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    Module: Minority Ethnic People
    Year: 2023

      This page lists the questions asked on Minority Ethnic People module in 2023. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question.

      Publications and further information on Attitudes to Minority Ethnic People can be found on the Attitudes to Minority Ethnic People Resources page.

      CBIRTH: What is your country of birth?

      ETHGROUP: What is your ethnic group?

      UMINETH: Do you consider yourself to be a member of a minority ethnic community?

      RACPREJM: Is there more racial prejudice in N Ireland than 5 years ago?

      TRAVRES2: Would you accept Irish Travellers living in a house as a resident in your local area?

      TRAVCOLL: Would you accept an Irish Traveller as a colleague?

      TRAVPAL: Would you accept an Irish Traveller as a close friend?

      TRAVREL: Would you accept an Irish Traveller as a relative by marriage?

      EERES: Would you accept an Eastern European person as a resident in your local area?

      EECOLL: Would you accept an Eastern European person as a colleague?

      EEPAL: Would you accept an Eastern European person as a close friend?

      EEREL: Would you accept an Eastern European person as a relative by marriage?

      MUSRES2: Would you accept a Muslim as a resident in your local area?

      MUSCOLL2: Would you accept a Muslim as a colleague?

      MUSPAL2: Would you accept a Muslim as a close friend?

      MUSREL2: Would you accept a Muslim as a relative by marriage?

      MEGRES: Would you accept someone from other ethnic groups as a resident in your local area?

      MEGCOLL: Would you accept someone from other ethnic groups as a colleague?

      MEGPAL: Would you accept someone from other ethnic groups as a close friend?

      MEGREL: Would you accept someone from other ethnic groups as a relative by marriage?

      MEGPAL1: Do any of your friends come from a Black (African, Caribbean) community/background?

      MEGPAL2: Do any of your friends come from a Chinese community/background?

      MEGPAL3: Do any of your friends come from a South Asian (Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi) community/background?

      MEGPAL4: Do any of your friends come from a Irish Traveller community/background?

      MEGPAL5: Do any of your friends come from a Portuguese community/background?

      MEGPAL11: Do any of your friends come from a Polish community/background?

      MEGPAL13: Do any of your friends come from a Bulgarian community/background?

      MEGPAL14: Do any of your friends come from a Romanian background?

      MEGPAL15: Do any of your friends come from another Eastern European background?

      MEGPAL7: Do any of your friends come from a Filipino community/background?

      MEGPAL8: Do any of your friends come from other minority ethnic communities/backgrounds?

      MEGPAL9: Do none of your friends come from minority ethnic backgrounds?

      UPREJMEG: Are you prejudiced against people of minority ethnic communities?

      MIGWRK1: Are migrant workers good for Northern Ireland's economy?

      MIGWRK2: Do migrant workers take jobs away from people who were born in Northern Ireland?

      MIGWRK3: Do migrant workers take up jobs that Northern Ireland workers don't want?

      MIGWRK5: Is it good for N Ireland that migrant workers work as doctors and nurses when there is a shortage of medical staff?

      MIGWRK7: Do migrant workers make Northern Ireland open to new ideas and cultures?

      MIGWRK11: Are people's perceptions of migrant workers tainted by the media?

      LETIN: Do you think the number of immigrants to Northern Ireland nowadays should be changed?

      ASYLUMNI: Should asylum seekers be allowed to stay in N Ireland?

      ASSTATUS: Should it be easier for asylum seekers to obtain refugee status in Northern Ireland?

      ASEMP: Should asylum seekers have the same access to employment as the rest of the Northern Ireland population?

      NIREFUGB: Is Northern Ireland a society that welcomes refugees escaping persecution in their home country?

      DREFGEEB: Is it our duty to provide protection to refugees who are escaping persecution in their home country?

      RCONTRIB: Do refugees conribute to our society?

      RASFRESP: Are refugees and asylum seekers respected in Northern Ireland?

      RASKNOW: Would you like more opportunities to get to know asylum seekers or refugees?

      RASMEDIA: Are people's perceptions of refugees and asylum seekers negatively affected by the media?

      UKRN2NI: Should people fleeing the war in Ukraine be allowed to come to Northern Ireland?

      NIMEC2: Do you know quite a bit about the culture of some minority ethnic communities living in Northern Ireland?

      NIMEC3: Is the culture of Irish Travellers is more respected by people in N Ireland than it once was?

      MECGOV: How much do minority ethnic communities participate as school governors?

      MECPOL: How much do minority ethnic communities participate as politicians?

      MECBUSNS: How much do minority ethnic communities participate as prominent business people?

      MECFAITH: How much do minority ethnic communities participate as leaders within their churches or faith communities?

      MECMEDIA: How much do minority ethnic communities participate as commentators in the media?

      ORGMEC: Should organisations and leaders in public life encourage minority ethnic communities to participate in public life?

      RACNEEDS2: How important is it to you that public bodies take into account the needs of minority ethnic communities?

      PSMINETH: Do public services in Northern Ireland meet the needs of minority ethnic people living here?

      PSALLEQ: Do public services meet the needs of all the different people living in N Ireland in an equal way?

      SHAREETH: Are you happy to share information about my identity, including ethnicity, with public bodies if it helps ensure public services meet the needs of everybody living in N Ireland?

      HRDRACEQ: Have you heard of the Racial Equality Strategy in NI?

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