Saturday March 15, 2025


COVSHLD: During lockdown, did you, or a person you were living with, have to shield because of a health condition?

COVPHEAL: How do you think your physical health was affected by the Coronavirus lockdown?

COVMHEAL: How do you think your mental and emotional health was affected by the Coronavirus lockdown?

COVMTRET: During lockdown, were you able to get medical treatment for any health issues not related to Coronavirus?

COVSCHL: Did you go into school during lockdown?

COVSUPSC: How much do you agree or disagree: During the Coronavirus lockdown I got enough support from teachers to help me with my school work?

COVSUPPA: How much do you agree or disagree: During the Coronavirus lockdown I got enough support from my parents/guardians to help me with my schoolwork?

COVRES: How much do you agree or disagree: During the Coronavirus lockdown I had all the resources I needed to study?

COVNETAC: How much do you agree or disagree: During the Coronavirus lockdown I was able to access the Internet when I needed to?

COVNEGED: How much do you agree or disagree: Overall, I feel my education has been negatively affected by Coronavirus?

COVFRNDS: How much do you agree or disagree: During lockdown I could talk to/contact my friends as much as I wanted to?

COVESTUD: How much do you agree or disagree: During lockdown I had enough inside space to play/study?

COVACTIV: How much do you agree or disagree: During lockdown I had enough outside space (e.g. garden) to keep active/spend time?

COVSAFE: How much do you agree or disagree: During lockdown I felt safe at home?

COVWORME: Were you worried about returning to school?

COVWORPA: Were your parents/guardians worried about you returning to school?

COVSCOOL: How often do you have to be in school this term?

COVSOAP: In your school, are there facilities for keeping your hands clean, such as, soap and water or hand gel/sanitiser?

COVEXTRA: Since returning to school, have you been able to take part in the extra-curricular activities you normally would have been involved in?

COVFRND1: Since lockdown ended and restrictions eased have you been able to meet up with friends?

COVPARK: Since lockdown ended and restrictions eased have you been able to play in parks?

COVACT1: Since lockdown ended and restrictions eased have you been able to do group sports/activities?

COVSTAY: Since lockdown ended and restrictions eased have you been able to stay overnight with your family away from your home?

COVAPP1: How much do you agree or disagree: Everyone should be made to have a track and trace app on their phone so that they can be contacted about illnesses such as Coronavirus?

COVAPP2: How much do you agree or disagree: I would be willing to download a track and trace app if I could?

COVAPP3: How much do you agree or disagree: I would trust the Government to protect data collected about me as part of a track and trace app?

COVINFO: How much would you agree or disagree: The Government has provided information on Coronavirus in a child-friendly way?

COVLIST: How much would you agree or disagree: The Government listens to children when making decisions about Coronavirus?

COVMONEY: How much would you agree or disagree: My family is financially worse off because of Coronavirus?

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Disclaimer:© ARK 2020 Last Updated on Monday, 06-Apr-2020 12:58