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    Module:Community Safety and Perceptions of Paramilitary Influence
    Year: 2023

      This page lists the questions asked on Community Safety and Perceptions of Paramilitary Influence in 2023. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question.

      Publications and further information on Community Safety and Perceptions of Paramilitary Influence can be found on the Good Relations Resources page.

      SAFEAREA: How safe do you feel living in this area?

      RELAREA: Would you describe your area as mainly Catholic, mainly Protestant, or mixed?

      COMMAREA: Would you describe your areas as mainly loyalist, mainly republican, or mixed?

      AREAREPC: Do people in this area feel confident reporting crime and anti-social behaviour to the PSNI?

      PSNISAFE: Does the PSNI keep this area safe?

      AREALAW: Do people in this area generally abide by the law?

      AREALAWJ: Do people in this area feel that they are protected by the law and justice system?

      LOWCRIME: Are there low levels of crime, drugs and anti-social behaviour in this area?

      SENSECOM: Is there a strong sense of community in this area?

      PGCONTRL: Do paramilitary groups have a controlling influence in this area?

      PGSAFE: Do paramilitary groups help keep this area safe?

      PGFEAR: Do paramilitary groups create fear and intimidation in this area?

      YPCRIME: Is there a lot of crime, drugs and anti-social behaviour among young people in this area?

      YPINFLPG: Are young people being influenced too much by paramilitary groups in this area?

      PGCRIME: Do paramilitary groups contribute to crime, drug-dealing and anti-social behaviour in this area?

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