Latest News
- March newsletter - More infoIn this issue, we feature ARK staff, events, publications and activities, and highlight our 25th anniversary launch event.
- Self Directed Support and Adult Social Care in Northern Ireland - More infoThis Policy Brief presents research evidence and key themes discussed at an ARK policy roundtable.
- Attitudes to immigration in Northern Ireland - More infoThis new Research Update by Katy Hayward and Paula Devine explores data from the NI Life and Times survey.
- Visualising Age Symposium - More infoVisualising Age - an international, interdisciplinary ARK symposium exploring ageing on screen. Friday 14th March 11am - 1pm Room OG.08, 18 College Green. QUB.
- February newsletter - More infoIn this issue, we feature ARK staff, events, publications and activities, and introduce 25th anniversary events and features.