Thursday February 20, 2025

Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2015

Fieldwork for the 2015 survey was carried out between 21st September 2015 and 22nd December 2015. 1,202 adults were interviewed.

Click on the topics below to see all the questions asked on that topic in 2015. You can then link to tables and charts of results for each question.

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The NILT team would like to thank our colleagues and funders who contributed to the 2015 Life and Times Survey, especially the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister and HSC Research and Development. We would particularly like to thank all the respondents to the survey.

The 2015 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey received ethical approval from the Ethics Committee in the School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Queen's University Belfast.


Public attitudes to data sharing in Northern Ireland: Findings from the 2015 Northern Ireland Life and Times survey, by Gillian Robinson, Helen Dolk, Lizanne Dowds, Joanne Given, Frances Kane and Elizabeth Nelson

No Change: Northern Ireland Attitudes and Social Care Policy (Research Update 114) by Ann Marie Gray and Paula Devine

Racism and intolerance towards minority ethnic groups in Northern Ireland (Research Update 112) by Lucy Michael

A tale of two cities? Community Relations in Northern Ireland (Research Update 110), by Máire Braniff

The impact of caring (Research Update 109), by Paula Devine and Ann Marie Gray

Public Attitudes to Data Sharing (Research Update 108), by Gillian Robinson and Helen Dolk


All work that uses or refers to the 2015 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey should acknowledge it using the following bibliographic citation:
ARK. Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, 2015 [computer file]. ARK [distributor], June 2016




Maintained by Paula Devine.

Disclaimer:© ARK 2003 Last Updated on Thursday, 23-Nov-2023 11:47