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Module: Gender-based Violence
Publications and further information on Gender-Based Violence can be found on the Gender-based Violence Resources page.
GBVOK1: How acceptable would most people find cat-calling or wolf whistling? GBVOK2: How acceptable would most people find pressuring someone to share an intimate photo of themselves? GBVOK3: How acceptable would most people find posting a 'joke' or making comments of a sexual nature online? GBVOK1U: How acceptable do you find cat-calling or wolf whistling? GBVOK2U: How acceptable do you find pressuring someone to share an intimate photo of themselves? GBVOK3U: How acceptable do you find posting a 'joke' or making comments of a sexual nature online? DORJOKE: Your reaction if someone telling a rape joke about women. DOTOUCH: Your reaction if you saw someone touching, hugging or kissing a woman or a girl against her will. GBVREP1: Likely to report gender-based violence to a close friend or family member GBVREP2: Likely to report gender-based violence to spouse or partner GBVREP3: Likely to report gender-based violence to a charity helpline GBVREP4: Likely to report gender-based violence to the police GBVREP5: Likely to report gender-based violence to a medical professional (eg a doctor or nurse) GBVREP7: Likely to report gender-based violence to a religious leader G3RANK1: Most likely to report gender-based violence to G3RANK2: Second most likely to report gender-based violence to G3RANK3: Third most likely to report gender-based violence to GBVPHYV: Have you experienced physical violence over the last five years? GBVSEXV: Have you experienced sexual violence over the last five years? GBVPSYV: Have you experienced psychological violence over the last five years? GBVECONV: Have you experienced economic violence over the last five years? GBVONLV: Have you experienced online violence over the last five years? GBVNONE: Have you experienced none of these over the last five years? GBVDK: Don't you know if you experienced any of these over the last five years?