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    Module: Palliative Care
    Year: 2022

      This page lists all the questions asked within the Palliative Care module in 2022. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question.

      Publications and further information on Palliative Care can be found on the Palliative Care Resources page.

      PACKS1: Is a goal of palliative care to address any psychological issues brought up by serious illness?

      PACKS2: Can stress from serious illness be addressed by palliative care?

      PACKS3: Can palliative care help people manage the side effects of their medical treatments?

      PACKS4: When people receive palliative care, must they give up their other doctors?

      PACKS5: Is palliative care exclusively for people who are in the last 6 months of life?

      PACKS7: Must people be in the hospital to receive palliative care?

      PACKS6: Is palliative care specifically for people with cancer?

      PACKS8: Is palliative care designed specifically for older adults?

      PACKS9: Is palliative care a team-based approach to care?

      PACKS10: Is a goal of palliative care to help people better understand their treatment options?

      PACKS11: Does palliative care encourage people to stop treatments aimed at curing their illness?

      PACKS13: Does palliative care help the whole family cope with a serious illness?

      PACKS12: Is a goal of palliative care to improve a person's ability to participate in daily activities?

      HEARDPC1: Have you never heard of palliative care?

      HEARDPC2: Heard of palliative care as a friend or relative received palliative care.

      HEARDPC3: Heard of palliative care as my job involves working with people receiving palliative care.

      HEARDPC4: Heard of palliative care as I am receiving it.

      HEARDPC5: Heard of palliative care from TV, newspapers and social media.

      HEARDPC6: Heard of palliative care from another source.

      HEARDPCDK: Not sure where I heard of palliative care.

      HEARDACP: Have you ever heard of the term advance care planning?

      TALKACPA: Has anyone offered you the opportunity to talk about advance care planning, and your goals and preferences for future care and support?

      ACPGP: Discussed advance care planning with a GP?

      ACPHDOC: Discussed advance care planning with a hospital doctor?

      ACPNURSE: Discussed advance care planning with a nurse?

      ACPSW: Discussed advance care planning with a social worker?

      ACPDNURSE: Discussed advance care planning with a district nurse?

      ACPAHP: Discussed advance care planning with an allied health professional?

      ACPCLERGY: Discussed advance care planning with a member of the clergy?

      ACPFAMFR: Discussed advance care planning with friends/family?

      ACPCOMMUNITY: Discussed advance care planning with community groups?

      ACPOTHER: Discussed advance care planning with someone else?

      ACPDK: Don't know who discussed advance care planning with.

      ACPDONE1: Have you never thought of recording or writing down your wishes and preferences for future care and support?

      ACPDONE2: Have you thought of recording or writing down your wishes and preferences for future care and support, but haven't done anything specific?

      ACPDONE3: Have you discussed with your family/friends about recording or writing down your wishes and preferences for future care and support?

      ACPDONE4: Have you discussed with your GP about recording or writing down your wishes and preferences for future care and support ?

      ACPDONE5: Have you an advance care plan for future care and support in place?

      FEELACP1A: Advance care planning - not want to think about this because you are in good health?

      FEELACP2A: Advance care planning - comfort you to have left guidance about your wishes?

      FEELACP3: Advance care planning - worry that you could not change your mind?

      FEELACP4: Advance care planning - trust family to make the right decisions for you?

      FEELACP5: Advance care planning - no point in planning, as cannot change the future?

      FEELACP6: Advance care planning - is it difficult to know if wishes will be respected?

      FEELACP8: Advance care planning - would discussing your wishes give you a sense of control?

      FEELACP7: Advance care planning - worry that doctors would stop treatment too soon?

      ACPMORE: Would you be interested in finding out more about advance care planning?

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