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    Module: Politics
    Year: 2023

      This page lists the questions asked on Politics in 2023. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question.

      Publications and further information on Politics can be found on the Political Attitudes Resources page.

      POLPART2: Political party support

      IRBRIT: Do you see yourself as Irish or British?

      UNINATID: Do you think of yourself as a unionist, a nationalist or neither?

      VIEWGFA3: What is your view on the Good Friday or Belfast Agreement?

      UNTDIREL: At any time in the next 20 years, is it likely that there will be a United Ireland?

      UKIN20YR: Do you think the United Kingdom will still exist in 20 years' time?

      NIRELND2: What do you think the long-term policy for Northern Ireland should be?

      REFUNIFY: If there was a referendum tomorrow, would you vote for N Ireland to unify with the Republic of Ireland?

      UNIRLIKL: Does the UK leaving the European Union make a United Ireland more likely?

      UNIRFAV: Does the UK leaving the European Union make you feel more in favour of a United Ireland?

      REMLEAID: Do you think of yourself as a Remainer or a Leaver?

      THINKEUR: Do you think of yourself as European?

      INCDIFF: Is it the responsibility of the government to reduce the differences in income between people with high incomes and those with low incomes?

      GVINCTAX: Should government increase taxes and spend more on health, education and social benefits?

      PUBOWNST: Should major public services and industries be in state ownership?

      GVBINCM: Should the government should provide everyone with a guaranteed basic income?

      BENHELP: Do most people on social security benefits need and deserve such help?

      OBEYLAW: Should the law always be obeyed, even when a particular law is felt to be wrong?

      EOWOMEN: Have attempts to give equal opportunities to women gone far enough?

      SENTLEN: Are criminal sentences in Northern Ireland generally too lenient?

      SEXBCERT: Should it be possible for someone to change the sex recorded on their birth certificate?

      YPRESP: Should young people today have more respect for conventional values and authority?

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