Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2020
Module: Coronavirus
Variable: COVMTRET

During lockdown, were you able to get medical treatment (e.g. from a doctor, dentist, counsellor etc.) for any health issues not related to Coronavirus?

I did not need any medical treatment that was not related to Coronavirus84
I needed medical treatment and was able to get it12
I needed medical treatment but was not able to get it4


Go to results for boys and girls.
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Results for boys and girls

I did not need any medical treatment that was not related to coronavirus 84 85
I needed medical treatment and was able to get it 12 12
I needed medical treatment but was not able to get it 3 4



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Disclaimer:© ARK 2020 Last Updated on Monday, 06-Apr-2020 12:58