Thursday March 13, 2025

Young Life and Times Survey 2014

Module: Integrated Education

Year: 2014

This page lists the questions asked in the Integrated Education module in 2014. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question brings you to the tables of results for that question.

DIVREL: How divided are people in terms of religion?

DIVETH: How divided are people in terms of ethnicity?

DIVCULT: How divided are people in terms of cultural traditions?

DIVSCH: How divided are people in terms of schools?

DIVSPO: How divided are people in terms of sports?

DIVCLAS: How divided are people in terms of class?

INTREL: How much integration should there be in terms of religion?

INTETH: How much integration should there be in terms of ethnicity?

INTCULT: How much integration should there be in terms of cultural traditions?

INTSCH: How much integration should there be in terms of schools?

INTSPO: How much integration should there be in terms of sport?

INTCLAS: How much integration should there be in terms of social class?

WELRELG: How welcome would pupils in your school make a new pupil of another religion?

WELETHN: How welcome would pupils in your school make a new pupil of a different ethnic background?

WELCLAS: How welcome would pupils in your school make a new pupils of a different class background?

WELRELGU: How welcome would you make a new pupil of another religion?

WELETHNU: How welcome would you make a new pupil of a different ethnicity?

WELCLASU: How welcome would you make a new pupil of a different social class?

OWNMXSCH: Would you prefer a school with children of only your own religion?

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