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    Module: Community/Good Relations
    Year: 2023

      This page lists the questions asked on Community/Good Respect in 2023. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question.

      Publications and further information on Respect can be found on the Good Relations Resources page.

      RLRELAGO: Are relations between Protestants and Catholics better now than 5 years ago?

      RLRELFUT: Will relations between Protestants and Catholics be better in 5 years time?

      MXRLGNGH: Would you prefer to live in a neighbourhood with people of only your own religion?

      MXRLGWRK: Would you prefer a workplace with people of only your own religion?

      OWNMXSCH: Would you prefer a school with children of only your own religion?

      REPMURAL: Have you felt intimidated by republican murals, kerb paintings, or flags?

      REPMUR2: Have you felt annoyed by republican murals, kerb paintings, or flags?

      LOYMURAL: Have you felt intimidated by loyalist murals, kerb paintings, or flags?

      LOYMUR2: Have you felt annoyed by loyalist murals, kerb paintings, or flags?

      SUPPFLAG: Do you support flag flying on lampposts throughout Northern Ireland?

      FLAGDOWN: Would you like flags taken down straightaway?

      FLAGPUBL: Which of these statements about flags on public buildings in Northern Ireland comes closest to your own view?

      WORKCULT2: Is your workplace a place where you can be open about your cultural identity?

      NGHCULT2: Is your neighbourhood a place where you can be open about your cultural identity?

      SCHLCULT2: Are all your children's schools places where they can be open about their own cultural identity?

      NINATID: Do you think of yourself as British/Irish/Ulster/Northern Irish?

      UBELNGH: Do you feel a sense of belonging to this neighbourhood?

      INFLLOCL: Do you feel that you have any influence when it comes to any of the local decisions made around here?

      UBELNI: Do you feel a sense of belonging to Northern Ireland as a whole?

      INFLNI: Do you feel that you have any influence when it comes to any of the decisions made about what happens in Northern Ireland?

      COMDIV: In this area, do Protestants and Catholics tend to go to different local shops or use different GP surgeries and other services?

      LCOPEN: Do you think that leisure centres in this area are 'shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics?

      PARKOPEN: Do you think that leisure centres in this area are 'shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics?

      LIBOPEN: Do you think that libraries in this area are 'shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics?

      SHCNOPEN: Do you think that shopping centres in this area are 'shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics?

      GOGAA: How safe would you feel going to an event in a GAA club (Gaelic Sports club)?

      GOOH: How safe would you feel going to an event in an Orange hall?

      GOCSCHL: How safe would you feel going to an event in a Catholic secondary school?

      GOPSCHL: How safe would you feel going to an event in a Protestant secondary school?

      FEELCATH: How favourable or unfavourable do you feel about people from the Catholic community?

      FEELPROT: How favourable or unfavourable do you feel about people from the Protestant community?

      FEELMEG: How favourable or unfavourable do you feel about people from a different ethnic group to yourself?

      CTHCRICH: Do the culture and traditions of the Catholic community add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society?

      PRCRICH: Do the culture and traditions of the Protestant community add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society?

      EMCRICH: Do the culture and traditions of people from different minority ethnic groups add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society?

      CULTRESP: Is your own cultural identity is respected by society?

      NISAFEWL: Are towns and city centres in Northern Ireland safe and welcoming places for people of all walks of life?

      ISNGNEUT: Is your neighbourhood a neutral space?

      NICCPRJ: Have you been aware of cross-community schemes of projects operating in Northern Ireland in the last 5 years?

      UCCPRJ2: Have you participated in a cross-community scheme/project in the last 5 years?

      BONLEGIT: Are bonfires a legitimate form of cultural celebration?

      PLINELIV: How far do you currently live from the nearest Peace Line?

      PLINEREM: Should Peace Lines be removed?

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