Wednesday March 19, 2025

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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes - 1995

Year: 1995

Module: Welfare
Variable: PENWHOSH

Please say, from this card, who you think should be mainly responsible for ensuring that people have an adequate retirement pension?

Index to tables on this page

  1. % of men and women
  2. % of people of different ages
  3. % of people of different religions.

Overall Results %
Mainly the government54
Mainly employers11
Shared equally31
Some other arrangement3
Don't know1

Results for men and women
Mainly the government 56 53
Mainly employers 12 10
Shared equally 27 35
Some other arrangement 5 1
Don't know 1 1

Table Index

Results for people of different ages
Mainly the government 40 42 52 57 61 71
Mainly employers 20 21 13 8 5 1
Shared equally 26 34 34 33 31 24
Some other arrangement 13 3 1 1 2 2
Don't know 2 0 0 1 2 2

Table Index

Results for people of different religions
 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Mainly the government 60 53 46
Mainly employers 7 12 17
Shared equally 30 31 31
Some other arrangement 2 2 5
Don't know 1 1 2

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