Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2014
Module: Integrated _Education
Variable: OWNMXSCH

Thinking about the future, if you had children or your own would you prefer them to attend a school where all the children had the same religions as you, or would your prefer them to attend a mixed-religion school?

Own religion only30
Mixed-religion school55
Don’t know4


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

Own religion only 32 29
Mixed-religion school 51 58
Other 13 9
Don’t know 4 3



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Own religion only 44 35 7
Mixed-religion school 40 53 78
Other 12 8 12
Don’t know 4 4 4



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