Saturday March 15, 2025

Year: 2016
Module: Culture
Variable: CULTEXP

We all express and understand culture in many different ways. Do you think you express your culture in any of the following ways? [MULTIPLE RESPONSE TABLE]

In what you wear 39
In the activities you take part in 51
In your religious beliefs and practice 58
In the language you speak 57
In what you eat 42
In who you hang about with 32
In the music you hear and the films you watch 44
Something elser 37


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

In what you wear 39 39
In the activities you take part in 55 48
In your religious beliefs and practices 55 61
In the language you speak 53 60
In what you eat 35 47
In who you hang about with 34 32
In the music you hear and the films you watch 38 49
Something else 33 39



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
In what you wear 44 38 35
In the activities you take part in 62 52 36
In your religious beliefs and practices 77 67 24
In the language you speak 56 58 58
In what you eat 36 43 49
In who you hang about with 36 31 30
In the music you hear and the films you watch 47 40 46
Something else 42 30 36



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