expressed by participants in relation to their social contact with members of minority ethnic communities. Second, questions around the prejudice of respondents will be raised and from this we can consider whether or not different ethnic groups have been perceived in different ways.

Finally, the seminar will reflect on the levels of acceptance and visibility of ethnic minorities in the public sphere. As the NILT Survey has collected data on attitudes towards minority ethnic people and migrant workers for some years now the seminar will also make commentary throughout on changing social attitudes relating to these themes.

Presented at Holywell DiverseCity Community Partnership, Derry~Londonderry, BT48 6PW Thursday 26 November 2015

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17th Jun 2015
The importance of research in helping policy makers make Northern Ireland a better place for older people.
Claire Keating (Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland)

ARK Seminars 2015/16

'The importance of research in helping policy makers make Northern Ireland a better place for older people.' This event marks the launch of the 2014 Northern Ireland Life & Times Survey, and focuses on attitudes to ageing and ageism. Claire Keatinge (Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland) will highlight the importance of research in helping policy makers make Northern Ireland a better place for older people.

17th Jun 2015
Is Northern Ireland a good place to grow old?
Paula Devine and Gemma M Carney.

ARK Seminar Series 2015/16

Findings from the 2014 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey:

This event marks the launch of the 2014 Northern Ireland Life & Times Survey, and focuses on attitudes to ageing and ageism. During the seminar, Paula Devine and Gemma Carney (ARK Ageing Programme) discuss key findings from the 2014 Life & Times survey.

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12th Jun 2015
An Interview with Professor Sue Yeandle.
Professor Gillian Robinson of ARK interviews Professor Sue Yeandle, Professor of Sociology and Director of CIRCLE with the University of Leeds

ARK Ageing Programme - 2015

Gillian Robinson of ARK interviews Sue Yeandle, Professor of Sociology and Director of CIRCLE (University of Leeds) about her experiences as an ARK Ageing Programme Visiting Fellow. Recorded on 12 June 2015 at Ulster University, Magee.

09th Jun 2015
Advances in telecare: new solutions for carers and older people
Sue Yeandle - Professor of Sociology and Director of CIRCLE, University of Leeds

Carers NI and the ARK Ageing Programme Seminar

Carers NI and the ARK Ageing Programme are marking Carers Week with a seminar on carers and technology.

The seminar will be led by Visiting Fellow, Professor Sue Yeandle from the University of Leeds, who will talk about her recent research on technology and how it can improve outcomes for carers and those needing care.

The event took place on Tuesday 9th June in the Senate Room, Lanyon Building, Queen’s University, Belfast.

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09th Jun 2015
GPS use within Dementia Care - an Occupational Therapists perspective
Karen Walls, Clinical Lead Dementia Services, Northern HSC Trust

Carers NI and the ARK Ageing Programme Seminar

Karen Walls, Clinical Lead OT, Dementia Services, Northern HSC Trust Carers NI and the ARK Ageing Programme are marking Carers Week with a seminar on carers and technology.

The event took place on Tuesday 9th June in the Senate Room, Lanyon Building, Queen’s University, Belfast. The seminar will be led by Visiting Fellow, Professor Sue Yeandle from the University of Leeds, who will talk about her recent research on technology and how it can improve outcomes for carers and those needing care.

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