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Year: 2023
Module: Road Safety
Variable: DRVBEH

If response to DRIVE2 is 'Yes'
How is your driving behaviour affected by safety cameras?

I do not change my driving behaviour37
I slow down temporarily until past the camera25
I slow down for the remainder of the journey13
I slow down over a longer period of time i.e. on future journeys20
I don't know5


Go to results for men and women, people of different religions, and people of different ages.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

I do not change my driving behaviour 37 37
I slow down temporarily until past the camera 28 23
I slow down for the remainder of the journey 11 15
I slow down over a longer period of time i.e. on future journeys 20 20
I don't know 4 6



Results for people of different ages

I do not change my driving behaviour 32 44 38 29 35 40
I slow down temporarily until past the camera 38 31 25 24 26 18
I slow down for the remainder of the journey 12 9 11 15 13 16
I slow down over a longer period of time i.e. on future journeys 8 13 19 26 23 22
I don't know 11 3 7 6 2 4



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
I do not change my driving behaviour 36 36 41
I slow down temporarily until past the camera 25 23 29
I slow down for the remainder of the journey 12 16 10
I slow down over a longer period of time i.e. on future journeys 20 21 16
I don't know 7 4 4



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