ARK Research Updates

Below is a listing of all the ARK Research Updates dating from 1999, all of which are available in PDF format. Many of the Research Updates have been presented as seminars and where possible these seminars have been recorded onto video and can be viewed within your web browser here.image of Research Updates

However, if you require hard copy versions of these documents, please contact us by phone (+44 (0) 2871 675441) or send email us.

All work that refers to an ARK Research Update should acknowledge it using the appropriate bibliographic citation. For example:

Robinson, Gillian and Devine, Paula, 2017, Bonfires, flags, identity and cultural traditions, ARK Research Update 119, Belfast: ARK < >

There are over 100 ARK Research Updates available in PDF form for download. You can the search facility below with keywords, a year or month or a name to help find the ARK Research Updates you are interested in.

Total number of items - 157


11th Jun 2008
Can Northern Ireland become normal? Attitudes to the role of government in Northern Ireland
Robin Wilson and Elizabeth Meehan

ARK Seminar Series 2008

This seminar by Robin Wilson and Elizabeth Meehan marks the launch of the results of the 2007 N Ireland Life and Times Survey.

This Seminar was presented on the 11th June 2008 at Queens University Belfast

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01st Jun 2008
Young Carers
Paula Devine and Katrina Lloyd
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update56.pdf557.01 KB
23rd May 2008
Cross-community schemes: participation, motivation, mandate
Dirk Schubotz (ARK)
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13th May 2008
Intimate mixing - bridging the gap? Catholic-Protestant relationships in Northern Ireland
Dr Katrina lloyd (ARK, Queens University Belfast) and Professor Gillian Robinson (ARK, University of Ulster)

ARK Seminar Series 2007-08

Dr Katrina lloyd (ARK, Queens University Belfast) and Professor Gillian Robinson (ARK, University of Ulster) give the last seminar in the ARK 2007-08 series.

This Seminar was presented at NICVA, 61 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast on the 13th May 2008.

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update54.pdf178.69 KB
11th Mar 2008
Migration and migrant workers in Northern Ireland.
Dr Chris Gilligan (Aston University)

ARK Seminar Series 2008

Dr Chris Gilligan (Aston University) will examine evidence from the 2006 Northern Ireland Life and Times survey to explore attitudes to migrationa nd migrant workers in Northern Ireland.

This Seminar was presented at NICVA on the 11th March 2008.

(Research Updates available in several languages below)

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22nd Jan 2008
Public attitudes to health care in Northern Ireland
Dr. Ann Marie Gray

ARK Seminar Series 2008

This seminar in the ARK 2008 Seminar Series will be presented by Dr. Ann Marie Gray from the University of Ulster and will draw on findings from the 2006 Northern Ireland Life and Times survey.

This Seminar was presented at NICVA on the 22nd Jan 2008.

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19th Jun 2007
Who Cares Now? Changes in Informal Caring 1994 to 2006
Eileen Evason

ARK Seminar Series 2007

In order to launch the release of the results of the 2006 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, Eileen Evason will explore changes in experiences and attitudes to informal caring from 1994 to 2006.

This Seminar was presented at Queens UNiversity Belfast on the 19th June 2007.

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update51.pdf95.77 KB
21st Feb 2007
Attitudes to and experience of complementary medicine in Northern Ireland
Professor Suzanne McDonough

ARK Seminar Series 2007

Professor Suzanne McDonough of the University of Ulster says 29% of people interviewed had received some form of CAM over the previous 12 months, with a very wide range of therapies being used.

The survey reported that the most-used therapies, in order, were aromatherapy, reflexology, massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal medicine and relaxation.

This Seminar was presented on the 21st Feb 2007 at NICVA.

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01st Feb 2007
The environment: am I bovvered?
Paula Devine
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01st Dec 2006
School Bullying in Northern Ireland - It hasn?t gone away you know
Stephanie Burns
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update48.pdf134.35 KB