ARK Research Updates

Below is a listing of all the ARK Research Updates dating from 1999, all of which are available in PDF format. Many of the Research Updates have been presented as seminars and where possible these seminars have been recorded onto video and can be viewed within your web browser here.image of Research Updates

However, if you require hard copy versions of these documents, please contact us by phone (+44 (0) 2871 675441) or send email us.

All work that refers to an ARK Research Update should acknowledge it using the appropriate bibliographic citation. For example:

Robinson, Gillian and Devine, Paula, 2017, Bonfires, flags, identity and cultural traditions, ARK Research Update 119, Belfast: ARK < >

There are over 100 ARK Research Updates available in PDF form for download. You can the search facility below with keywords, a year or month or a name to help find the ARK Research Updates you are interested in.

Total number of items - 157


13th May 2015
Children and Young Peoples awareness knowledge, and attitudes towards Autism in N. Ireland.
Karola Dillenburger, Lynne McKerr & Julie-Ann Jordan

ARK Seminar Series 2015/16 

Launch of 2014 Young Life and Times (YLT) and Kids’ Life and Times (KLT).

2014 Young Life and Times (YLT) and Kids’ Life and Times (KLT) surveys were published at an event at Queen’s University Belfast.

This seminar focuses on 'Children and young people’s awareness, knowledge, and attitudes towards autism in Northern Ireland'.

This Seminar was presented on 12 May 2015 at Queens University, Belfast.

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05th Jan 2015
Who can I talk to? Self-harm and seeking help among 16 year olds: Changes between 2008 and 2013
Mark McCann
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30th Sep 2014
Intolerance towards minority ethnic communities: An overview of responses 2005-2013
Philip McDermott
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12th Sep 2014
Are childrens views being sought, listened to and taken seriously?
Lesley Emerson and Katrina Lloyd
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19th Jun 2014
Belonging and Alienation in the new Northern Ireland
Katy Hayward, Lizanne Dowds and Colin Shaw
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12th Jun 2014
Flying the Flag: An update on attitudes to markers of identity in public space
Grainne Kelly (University of Ulster) followed by a response from Peter Osbourne(CRC)

2013 NILT Survey - Preview of Results Seminar

To mark the launch of the 2013 Northern Ireland Life and Times survey, Gráinne Kelly gave a short presentation of some of the survey results on the theme of Flying the Flag: An update on attitudes to markers of identity in public space.

Peter Osborne, chair of the Community Relations Council (CRC), will respond.

This Seminar was presented at Queen's University Belfast on 12th June 2014.

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16th May 2014
Financial wellbeing of young people
Paula Devine
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19th Mar 2014
Shared and Safe? An update on Good Relations policy and public attitudes
Paula Devine
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24th Feb 2014
Queering the Family: Attitudes towards Lesbian and Gay Relationships and Families in Northern Ireland
Siobhán McAlister, Nicola Carr and Gail Neill

ARK Seminars 2014/15

This seminar will report on 2012 NILT data relating to attitudes towards Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues. Given recent policy debates and legislative moves regarding 'gay marriage' and same-sex adoption it will focus specifically on attitudes towards lesbian and gay family and relationships. In so doing, it will consider public attitudes within the context of broader discourses that often underpin policy discussions on 'the family'.

  • Nicola Carr is a lecturer in the School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work at Queens University Belfast.
  • Siobhán McAlister is a lecturer in the School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work at Queens University Belfast.
  • Gail Neill is a freelance Youth Worker and Trainer. Over the last 10 years she has worked on LGB youth projects within YouthAction Northern Ireland.

This Seminar was presented at NICVA, 61 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast, on 25th Feb 2014.

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04th Feb 2014
Online and Safe?
Paula Devine and Katrina Lloyd.
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