UB1POOR: Has a 25 year old unemployed woman living on benefits have enough to live on?
MUMPOOR: Does an unemployed single mother on benefits have enough to live on?
UB1ON47: Does a 25 year old unemployed woman with an income of £47 a week after rent have enough to live on?
MUMON78: Does an unemployed single mother with an income of £78 a week after rent have enough to live on?
PENWHOSH: Who should be responsible for ensuring an adequate retirement pension?
MSTUNEMP: Should unemployment benefit be related to previous income?
MSTRETIR: Should state retirement pension be related to previous income?
MSTCHILD: Should child benefit be related to earnings?
MTUNMAR1: Should an unmarried father make maintenance payments to support his child?
MTUNMAR2: Should an unmarried father's maintenance payments depend on his income?
MTUNMAR3: Should an unmarried father's maintenance payment depend on the mother's income?
MTUNMAR4: Should an unmarried father's maintenance payment depend on the step-father's income?
WORSEOFF: Who is worse off financially when a marriage breaks up?
SINGMUM1: Should a single mother with a child under school age go to work?
SINGMUM2: Should the government help financially with child-care for a single mother with a child under school age?
SMUMSCH1: Should a single mother with a child of school age go to work?
SMUMSCH2: Should the government help financially with child-care outside school for a single mother?
SMARMUM1: Do unmarried mothers who find it hard to cope have only themselves to blame?
SMARMUM2: Do unmarried mothers get too little sympathy from society?