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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes - 1995

Variable Listing for Module: Taxation

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


SIZETAX: How much would an extra one penny in the pound on the basic rate of income tax cost your household?

SIZEVAT: How much would a one percentage point increase in the rate of VAT cost your household?

HLHSPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on health?

POLSPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on police?

EDCPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on education?

DFCSPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on defence?

ENVSPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on the environment?

PTRSPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on public transport?

CULSPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on culture and the arts?

HLHSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on health?

POLSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on police?

EDCSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on education?

DFCSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on defence?

ENVSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on the environment?

PTRSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on public transport?

CULSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on culture and the arts?

HLHSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on health?

POLSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on police?

EDCSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on education?

DFCSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on defence?

ENVSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on the environment?

PTRSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on public transport?

CULSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on culture and the arts?

HLHSPDR2: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on health?

POLSPDR2: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on police?

EDCSPDR2: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on the education?

DFCSPDR2: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on defence?

ENVSPDR2: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on the environment?

PTRSPDR2: s it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on public transport?

CULSPDR2: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on culture and the arts?

GVCHTAX1: Preferred option relating to increased taxes to pay for extra spending.

GVCHTAX2: Second choice relating to increased taxes to pay for extra spending.

FAMBTAX: Which option for paying for extra spending would leave you and your family best off?

FAMWTAX: Which option for paying for extra spending would leave you and your family worst off?

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Disclaimer:© SOL 2003 Last Updated on Tuesday, 16-Mar-2004 14:44