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Year: 2024
Module: Education
Variable: FAVINSCH

Thinking about your current school, or if you have left school the last school you attended, would you personally be in favour of your school being or becoming an Integrated school?

Yes, I would be in favour of this33
No, I would not be in favour of this25
My school is already integrated, and I would keep it that way17
My school is integrated, but I would prefer if it was not2
I don't know23


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
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Results for men and women

Yes, i would be in favour of this 27 37
No, i would not be in favour of this 30 23
My school is already integrated, and i would keep it that way 17 17
My school is integrated, but i would prefer if it was not 2 2
I don't know 24 22



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Yes, i would be in favour of this 30 25 41
No, i would not be in favour of this 37 32 11
My school is already integrated, and i would keep it that way 8 20 24
My school is integrated, but i would prefer if it was not 2 3 1
I don't know 24 21 23



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