TRUSGOV: How much do you trust government departments to keep your information secure?
TRUSGP: How much do you trust your GP to keep your information secure?
TRUSCOM: How much do you trust commercial organisations to keep your information secure?
TRUSACAD: How much do you trust academic researchers to keep your information secure?
TRUSCHAR: How much do you trust charities to keep your information secure?
CNDATA: Have you had any particular concerns about how any of these organisations use their data?
CNDATA1 - CNDATA9: Particular concerns about how organisations use their data.
ELREC1: Is it acceptable to that GP records are automatically available to A & E departments?
ELREC2: Is it acceptable to that GP records are automatically available to hospital consultants?
GPSHARE1: Should GPs be allowed to share information about a physical illness to other government departments?
GPSHARE2: Should GPs be allowed to share information about a mental illness to other government departments?
GPSHARE3: Should GPs be allowed to share information about a child's health condition to schools?
LINK1: Do you think university researchers should be allowed to use linked data (1)?
LINK2: Do you think university researchers should be allowed to use linked data (2)?
LINK3: Do you think university researchers should be allowed to use linked data (3)?
CONSENT1: Do you need individual consent before using linked data?
SAFEG1: How important is it in academic research that the research must have a clear public benefit?
SAFEG2: How important is it in academic research that names must always be taken off?
SAFEG3: How important is it in academic research that the researchers must be approved?
SAFEG4: How important is it in academic research that very project must have official approval?
SAFEG5: How important is it in academic research that the researchers have to go to one of the dedicated secure data centres to do their analysis?
SAFEG6: How important is it in academic research that the statistical results of the research must be made public?
SAFEG7: How important is it in academic research that there are penalties if researchers breach data security?
COMSAFEG: Should research by commercial organisations be subject to the same safeguards as university research?
PHARMA1: Should a drug company be allowed access to some patient information?
PHARMA2: Should a drug company be allowed access to some patient information if they pay a fee?
PHARMA3: Should a drug company never get access to patient information?
PRIVACY1: Do you agree or disagree that you don't care who uses your data?
PRIVACY2: Do you agree or disagree that the right to privacy has to be respected over everything else?
PRIVACY3: Do you agree or disagree that you don't mind how your data is used as long as names and addresses are taken off?
PRIVACY4: Do you agree or disagree that even if you take the names off data you can often still tell who it is from other information?
PRIVACY5: Do you agree or disagree that if data can be made anonymous then it should be used where there is a benefit to society?
PRIVACY6: Do you agree or disagree that you don't want university researchers to be able to use your personal data at all?
PRIVACY7: Do you agree or disagree that that you don't want commercial organisations to be able to use your personal data at all?