Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2004

Module: Men's Life and Times

This page lists the questions asked within the Men's Life and Times module in 2004. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Men's Life and Times can be found on the Men's Life and Times Resources page.

MANEARN: Should earning money be the priority for men?

NOTIME: Do workplaces expect so that men can't get enough time with their families?

LONGHOUR: Do fathers work so much that it damages family life?

MENWLONG: Does society expect men to work longer hours than women?

INVCHLDN: Does society expect fathers to be less involved than mothers in the upbringing of their children?

CLINFATH: Should clinics provide advice to fathers on caring for a baby?

MENCARE: Can men care for children as well as women can?

IMP2WKPL: Should men be entitled to two weeks' paternity leave?

PAY2WKPL: Should men be entitled to two weeks' paternity leave at full pay?

NOPLEMP: Do employers put pressure on men not to take their paternity leave?

NOPLSTAY: Will men not take paternity leave as they do not want to stay at home with their new baby?

NOPLAFRD: Can many families not afford for fathers to take paternity leave unless it is at full pay?

NOPLPROB: Do men not ask for paternity leave because they don’t want to create problems at work?

CMINDER: Is a childminder an appropriate job for men and women?

FFIGHTER: Is a firefighter an appropriate job for men and women?

PTEACHER: Is a primary school teacher an appropriate job for men and women?

MIDWIFE: Is a midwife an appropriate job for men and women?

SOLDIER: Is a soldier in "front line" action an appropriate job for men and women?

STAYHOME: Is staying at home to look after children an appropriate job for men and women?

CLERGY: Is a priest or minister an appropriate job for men and women?

SECRETRY: Is a secretary an appropriate job for men and women?

CLASSRES: Should schools have classes teaching boys and girls to respect each other?

MENSTUP: Are men portrayed as being stupid on TV?

FAMLAW: Does family law uphold the rights of women more than men?

WOMTRAD: Is it easier for women to take on male roles

VIOLWMEN: Does violence by women against men happen more than people think?

HELPLINE: Should there be a helpline for men run by men?

MENRUNHL: Should a helpline like this be run by men only?

MENSJOB: Should schools encourage girls to train for traditional male jobs?

WMENSJOB: Should schools encourage boys to train for traditional women's jobs?

QUALWORK: Are qualifications the most important thing to make progress in the world of work?

HPIGNORE: Do men use health services less as they ignore minor problems?

HPEMBARR: Do men use health services less as they feel embarrassed?

HSGEARWM: Do men use health services less as they are more geared towards women patients?

APPTTIME: Do men use health services less as they find it more difficult to get appointments that fit in with work?

HPMEN: Which is the main reason that men don’t seek help earlier?

SEPCHLDN: What should usually happen to the children after a separation?

DECCHLDN: After separation, should parents work out an arrangement between themselves about who the children should live with?

MENSUPP: Do men need less emotional support than women?

MFAILURE: Do men fear failure more than women do?

MFEELING: Should men spend more time talking about their feelings?

MHEALTH: Is men's health taken seriously by health services?

GAYBISEX: Should gay and bisexual people not be discriminated against?

GAYRIGHT: Should a gay couple have the same rights as a heterosexual married couple?

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