SIZETAX: How much would an extra one penny in the pound on the basic rate of income tax cost your household?
SIZEVAT: How much would a one percentage point increase in the rate of VAT cost your household?
HLHSPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on health?
POLSPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on police?
EDCPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on education?
DFCSPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on defence?
ENVSPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on the environment?
PTRSPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on public transport?
CULSPDC1: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on culture and the arts?
HLHSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on health?
POLSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on police?
EDCSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on education?
DFCSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on defence?
ENVSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on the environment?
PTRSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on public transport?
CULSPDR1: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on culture and the arts?
HLHSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on health?
POLSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on police?
EDCSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on education?
DFCSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on defence?
ENVSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on the environment?
PTRSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on public transport?
CULSPDC2: Is it best for the country to increase spending and taxes on culture and the arts?
HLHSPDR2: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on health?
POLSPDR2: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on police?
EDCSPDR2: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on the education?
DFCSPDR2: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on defence?
ENVSPDR2: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on the environment?
PTRSPDR2: s it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on public transport?
CULSPDR2: Is it best for you and your household to increase spending and taxes on culture and the arts?
GVCHTAX1: Preferred option relating to increased taxes to pay for extra spending.
GVCHTAX2: Second choice relating to increased taxes to pay for extra spending.
FAMBTAX: Which option for paying for extra spending would leave you and your family best off?
FAMWTAX: Which option for paying for extra spending would leave you and your family worst off?