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    Module: Respect
    Year: 2023

      This page lists the questions asked on Respect in 2023. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question.

      Publications and further information on Respect can be found on the Good Relations Resources page.

      NIRESPECT: Is Northern Ireland a place where people respect each other?

      LESSCOURT: How often are you treated with less courtesy than other people are?

      LESSRESP: How often are you treated with less respect than other people are?

      POORSERV: How often do you receive poorer service than other people at restaurants or shops?

      NOTSMAR: How often do people act as if they think you are not smart?

      AFRAIDME: How often do people act as if they are afraid of you?

      MEDISHONS: How often do people act as if they think you are dishonest?

      BETTERME: How often do people act as if they're better than you are?

      CALLNAME: How often are you called names or insulted?

      THREATEN: How often are you threatened or harassed?

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