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    Module: Education
    Year: 2022

    This page lists the questions asked in the Education module in 2022. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question will bring you to the table of results for that question.

      SUPPFC: Have your school or college provided support re future career choices?

      CONFFC: Do you feel confident about your future career options?

      BSLGCSE: If it had been available, would you have chosen British Sign Language as a GCSE?

      DONEWHAT: What are the things you have done in Shared Education? [Multiple Response]

      SEDUC: Have you ever been involved in Shared Education?

      SEFUT: Would you like to be involved in Shared Education?

      SEDONE: What are the things you have done in Shared Education? [SE filter]

      SEDIS1: How much did you like or dislike sharing classes?

      SEDIS2: How much did you like or dislike doing projects together?

      SEDIS3: How much did you like or dislike sharing sports facilities and computers or equipment?

      SEDIS4: How much did you like or dislike being taught by different teachers?

      SEDIS5: How much did you like or dislike travelling to a different school?

      SEDIS6: How much did you like or dislike learning new things with pupils from another school?

      SEDIS7: How much did you like or dislike doing classes we normally don't get to do at our school?

      SEDIS8: How much did you like or dislike making new friends?

      SEDIS9: How much did you like or dislike being with young people who are a different religion to you?

      SEDIS10: How much did you like or dislike being with young people who are a different ethnic background to you?

      SEDIS11: How much did you like or dislike being with young people who are a different social class to you?

      SERESP: Since taking part in Shared Education are you better able to respect the views of others?

      SEFNDS: Since taking part in Shared Education, how many close friends have you made with young people who are a different religion to you in the other school(s)?

      SELLW: Did you have lessons on Learning for Life and Work/Citizenship as part of Shared Education?

      SEFEEL: How do you generally feel about Shared Education?

      SHPRIM: Would you mind doing a project with young people from a primary school?

      SHSNEEDS: Would you mind doing a project with pupils from a school for young people with special educational needs or disabilities?

      SHDIFREL: Would you mind doing a project with pupils from a school where most of the young people are a different religion to you?

      SHDIFMEC: Would you mind doing a project with pupils from a school where most of the young people are a different ethnic background to you?

      SHDIFSC: Would you mind doing a project with pupils from a school where most of the young people are a different social class to you?

      SEFAC: If your school was part of a Shared Education Campus which of the following should it have?

      SHLIKE1: Would you like your school, or the school you last attended, to be part of a Shared Education Campus?

      CREDSH: Have you ever done CRED in your school, or in a youth centre or youth project?

      CREDSCHOOLa-j: Do you think your school has encouraged understanding and promoted equal treatment for the following groups through these CRED activities?

      CREDYPa-j: Do you think your youth centre or youth project has encouraged understanding and promoted equal treatment for the following groups through these CRED activities?

      CREFAV1: As a result of being involved in CRED activities do you feel more favourable, more unfavourable or just the same regarding the equal treatment of people with different political opinions?

      CREFAV2: As a result of being involved in CRED activities do you feel more favourable, more unfavourable or just the same regarding the equal treatment of people with different religious beliefs?

      CREFAV3: As a result of being involved in CRED activities do you feel more favourable, more unfavourable or just the same regarding the equal treatment of people from different ethnic groups?

      CREFAV4: As a result of being involved in CRED activities do you feel more favourable, more unfavourable or just the same regarding the equal treatment of people of different ages?

      CREFAV5: As a result of being involved in CRED activities do you feel more favourable, more unfavourable or just the same regarding the equal treatment of people who are single, cohabiting, married or divorced?

      CREFAV6: As a result of being involved in CRED activities do you feel more favourable, more unfavourable or just the same regarding the equal treatment of people with different sexual orientations?

      CREFAV7: As a result of being involved in CRED activities do you feel more favourable, more unfavourable or just the same regarding the equal treatment of men and women?

      CREFAV8: As a result of being involved in CRED activities do you feel more favourable, more unfavourable or just the same regarding the equal treatment of people with a disability and those without a disability?

      CREFAV9: As a result of being involved in CRED activities do you feel more favourable, more unfavourable or just the same regarding the equal treatment of people with dependants and those without?

      CREFAV10: As a result of being involved in CRED activities do you feel more favourable, more unfavourable or just the same regarding the equal treatment of people with caring responsibilities and those without caring responsibilities?

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