Sunday March 16, 2025

Young Life and Times Survey 2016

Module: Culture

Year: 2016

This page lists the questions asked in the Culture module in 2016. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question brings you to the tables of results for that question.

CULTEXP: Do you express your culture in any of the following ways?

CULTTV: How often in your free time do you watch TV, DVDs or videos?

CULTMUS: How often in your free time do you listen to music?

CULTREAD: How often in your free time do you read books?

CULTCINE: How often in your free time do you go to the cinema?

CULTEVNT: How often in your free time do you attend cultural events?

CULTSPOR: How often in your free time do you attend sporting events as a spectator?

CULTONLI: How often in your free time do you play online and computer games?

CULTDANC: How often in your free time do you go dancing?

CULTART: How often in your free time do you make art (e.g. theatre or music, painting or drawing, photography, films, writing, street painting etc)?

CULTCFT: How often in your free time do you do craft design (e.g. jewellery, fashion etc)?

CULTOTH: How often do you do another activity do you do in your spare time?

CULTPREV: Which, if any, of the following reasons prevent you from attending these activities more often?

CULTYP: How often do you attend a youth project, youth club or community group?

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