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    Module: Gender-based Violence
    Year: 2023

      This page lists all the questions asked on Gender-Based Violence in 2023. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question.

      Publications and further information on Gender-Based Violence can be found on the Gender-based Violence Resources page.


      GBVOK1: How acceptable would most people find cat-calling or wolf whistling?

      GBVOK4: How acceptable would most people find sending an intimate photo/video of yourself to a woman without her agreement?

      GBVOK5: How acceptable would most people find sharing an intimate photo/video of a woman without her agreement?

      GBVOK3A: How acceptable would most people find posting a 'joke' or making comments of a sexual nature online that might make women feel uncomfortable?

      GBVOK1U: How acceptable do you find cat-calling or wolf whistling?

      GBVOK4U: How acceptable do you find sending an intimate photo/video of yourself to a woman without her agreement?

      GBVOK5U: How acceptable do you find sharing an intimate photo/video of a woman without her agreement?

      GBVOK3UA: How acceptable do you find posting a 'joke' or making comments of a sexual nature online?

      DORJOKE: Your reaction if someone telling a rape joke about women.

      DOSCOMM: Your reaction if you saw someonemaking a woman or girl feel uncomfortable by making sexual comments towards them.

      G3RANK1A: Most likely to speak about gender-based violence with.

      G3RANK2A: Second most likely to speak about gender-based violence with.

      G3RANK3A: Third most likely to speak about gender-based violence with.

      GBVPHYVA: Have you experienced physical violence over the last five years?

      GBVSEXVA: Have you experienced sexual violence over the last five years?

      GBVPSYVA: Have you experienced psychological violence over the last five years?

      GBVECONV: Have you experienced economic violence over the last five years?

      GBVONLV: Have you experienced online violence over the last five years?

      GBVOTHER: Have you experienced other types of violence over the last five years?

      GBVNONE: Have you experienced none of these over the last five years?

      GBVDK: Don't you know if you experienced any of these over the last five years?


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